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WARNING: This is a story that revolves around the topic of male pregnancy and is purely fictional. If you're uncomfortable with that, I'd advise not reading. Thank you xx

"Are you serious, Tyler?" Josh laughed, making Tyler's jaw drop "Is this another one of your pranks?"

Tyler's lips trembled "I- I- No. No, Josh. I'm not-"

"Do you actually think I'll believe that?" Josh proceeded to laugh.

Tyler couldn't hold tears back "I'm not lying!"

"Oh, Tyler" Josh sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.

Desperately, Tyler grabbed Josh wrist and pulled his hand closer. He quickly rose his shirt up and placed Josh's palm onto his stomach "I'm not lying!"

Shivers went down Josh's spine when he felt the tiny bump where Tyler's abs used to be. He gulped, blinking twice and thinking of what he could say.

Tyler was slightly panting at this point, scared of how Josh is going to react when he realizes the situation. He slowly let go of Josh's wrist, allowing him to pull his hand back to himself. Tyler stood with his eyes wide open, waiting for words.

Josh cleared his throat, exhaling deeply "Did you become an alcoholic? Drowning your depression in beer is bad, Tyler. I thought you were smarter than that"

Tyler groaned loudly, making three frustrated steps backwards and mumbling unintelligible words to himself. He squinted his eyes, pointing his index finger at Josh's face "This is real. I'm not joking. I'm pregnant and you are the father"

Josh gave up at this point "How the hell is that even possible?!"

"I don't know, Josh!" Tyler shrugged "I didn't think it was possible either. But I started feeling sick so Jenna and I went to the hospital. The doctor ran some tests and told me I'm pregnant"

"Maybe you just gained some weight?"

"No, Josh!" Tyler said in an annoyed fashion "Stop trying to get out of this!"

"Okay" Josh whispered, biting his bottom lip. He looked at Tyler, head to toes. The bump wasn't noticeable at all. But the very way Tyler stood showed something was different than before.

After a longer silence, Tyler spoke up "What are we going to do?"

"Abort it"

Tyler gasped loudly in pure shock "What?!"

"Get freaking rid of it!" Josh basically shouted, making Tyler stumble backwards a bit "We don't need it! You have a wife, I have a great relationship. We do not need a... whatever that is"

Offended, Tyler rose his head and pursed his lips. Biting his tongue, he gave his response in a calm yet angry tone "First of all, it's a child. Second of all, I am not thinking about becoming a murderer"

"It's not murder if you're killing something that nature doesn't approve of" Josh shrugged, even smiling.

"Yes, it is" Tyler retorted "It's a baby and the last thing we're going to is getting rid of it. You have to deal with what you've done"

"What I've done?!" Josh rose his voice in surprise, pointing at his chest questioningly "I don't recall myself wearing skirts and women's underwear just to provoke my best friend"

"That has absolutely nothing to do with th-"

"Yes, Tyler, it does" Josh lowered his voice as Tyler looked away in what seemed to be shame "If it weren't for your silly little games, we wouldn't be in this situation right now"

"You didn't wear a condom!" Tyler accused.

"Seriously?!" Josh sighed, pulling his hair.

Tyler turned around, hugging his small frame and looking at the ground. He exhaled shakily, concluding Josh's reaction was even worse than he had thought it'd be. He could already see the band falling apart, he could see Josh walking away now that he needs him the most. Their friendship was turning into shreds. He was already in an uncomfortable situation with his wife and he didn't dare say any of this to his parents or siblings. He was going to be all alone.

Well, not completely alone.

"Okay, Tyler, you know what" Josh called, but Tyler still didn't turn around. Josh sighed. He didn't feel bad about what he said. He just wanted to keep the relationship him and Tyler have at least somewhat healthy. He didn't really see that happening, but they could always try. He called again "C'mon, Tyler"

This time, Tyler did turn around; but he still wouldn't look at Josh. His stare was glued to the ground, to his black shoes.

"Hey" Josh placed a hand on Tyler's shoulder, thus making Tyler look up. He had tears in his eyes; of fear, of sadness. And Josh kinda felt bad "Don't cry"

"I'm not" Tyler mumbled.

"Listen to me" Josh began "This is super weird, okay? But don't think I'm gonna leave you alone or something. We're both equally guilty... even though you're a little bit more guilty" - Tyler squinted his eyes at that - "So, we'll do this together. Yeah?"

Tyler admired Josh's pretty eyes before nodding softly and saying (just as softly) "Yeah"

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