Chapter 4

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"It's actually real" Josh said once they were seated in the car again. He groaned, resting his forehead on the steering wheel.

"I can't believe you thought I was lying" Tyler shook his head, taking his jacket off and throwing it onto the back seat.

"How the hell was I supposed to believe you?!" Josh suddenly let everything out, talking in a very loud tone and thus surprising Tyler "You don't hear about guys getting pregnant everyday! This is so freaking weird, Tyler! I can't look at you!"

Tyler pouted slightly at the last part. Sure, it was weird, he's not gonna deny that at all. But if at least Josh would look at things in a brighter way.

Maybe this pregnancy is changing Tyler. He's never looked on the world as positively as he does now.

Josh started the car, panting quietly; they sat in silence for a few minutes before Tyler leaned forward to turn the radio on. Some mainstream song started playing.

"Ooh, look" Tyler chuckled "This car has a car radio! It ain't stolen!"

Josh shook his head at the words, keeping his eyes on the road.

"What?!" Tyler scoffed "I was trying to make a joke!"

Josh sighed. He was just annoyed by everything right now. He just remained wordless.

Once out of the city, the guys found themselves on a pretty deserted road. The sun was burning hot and boredom was filling the car. They should talk to each other, they shouldn't be afraid of talking to each other. But it was like neither knew what to say; even though they were both pretty probably stuck with a billion questions for the other. With a new hit song playing quietly on the radio, Tyler glanced at Josh to make sure he wasn't looking back at him. Once certain, he hesitantly traced his fingers along his small bump. Slowly, it just became more natural to him and he was eventually moving his palms over his tummy, smiling.

Josh then threw a glance at Tyler, seeing Tyler's hands, but not his smile "L- Look, if you think you look f- fat"

Tyler quickly rose his head, cringing at Josh "Why the hell would I think I look fat, you look fat Josh"

"O- Okay" Josh's eyes widened and his brows rose. He knew Tyler was speaking jokingly, he didn't actually mean it. But he concluded it was a good thing Tyler didn't have body insecurities due to the pregnancy. Well, good if they don't appear in the following months.

"Do you think you'll be able to do the concert?" Josh wanted to continue the conversation, feeling much more comfortable with their voices filling the silence than some autotune singer on the radio.

Tyler sighed, looking down at his belly "Yeah, I think I will. I just gotta be careful and stuff. Like the last show"

Josh nodded, thinking about if they should stop the tour or not. Tyler disliked having to stop, but perhaps it'd be the best for Tyler and the baby. Josh just had to bring it up "Do you wanna stop the tour? I mean, we don't have to do it right now, maybe when you're like five months along or something"

Tyler's brows rose in thought. That idea of Josh's was very caring and pretty smart. But "How are we gonna explain that to the fans? I mean, I agree with you, we should stop the tour when I'm five months along more or less, but what do we tell them? Hey, Josh and I had sex and now I'm pregnant with his baby so see ya when it's out of me?"

Josh let a small laugh out at the last sentence, shaking his head a little "Maybe just say something about you and Jenna having a baby"

"What?" Tyler frowned at Josh in confusion.

"Well, you're gonna be seen with a baby a lot. Both of us are" Josh explained, waving his hand it the air "How to explain the baby? Just say Jenna was pregnant"

"But Jenna isn't pregnant" Tyler had a hard time understanding what Josh meant "I am. And people will see the bump"

"Then we stop the tour earlier!" Josh proposed, putting his hand back on the wheel "We stop before it gets noticeable, you and Jenna post no pictures of either of you for a few months, we appear nowhere - and you just say Jen was pregnant and you wanted to be there for her!"

"So, we'd be going on a hiatus?" Tyler asked, hoping he now got everything figured out.

"Yeah" Josh replied "And that'd mean we wouldn't release the new album"

"Ugh, Joshhh" Tyler groaned "I really wanted to release that record this year"

"It'll have to wait" Josh shrugged "We can't release an album while you're pregnant"

"Oh boy" Tyler shivered, biting his lip "I still gotta make so many phone calls..."

"When we're at that" Josh digressed "Do your parents or siblings know about the fact that you are... pregnant?"

Tyler lowered his head in a way of hiding, speaking in a very quiet voice "No"

"You have to tell them Tyler" Josh said, shaking his head "The fans don't have to know the truth, but your family does"

"I know..."

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