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Veronica looked at the ground and sighed.

"What's wrong, beautiful?"

Veronica shook her head slowly and said,

"It feels li-"

Gaga cut her off,

"Don't shake your head, pleeease."

Veronica smiled slightly and continued, "It feels like I'm being pressured to like this guy. I mean, yeah, he was my "crush", but I don't know if I'm ready for him. It's weird, you know?"

Gaga put her hand over her mouth, shocked.

"Baby, I had no idea! I can't believe we carried on with that! I can call his mom and he can go h-"

Veronica put her hand out, dragging the IV cords on the floor slightly.

"Mommy, no. He's already coming. I-I just need some advice."

Gaga smiled and nodded.

"Just be yourself! He obviously likes you enough to come with us."

Veronica brought her eyebrows together in confusion.

"How are we going to take him back here?"

Gaga smiled slyly.

"Well, his mom might come to New Yo-"

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. Why?!"

"Well, that's the only way he can come back!"

Veronica clenched her fists, causing the tape covering her IV to come up.

"I don't want to see his family at all. I didn't even want to meet him in the mall. I don't want a boyfriend ye-"

"Stop! Honey, you're messing yourself up! I will call his mom and ask if he has any family in New York."

Veronica nodded, causing blood to run from under the stitches onto her gown.

"Oh m- stop! Pleeease!" Gaga dabbed the blood from Veronica's neck with her sleeve, and kissed her neck.

Veronica smiled, trying not to cry.

"Mama, h-he used to live there. He has grandparents that live not too far away from my old h-house I guess."

Veronica closed her eyes tightly, she felt her neck throbbing with pain.

She tensed up and tears began spilling out of her eyes.

"Awe, baby! Don't cry! I'm going to go get you some pain medicine."

Veronica started whimpering, Gaga growing more and more upset, but she knew that Veronica didn't want her to leave.

"You need a hu- paws? Paws, yeah."

Gaga intertwined her fingers with Veronica's and lifted their hands up.

"I love you, and I didn't know that this was upsetting you. Don't even think of him as a boyfriend. Think of him as a fellow Monster."

Veronica mouthed,

"Ok, I promise," and began to cry. Tara knocked on the door and Gaga reached back with her free hand to open it. Tara stepped inside the bathroom and shut the door.

"What's the matter, boo?"

Veronica managed to smile under all of the pain and tears.

She tried to talk, but a small cracked voice was all that came out.

"My neck... And... And..."

Tara nodded, understanding everything.

"What did she do to get that?!"

Tara looked at Veronica's neck with her eyes wide open.

"Nodding. She needs some pain killas' Tara."

Veronica laughed and smiled at them both.

"I would hug you two, but I don't want to get blood on your designe-"

They both hugged Veronica gently, completely avoiding the stitches.

"Babe, we don't care at this point. We have nothing left to lose."

Veronica smiled and put her hand on her neck. "It flipping hurts!"

Gaga grabbed Veronica by the wrist firmly and put her arm by her side.

"Baby, I'd like to have your stitches out soon, alright? I don't want them to rip the day they were given."

Veronica looked at Gaga with a

'sorry for being stupid' look, and they all walked out of the bathroom. Taylor was holding the pain medicine, but the nurses came walking in as soon as they saw Veronica.

"We need you to be extremely cautious with these. We might have to redo one."

Veronica grunted.


Gaga shushed Veronica as nice as possible and asked,

"Will we be out by tomorrow? I have a concert to do soon."

The nurse nodded, making Veronica mad. Veronica officially hated it when people nodded. It made her want to nod obnoxiously, making everyone freak out. It was probably just side effects of the medicine.

When they finally redid the one stitch, they made sure Veronica stayed in bed. Gaga fell asleep holding Veronica's hand in an uncomfortable chair, Taylor and Wayne fell asleep in the chairs across their room, and Tara was on the other side of Veronica.

It was a long night for all of them.

----------------------------------------------This chapter didn't turn out as planned, but I wanted to get a chapter in tonight. Here it is! Sorry it's short!

With Gaga Forever (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now