Chapter 14

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A/N: i'm baaack...

Trigger warning: death

The time had come when Tyler was eight and a half months along with Alacer and Salvia. He started complaining about the twins kicking harder than ever before and was on the verge of tears from the pain. Josh quickly concluded they must go to the hospital and he took Tyler to the car with Jenna's help.

"I changed my mind!" Tyler said in the back of the car where he sat with Jenna, through pants that've already made his whole face go red and sweaty.

"What?" Josh glanced at him quickly before focusing on the road again "What are you talking about?"

"I want them to be born in Columbus, not LA" Tyler stated, making both Jenna and Josh groan in annoyance.

"Shut up, Tyler" Josh demanded "There is literally no time for that right now"

Tyler was angry and wanted to complain, but he couldn't because the pain was so terrible and he had to allow himself to moan to prevent himself from screaming.

"Can't you drive any faster?!" Jenna asked loudly, leaning toward Josh and seeing not many cars on the road before them.

Josh sighed deeply, placing his palm on the gear shift "Of course I can"

And as Josh drove even faster, Tyler's pained moans only rose in volume, making Josh whisper curses in concern. He drove as fast as he could, constantly looking in the rear view mirrors and at the right side of the road. He was worried about the police, but surely they'll understand because there's a pregnant person in the backseat.

Josh started to curse repetitively in a crescendo when he saw a police officer wave at him.

"Ignore him!" Tyler yelled "Just ignore him and drive!"

"Please, just shut up already" Josh shouted back, driving to the side and stopping the car; the engine still working. He rolled down his window and exhaled impatiently.

"Sir, I'm gonna need you dr-"

"I swear to God, I'm not drunk and I'm not crazy. My partner is pregnant and in labor, we just want to get to the hospital" Josh spoke rapidly in a pleading voice, hoping his puppy dog eyes will help him in this.

The older police officer sighed "You drove way over the speed limit, sir. Could've gotten yourself killed"

"I know, I know, I'm aware of that" Josh assured "It won't happen again, I promise, I just need to get to the hospital"

Tyler let out a sound that was somewhere between a moan and a scream; Jenna did her best to try and calm him down, but it just resulted in him cursing everything and anything he could possibly think of.

"Alright, I'll let you go this time" the officer said "Only this time, though. What's your name?"

Josh sighed in relief "Thank you so much. It's Josh Dun"

"Y'know, that sounds familiar" the police officer stopped to think about it.

Josh wanted to slam his head against the steering wheel while Tyler spoke loudly "Please just let us go!"

"I'm a drummer in a band called Twenty One Pilots" Josh said and the officer snapped his fingers.

"I knew you looked familiar!" the police officer laughed, poking Josh with the tip of his pen "My nephew loves you, how about an autograph?"

While Josh was giving his autograph to the man, Tyler actually started to curse the band itself and Jenna giggled a little as she ran her fingers through his longish hair trying to calm him down.

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