Chapter 1

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"Can we come in?" Mark called from outside after knocking trice.

Tyler sat down in discomfort. Josh sighed, looking from Tyler to the door "Yeah"

Mark opened the door, not entering the room before Jenna. She was staring at the ground, seeming to be just as uncomfortable as Tyler; which wasn't odd at all. Her husband was pregnant with his best friend's baby, how the hell is she supposed to feel. She was highly regretting ever shipping Tyler with Josh now.

"Hey" Josh exhaled, shaking his head slightly and rubbing his left eye with his fingertips "I'm sorry for being a jerk, I-"

"Don't" Mark waved him off. He nodded over at Tyler "We have bigger problems to worry about"

Josh bit his lip, looking at Tyler who was keeping his head down. He then turned to Jenna who wasn't looking any better. Mark shrugged at him. Josh ran his hand through his hair "Can we talk outside?"

"Sure" Mark nodded, opening the door "We just gotta be quick because you have a show, you know?"

Josh nodded in understanding, stepping outside. Mark followed, not closing the door all the way as he wanted to glance at the Josephs one last time. Jenna already sat down next to Tyler and hugged him; Tyler was sobbing into her shoulder and she didn't seem far from tears. Sighing, Mark closed the door and rose his head for Josh to start talking.

"What do you know about this?" Josh questioned, crossing his arms on his chest worriedly "What do we do?"

"First of all" Mark began sharply, pointing his index finger at Josh almost threateningly "You're gonna stop being an idiot. I'm sorry, but I heard everything you two talked about. I honestly can't freaking believe you told him to abort the baby"

"I don't want it!" Josh defended himself.

"It's not only yours!" Mark said louder "It's only been a little time, but of freaking course he'll develop an attachment to the baby"

"Well, I didn't know he wanted to keep it..." Josh wandered off a little bit.

"Exactly - you were being selfish" Mark shook his head "He's not even sure what he wants"

A minute of silence passed. So many thing were running through Josh's head, scenarios and non-existent possibilities. Knowing they have very little time, he spoke up "How's Jenna?"

Mark laughed a soft and sad laugh "They're falling apart, Josh. She could still walk over the fact he cheated, but... look, her husband is pregnant. There isn't much brightness there. She's scared he might leave her"

Josh's jaw dropped "Leave her? He wouldn't, he loves her"

"Look, it's your baby" Mark tried explaining, looking over Josh's shoulder for a moment "You're gonna be spending more time with Tyler and you both already told each other you have feelings for each other-"

"Who told you that?!" Josh was alerted, letting his arms fall down and rest on each side of his body.

"Tyler" Mark snorted "You wouldn't talk to him, so he spent his time talking to me; he let some secrets out, but nothing big"

Josh bit the inside of his cheek nervously, coming up with a response "Well, that means nothing now. I no longer have feelings for him"

Mark just snorted at that.

"Hey, babe" Mikey appeared behind Josh, hugging him from behind. This was the first time Josh ever felt uncomfortable in Mikey's arms.

"Hey" Josh said quietly, turning to eye Mikey. Mark cleared his throat and entered Tyler's dressing room, leaving the pair alone.

"Everything okay?" Mikey asked, placing a kiss onto Josh's cheek and suggesting getting into a wetter kiss.

But Josh really wasn't in the mood. He pushed Mikey's arms off him, making his boyfriend cringe.

"Everything's not okay?" Mikey asked again, making Josh chuckle a little bit.

Josh shook his head "Nah, everything's okay. Tyler just wanted to tell me something about a song he's been working on"

Mikey smiled widely, nodding and going to hug Josh again. But Josh moved away, only to make Mikey frown in confusion.

"I- I have to go" Josh stuttered out, rubbing the back of his neck "Y'know, drumming" - he air-drummed a little "and stuff"

"Oh! Okay, I'll be in the crowd" Mikey winked, kissing Josh's cheek and walking down the hallway. Josh was smiling at him as he walked. He sighed, figuring he got himself out of the situation pretty well.

But then, the door of Tyler's dressing room quickly opened, Mark leaning on the door way "Whaaaat did I say about you being an idiot?"

"What?" Josh spread his arms out "What did I do wrong this time?"

Mark stood straight outside the door "When are you thinking of telling him?"

Josh looked at his feet, shrugging "If I'm lucky, never"

Mark shook his head, going to say something, but Josh cut him off, threatening with his finger and tone

"Don't tell me how to deal with my relationship!"

Mark sighed, looking at Josh for a little while before giving up "Just get me a couple of his autographs and I'll leave you alone"


Mark patted Josh's shoulder, leaning into the dressing room "Tyleeeer! There's a band in need of a lead singeeerrrr! C'mon, let's goooo!"

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