Flannels Won't Werk.

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Veronica woke up in the middle of the night after having a nightmare and looked around frantically for Gaga. She realized that Gaga was probably still in the living room. Her heart sank and so did her head. She laid back down on the pillow and sighed heavily. She grabbed her phone and texted Gaga.


Mama, please don't tell me you're still drinking down there... I want to go see you. I'll be down in a minute. Xoxo <3

Veronica pulled the silk sheets back and got out of bed. She walked downstairs holding her phone and saw Gaga passed out on the couch with a wine glass in her hand. She laughed softly and took a picture of Gaga.

"Well, well, well. Welcome back Drunky Gaga."

Veronica walked over to Gaga and kissed her cheek.

"You really shouldn't have drank that much. You are probably going to wish you hadn't tomorrow."

Veronica grabbed the wine bottle off of the coffee table, not knowing how to put the top back on.

"Nice Gaga. Nice. I don't even know what to do with this."

Veronica walked in to the kitchen and got a paper towel, she took her hair-tie off of her arm, and found a Sharpie on the counter. She put the paper towel over the top, secured it with the hair-tie, and then wrote,

Nice job Gaga. You passed out drunk on the couch last night with this bottle of wine and some Jameson opened up. I have pictures of you if you need proof ;) <3 I LOVE YOU!

on the paper towel. She put the bottle back on the table and grabbed the wine glass out of Gaga's hand. She walked in to the kitchen and washed the glass, put it in the cabinet, and walked back over to Gaga.

"Anything else I should know about sweetie?"

Veronica laughed softly and caressed Gaga's cheek with her thumb.

She walked back upstairs, grabbed two blankets and two pillows, and walked back to Gaga.

"Well, we can have a sleepover in here if you want, because I got really lonely and I needed my mommy..."

Veronica covered Gaga up with a blanket and slid a pillow under her head. Veronica got in the chair that she normally sat in every time and covered up. She fell asleep quickly, feeling bad for Gaga.


Veronica woke up before Gaga, it wasn't a big surprise. She walked upstairs in to Gaga's room and looked through her suitcase full of clothes.

She pulled out her plaid flannel and some black jeans. She went in to the bathroom, put on her clothes, and fixed her hair. As soon as she was finished, she walked back downstairs and sat in the floor by Gaga.

"So... How's my little Drunky?"

Veronica smiled and put her hand on Gaga's lower-back.

"You should wake up soon. Because, I kind of want some food, and I want to talk. But, if you're that "tired", then I'll let you sleep."

Gaga's eyes barely opened and she yawned.

"Trying to touch my butt again, are you?"

She said in an adorable raspy morning voice. "Yeah. That's it."

Veronica laughed and said,

"You sure had fun last night..."

Gaga raised her eyebrows and said,

"Did I now?"

Veronica nodded.

"You tried to eat a rainbow colored giraffe with wings in South Dakota. It was crazy Gaga."

With Gaga Forever (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now