Chapter 10

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Tyler had just woken up, but decided against getting up from bed. His wife was leaning against the doorframe, smiling at him as he smiled back at her. They exchanged no words; their looks were overly wordy.

Suddenly, Josh appeared behind Jenna "Good morning"

Tyler smiled wider "Mornin'"

"Erm" Josh began "I was going to make breakfast, bt we're... um... out of food"

Jenna's brows furrowed "But I saw something in the fridge yesterday"

Josh shrugged "It disappeared over the night"

Jenna was confused for a moment but then gasped and looked over at Tyler who was suddenly extremely interested in observing the ceiling.


"What? There's three of us here, we need more food than you do" Tyler defended himself, crossing his arms on his chest.

"You seriously ate all the food from my fridge?" Josh asked in disbelief.

"There wasn't much in there anyways" Tyler shrugged.

"Okay, um" Josh rubbed the back of his neck "I'll go shopping, so-"

"No, wait!" Jenna interrupted "I'll go shopping! I haven't been out in ages, just give me your wallet and I'll go!"

Fast enough, Jenna was out of the apartment, before Tyler or Josh got to say anything. It was all very quick and sudden, but there was no time left for complaints. They were hungry anyways.

But Jenna planned this out very quickly and very wisely. If she leaves them alone for a while, they can talk. They're the parents, she's just a sort of a third wheel. There were many things Josh and Tyler needed to discuss. And they had to do that before the babies are born.

"You comfortable?" Josh asked pretty awkwardly.

Tyler nodded in reply.

For a moment or two more, Josh stood there. He then decided to walk away into the living room and turn the TV on. Tyler didn't complain.

But only five minutes later, Tyler screamed out Josh's name, much to Josh's worry and panic. Josh tried running to the bedroom as fast as possible, but tripped and fell. Tyler was still calling out his name and Josh only whispered curses as he got up and reached the bedroom.

Why does he always have to imagine Tyler covered in blood? Of course there was no blood.

Tyler was actually grinning wider than ever before.

"Why the hell are you just standing there, come over here!" Tyler ordered, making Josh blink twice and approach the bed.

"They moved! They moved!" Tyler said, holding both palms on his bump.

Josh gasped happily, a grin spreading on his face. He was quick to climb onto the bed. But he felt really weird putting his hands on Tyler's belly so he just stopped mid-action. Tyler smiled at him and grabbed his wrists, slowly placing Josh's palms onto his belly.

That was the first time Josh ever touched the bump and it no longer felt as awkward. He suddenly felt like this was natural and meant to be. Actually, it was pretty indescribable. He finally felt like a father-to-be.

"There!" Tyler exclaimed "Did you feel that?!"

But at that, Josh smile dropped. He- "N- No, Tyler. I didn't feel anything"

Tyler's smiled dropped as well. Why can't Josh feel the babies? What's wrong? Does this happen to everybody? Is there something wrong with the babies? Is there something wrong with him?

"Hey, hey, I know that look" Josh forced Tyler to look into his eyes "Calm down, I'll Google it, okay? Or I'll call Dr Vamos"

"But what if-"

Josh pressed his lips onto Tyler's.

Tyler eyes popped at the warm action. But that's what it was - warm. And not only to the touch, but on the inside as well. Tyler's heart fluttered and he felt the babies moving again. He was calm.

Josh then separated the kiss, walking away into the living room.

Fifteen long minutes later, Josh came back "Dr Vamos says the mother, or in this case you, can feel the babies before anyone on the outside can"

Tyler sighed in relief.

Josh slowly climbed into the bed again, lying down next to Tyler. They stared into each other's eyes; Tyler would sometimes look down when he felt any movement in his belly.

"They need names" Tyler whispered.

Josh smiled. He was actually kind of looking forward to this. He had a few names in mind, but what he didn't know what how much Tyler was going to frustrate him with his next words.

"I want them to have special names, names which no one else has" Tyler explained.

Josh then groaned, cupping his face "Oh, no. No, Tyler, not this"


"The whole 'someone else has my name' thing of yours" Josh complained, making Tyler gasp quietly.

"I don't want them walking the world and meeting people with the exact same name they have" Tyler demanded "I don't want them to have common names"

"So, what?" Josh proceeded to argue "You're gonna name our son Piano?"

Tyler paused to think "That's actually a cute name"

"No!" Josh stopped him "You're not naming our children after furniture"

"You suggested it!"

Josh sighed heavily, shaking his head "Why can't they just have some cute names like Doris and Timothy?"

"I know three Doris' and two Timothies" Tyler narrowed his eyes at Josh "No. Common. Names"

"You're impossible" Josh stated, getting out of the bed and walking out of the room "We're not going to talk about this now"

"But I'm sticking to my opinion!"

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