Dinner For Three

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"Ok my queen and princess, after you!"

He opened the door with his hand out, and looked at us with a smile on his face. NOT TO MENTION, HE CALLED ME HIS PRINCESS. They were treating me like their own kid. Like.

We got in the limo and drove to a really fancy restaurant.

Apparently, they already made reservations while I was in the hospital. Honestly, I wasn't very hungry. I ate anyway though, because I didn't want to be rude. Out of everything that could've possibly went wrong, my phone rang.

"I'm so sorry! Excuse me for one second!"

I got up and walked to a corner. It was my best friend Autumn. We all call her Ace.

"H-Hello?" I said.

"Hey! It's me, Ace!"

"Hey! I'm kind of busy right now," I grunted.

"That's what I want to talk about Veronica. Where have you been?"

"New York City," I mumbled.

"New York City?! What are you doing there?" Ace sounded very confused. "Well, I'm having the most important day of my life right now. I will text you later. I promise," I said.

"Oh. Okay. Whatever. I will text you later!"

"Alright, Ace. Bye."

I ran back to the table and sat down.

"Sorry about that!"

"That's okay baby! It happened on our first date too."

Gaga laughed.

"It was just my friend Ace. I forgot to tell her bye before we left."

"Oh. I'm sorry," Gaga pouted her lip out.

"Well, now that you've got that taken care of, and we've had some alone time, let's order some food!"

We all agreed with Taylor.

We ordered food, and we gave the menus back.

"Thanks for everything," I said softly.

"No problem babydoll!"

Gaga blew a kiss at me. I smiled really big, almost too big honestly.

When we got the food, of course Gaga and I ordered spaghetti, for the third day in a row, and Taylor ordered steak. Everything was going great, until I remembered I had two days left with Gaga. I'd have the tickets for later, but I couldn't stay with her much longer.

We talked a lot while we were sitting at our table.

"Veronica, baby? Are you okay?"

Gaga furrowed her eyebrows, as if she understood that I was upset.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just don't want to leave you in a few days. But that doesn't really matter right now."

I looked at her and smiled, trying to hold back tears.

"Excuse us Taylor. We will be right back."

Gaga stood up from her chair and walked over to me. She grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. Luckily, nobody was in there. Gaga locked the door.

"Baby are you alright?"

"Gaga, I don't want to leave you," I repeated. I finally felt a few tears stream onto my face.

"Awe. Come here..." She held her arms out.

I walked over to her and rested my head on her shoulder. She put her arms around my waist.

"Baby, you won't ever leave me. I will always remember you no matter what."

Gaga tapped her chest, showing me that she meant her heart.

I cried into her shoulder. She rubbed my head, messing up my hair.

I looked up at her. She wiped off my tears.

"Gaga, I have been so used to seeing your face when I wake up. I just really don't want to go home."

"I'll tell you what babe. Why don't we talk about this when we get back to the hotel? It will be a little more private than this bathroom." We laughed for a second.

"Alright," I said.

I looked into the mirror and sighed.


"What Veronica?"

She turned toward me and raised er eyebrows.

"I'm sorry I took you away from Taylor. I just really needed this talk."

"Oh, you didn't take me away from him. I took you away from him. Don't worry about that. I would much rather spend time with you!"

I gave her a hug, without permission. I really needed that too.

"Thank you for being there for me."

She nodded.

"No problem. Do you feel good enough to go back in there?"

I grinned and ran my fingers through my hair, to fix it back the way it was.

"Yeah. I do."

We walked back in and sat down at the table.

"Are my girls alright?"

"Yes! More than alright! Ask Veronica!"

Gaga winked, and Taylor looked at me. No.

"We're great, thanks!"

In all reality, I was lying about doing great.

I felt bad, but I could tell Gaga that at the hotel. We finished dinner, and went out to the limo. Taylor's car was back at the hotel, so he rode with us.

With Gaga Forever (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now