Chapter 8

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Three concerts later, the guys were given a week long break and decided to spend it together in Columbus.

Josh was currently in Tyler's and Jenna's house, watching TV while Jenna was cooking and Tyler was doing God knows what in the basement.

The sweet smell of Jenna's dinner was coming from the kitchen and Josh was this close to actually getting up and taking a peek at what she was making, even though she strictly ordered nobody's allowed in the kitchen. The excitement was growing and so was hunger; maybe he should've just gone somewhere far from the kitchen like Tyler did.

"Dinner's ready!" Jenna called from the dining room and this was the fastest Josh had ever ran to get food. He was quickly seated, the knife and the fork were in his hands even quicker.

Jenna laughed, jokingly threatening with her index finger "Not until Tyler gets here"

Josh was almost drooling, staring at the colorful food on the table, lying right in front of him. He recognized none of the dishes, but it didn't matter because he knew anything Jenna makes is perfect. Some time back, he even admitted Jenna's cooking was better than his mother's.

But Tyler just wasn't showing up.

Groaning pretty quietly, Jenna walked over to the other side of the house where the door that lead to the basement was. Josh couldn't see her, but he could hear her shouting "Tyler! Dinner's ready! Come up and eat!"

Maybe and just maybe Josh would get super worried about Tyler nowadays. He leaned to his right to get a better view at the living room and noticed only Jenna was approaching him.


Jenna waved him off "Don't worry, he'll be here"

With a non-audible sigh, Josh relaxed. But he really wanted to eat.

Tyler then entered the room, clearing his throat. Jenna was filling his plate, but she looked up at the sound; Josh awaiting Tyler's words as well.

Tyler nodded as a 'thank you' for the attention "I wanna stop the tour"

"Okay, let's eat!" Josh grinned, shifting in his seat and staring at the food hungrily.

Tyler let out a laugh in disbelief, sitting down "Okay? Josh, we have to discuss this-"

"I know, I know" Josh waved him off "Let's just start eating, we'll talk it out"

Tyler shook his head as he laughed, thanking Jenna for filling his plate. Jenna kissed his forehead, starting to fill Josh's plate as well. Tyler already started eating, not waiting for anyone.

"Hey!" Josh protested childishly "I had to wait for him, but he gets to eat first?! What the hell, Jen?!"

Jenna just laughed while Tyler spoke for her "This is my house Josh. Besides, you could've eaten if you wanted to, Jenna wasn't gonna beat you up if you started eating before I sat down"

Josh gasped at Jenna "You tricked me"

Laughing, Jenna finally sat down "Oh, just eat, Josh"

And so they did. They ate in silence. Josh was the first to finish, clearing his throat and thus gaining only Tyler's attention. Tyler was chewing and watching Josh, awaiting his commentary about the tour ending.

"You wanna tell them today?" Josh asked, wiping his lips with a white napkin.

"Yeah" Tyler nodded, not even thinking about it; he was trying to give more thought to all of it before proposing the idea.

"What are we gonna say?" Josh wondered; Jenna sighed.

"Your idea" Tyler nodded at Josh, taking a sip of the water in a tall glass in front of him.

"So, we're hiding?" Josh asked to be sure, getting a firm nod in reply. But Josh had a few more questions "You do remember your doctor being in LA?"

Tyler let his fork and knife drop onto his plate, groaning loudly and leaning backwards in his chair, palms over his face. He didn't think about that.

"You just gotta be extra sneaky" Jenna shrugged; Josh nodded to agree with her. Her words did calm Tyler down and he was eventually nodding in agreement as well. It's not like people follow him around everywhere he goes, he's not Kim Kardashian.

"What about the money people spent on tickets?" Josh proceeded with his questions.

"We'll give them their money back" Tyler shrugged like it was the most obvious thing in the world "I'm not thinking about doing apology concerts. We'll just go on a new tour when we can. We have to make a lot of calls to get people's money back to them before we make the official statement, you know what I'm saying?"

"And you're expecting us to make all those calls by the end of today?!"

"If we don't manage" Tyler shrugged again "we'll make the official statement tomorrow"

Sighing heavily, Josh stood up "Okay. I like it. I'll go to the bathroom before we start with the calls"

Tyler nodded, swallowing his last bite.

Josh then left off to the bathroom, leaving Tyler and Jenna alone.

"We need to have a talk" Jenna said, causing Tyler to rise his brows "All three of us. We need to think about those babies future. I know there's still more than five months ahead of us, but we have to do it as soon as possible"

"Alright, I agree"

"Why are you stopping now?" Jenna wondered, reaching out to hold Tyler's hand "Are you okay?"

Tyler nodded fast "Yeah, don't worry. I'm great. I just want to stop before people start getting suspicious and before I can hurt the b- babies"

Jenna nodded, smiling at him as he smiled back at her.

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