Thinking? Or Not.

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Gaga sighed heavily and stood up from the bed.
"Hold on Veronica. I'll only be gone a minute."
Veronica nodded, patting the empty bed next to her for Tara. Tara walked over to the bed and sat down next to Veronica.

Gaga walked in to the bathroom with the phone and locked the door.

"Stefani, babe, I miss you and I don't know what to do. I can't find you anywhere and my heart is going crazy."

Gaga sighed.
"Well, I'm not gonna' come back to a guy that makes my baby's life worse than it already is Taylor."

Taylor frowned and continued,
"What do you mean 'worse'?"

"Taylor, her first day of school was today."

Taylor sighed with a tone of disappointment.

"And she got bullied and ran away."

Taylor gasped.


Gaga smirked.

"She got bullied and r-"

"YEAH, I KN- I mean... Yeah, I heard you. I want to see you all soon. Will you come back?"

Gaga broke in to a sweat, getting dizzy and not answering Taylor.

"Hello? Stefani?"

The phone dropped to the floor and Gaga fell backwards, hitting her head on the wall. She put her hand over her mouth almost immediately because she felt the acidic contents of her stomach rising slowly. She began to cry out of frustration, which made her crawl over to the toilet and hover over it.
She began to vomit, and just at that moment, the door swung open and Tara rushed to Gaga. She ran to her and pulled her hair back.
On the phone, you could hear Taylor's faint yelling, asking what was happening.
"Taylor, she'll call back later. She's..."
Tara looked at Gaga and laughed, Gaga looking up at her and smirking.
Tara hung up the phone and began to laugh hysterically, Gaga laughing in between retches.
"Nice one, Tara. You... You really got him."
Gaga laughed and wiped her face off with some wadded up toilet paper.
"Yes, yes I did. He's probably angry though. Oh well. So, what happened?"
Gaga shrugged.
"I just, well, got dizzy and fell. And then I had to throw up my guts."
Tara frowned.
"Ouch. When's your next ultrasound appointment?"
Gaga sighed.
"Monday. It's already Wednesday."
Tara couldn't help but smile.
"But, that's when we figure out what the baby is! Aren't you excited?"
Gaga nodded.
"Of course I'm excited! I just... I'm scared for Veronica. She seems left out. I don't want her to end up like we did. We've got to send her to a different school if she even wants to go."
Tara shrugged.
"As long as we put her in a different school, I think she'd be just fine."
Gaga walked in to the guest room.
"We're going to enroll you in a different school. Ok?"
Veronica shook her head.
"I wanna' be homeschooled. I hate seeing people at school. They're all jerks."
Gaga looked at Tara nervously.
"Ok, but next year, we're putting you in a highschool."
Veronica smiled and ran over to Gaga with her arms out. She gave Gaga a tight hug and laughed.
"Thank you! I can't wait to get started here! YAAAS!"
They all laughed.
"Alright, well, then you'll have to help me prepare the house for the baby, ok? Would you mind if it was an online program?"
Veronica nodded excitedly.
Veronica and Tara started laughing.
Gaga smiled.
"Well, then I guess I'll call Taylor back really quick. I think he might have things figured out."


Taylor was on his laptop, finding out when he would have to go back in for work. His phone rang and he picked it up immediately.

With Gaga Forever (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now