The Sweepstakes

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Hey. I'm Veronica. My life is crazy, but so is my mom's. I'm an only child, living without a dad, but I'm your average awkward 12 year old.

Mom and I have been fighting, so now she's trying the silent treatment.


Veronica's POV:

One Tuesday afternoon, I decided to ride the bus home from school instead of walking. It was finally spring, and I didn't want to track through flowers and grass. Besides, the bus sounded a lot faster than walking anyways. I pulled out my phone and headphones, and turned on Dope. I listened to it twice before I got home.

As soon as I got home, I ran straight to my room and turned on the radio. Applause was on, so I sat on my bed and listened to the whole song. As soon as Applause was over, Roar came on, so I got off of my bed and I got on my phone. I searched for "Lady Gaga" and I had a bunch of options instantly. I was trying to tap the word "Images", but my dog Judas jumped in my lap, my finger slipped, and I ended up tapping a survey. The first question of the survey read:

1. Favorite Singer/Band?

A. Foster The People

B. Matchbox 20

C. Lady Gaga

I tapped Lady Gaga and it pulled up a link. Before I closed out the link, I skimmed through the message. I freaked out. "Your chance to meet Lady Gaga and get tickets to artRAVE New York!"

I entered as many times as I could immediately. Then I remembered.

Homework. Of course.

Before I pulled my books out of my backpack, I ran by the living room and stood at the door.

"Hey mom? I entered a sweepstakes. Is that okay?"

She sighed. "I hope you win."

I half-smiled awkwardly and walked back into my room to finish my math homework. After I finally finished, I ate dinner, and then went to bed.

The next morning, I got dressed for school and then grabbed my phone. There were at least 9 texts and 6
e-mails talking about entering the sweepstakes.

I absentmindedly deleted the mail and went on with my life. I went to school thinking about the sweepstakes all day. When I got home, I went through my same old routine. Radio, internet, homework, internet, dinner, go to sleep.

A week passed, and I was sure I didn't win. I wasn't very happy, but I wasn't very upset. Ironically, if it wasn't for Judas, this wouldn't have happened anyway. I went to school Monday, and nothing different happened. Same old middle school. I went to my first hour, choir, and I saw a girl sitting in the corner. i walked over to her curiously.

"Hey! You alright?"

She nodded her head shyly and blushed. I smiled at her.

"What's your name?"


I chuckled.

"My name is Veronica."

I laughed.

"I l-like that name."

"Thanks! What kind of music do you listen to?"

I have to admit, I was making it a little awkward for both of us.

"You will pick on me."

She put her hands over her face.

"No, I really won't."

I started to get serious.

"Lady Gaga."

She flinched when I gasped.

"Me too!"

I smiled at her. She returned a smile that I couldn't process as fake. She looked genuinely happy.


"Yeah! Well, if you need me, I will be over here..."

I smiled at her one more time and walked over to my seat. I sat by my best friend Autumn.

"Yo' Autumn!"

I laughed.

"Hello Veronica. How's life?"

I chuckled.

"We still live in New York, and I am still alive."

We both laughed.

By the way, there's a guy in this class named Brandon. He's 16, and he's just as anti-social as Annabelle was. I really hoped to make a friend out of him, he seems very nice.

I walked over to Brandon.

"Hey buddy!"

I smiled at him, and he turned his head slightly, unbothered.

"Hey. What's up?"

He looked at the floor sheepishly.

"I want to let you know that you matter, and you don't have to make it hard on yourself."

His eyes got big and he very slowly looked at the scars on his arms.

"Thanks. Means a lot."

He gave me a wry smile and held his left arm. I knew that he was going to catch on when I went over to him. I caught him digging his fingernails into his arm underneath the table at lunch one time. Oh well. Hope I helped.

Eventually, we finished up our lessons for the day, and it was time for lunch. I sat by Autumn, as always, and we talked about everything BUT the sweepstakes. She brought up the random, tucked away (at least until now) topic of our crushes from elementary school.

"Hey, Veronica... You remember that boy Wayne don't you?"

Autumn nudged me on the arm.

"Yeah, yeah."

I blushed. I felt my cheeks get hot.

"Do you remember where he said he moved?"

Of course I remembered. Why did she want to know? That was a long time ago. He has probably moved on by now.

"Georgia. Far away. What do you care?"

She smiled.

"You two would've been a great c-"

"NOPE. Don't even think about it. You only brought him up because you like him."

Later that day...

When I got off of the bus, I walked up to my house, opened the door, and threw my backpack down by the front door. I went in my room and started to sit down in my chair, when suddenly, the doorbell rang.
I let out a huge sigh and ran back down the hallway. I walked up to the front door after tripping over my backpack, and then I finally opened it. There was a man in a tuxedo waiting patiently in front of my house.

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