Chapter 13

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A whole month later, Jenna and Tyler were in the bedroom. Jenna was looking through the closet and trying to find any of her sweaters that might be bigger than Tyler's. Tyler was sitting in bed, reading through some books and writing things down. Jenna didn't question what he was doing.

Josh was in the kitchen up until now. He had been washing the dishes, but he was now comfortable on his sofa with his phone in his hand. He was scrolling through Twitter, nothing exciting seemed to be happening. His mother kept informing him of how the Clique didn't know how to deal with the sudden hiatus. But that really wasn't Josh problem, he had a family to worry about.

The bell rang and Josh got up lazily, eyes plastered to the screen as he had found an interesting article about puppies.

He swung the door open and looked up from his phone. His eyes widened at the sight and he went to close the door.

But Mikey stopped him with his hand "Josh, c'mon, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?" Josh gulped, pocketing his phone and rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"You've been ignoring my messages, my calls" Mikey stepped inside, closing the door behind himself "You can tell me anything, babe. I'm here for you no matter what"

"Yeah, it's really nothing" Josh kept walking backwards as Mikey was approaching him "Don't worry, I'm fine"

Mikey then reached his boyfriend and placed his own palms on the small of Josh's back, pulling him closer. Josh didn't seem very comfortable, but Mikey's goal was to make him comfortable with a kiss. Josh didn't fight him, he just quickly remembered how good Mikey is at kissing and went into a kiss.

Josh was slowly forgetting about Tyler and Jenna, just so in love with Mikey. They ended up on the sofa, giggling and making out. When the kiss got very heated, Mikey gave an offer "Wanna move this over to the bedroom?"

That's when Josh's eyes popped and he cursed mentally. They're not alone, Tyler and Jenna are in his bedroom. And Tyler is very pregnant. And the babies are Josh's. Mikey cannot go into the bedroom.

"Actually" Josh coughed into his fist and sat up from underneath Mikey, he ran his hand through his hair nervously and then continued "My room is getting renovated an-"

"Oh, can I see?" Mikey asked, but he didn't wait for an answer. He just got up from the sofa and walked into the hallway that led to Josh's room.

He was much faster than Josh and thus Josh had to run to stop him. Josh was fortunately fast enough and reached his room before his boyfriend did. He closed the door much to the Josephs' surprise.

"You can't go in there" Josh warned "It's- um- it's very dirty, d- dusty"


"Listen!" Josh got tired of trying "I'm not in a comfortable place right now and I don't want to talk about it! Please leave my apartment!"


"Leave!" Josh demanded, panting now "Please"

Pretty sadly, Mikey left in shock. He didn't understand anything and was starting to seriously worry about the health of their relationship. He only wanted happiness for Josh.

Josh sighed heavily, rubbing his eyes with his fingertips. He turned around and walked into his room.

"What's going on?" Tyler asked worriedly.

"Yeah" Jenna supported, approaching Josh and folding her arms on her chest in concern.

"Mikey came to visit" Josh said sadly, sitting down on the bed opposite of the side Tyler was sitting on.

"Oh" Jenna let out as a reaction, patting Josh's shoulder "You good?"

"I just wish I could have a normal relationship" Josh said, so quietly that Jenna barely heard him.

"You're gonna stay with him when the babies are born?" Tyler asked.

"You gonna stay with Jenna when the babies are born?" Josh retorted in an offended voice.

Tyler was quick to shut his mouth at that.

Silence fell over the room and it wasn't awkward nor comfortable. It was just silence.

Up until Tyler sighed and said "I have a name for the boy"

Jenna and Josh looked over at him pretty excitedly. Everybody was tired of saying 'Salvia and her brother' or just calling him 'the boy'. Well, if Tyler came up with an unacceptable name, the boy will remain 'the boy'.

"Alacer" Tyler said, making Josh and Jenna cringe very fast. But Tyler got into explaining before receiving any complaining "It means 'happy' in Latin!"

"Write that down" Josh said, thinking about how the name isn't that bad. He just really wondered how he's gonna spell that.

"I like it" Jenna commented as Tyler handed Josh a paper on which he already wrote the name and decorated it with flowers, rainbows and whatnot.

"Alacer" Josh read the name out loud.

"No, the second 'a' is short" Tyler corrected "And you shouldn't emphasize the 'c'. Alacer"

Josh sighed "Tyler, if our kids get bullied, it's your fault"

Tyler waved him off "They're not gonna get bullied"

"But it'll be your fault if they do"

"Okay" Tyler shrugged. Why the hell would their kids get bullied for their names? Josh was being silly.

"Wait until you have to explain why their Dads have normal names and they don't" Jenna laughed softly, exiting the room.

"Salvia and Alacer" Josh said, leaning to Tyler and planting a kiss onto Tyler's large belly. Tyler couldn't stop himself from smiling ever so widely.

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