Chapter 3

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"Welcome back everyone. School has once again, just begun. I hope everyone has a great year. See you again soon, students."

I didn't want to come back here to meet people. Like why you principal, and you teachers, and you students. I don't like coming back. The environment isn't for me. Why does being here bother me, even if I like learning?

You start to get to class, as the bell rings. All the students, especially the freshmen seem lost and panicky. All the older kids seem to be skipping around and going in classes relaxed, knowing their directions, since they've learned it for years now. You walk toward the noisy halls and arrive to your class. Math, the one class where you seemed to have fun learning in, apart from science. All the kids were arriving, and one kid that stood out, a boy with dark gray hair and a nice complexion. He wore dark glasses on his eyes, and his looks stood out. He seemed to be an intelligent looking guy from the way he dressed.

"Hello, I am your math teacher. I will be teaching you this year, please be respectful and follow the guidelines and procedures of what is expected. Don't harm or hurt anyone and do not cheat. Unless you want to and fail the exam, you will face consequences if you don't try your best and do things the wrong way. I am Mrs. Lee, I'll take care of you all. See you soon. Grab the paper on my desk as you go out in the next 10 minutes. It has everything I want to be done in my class listed out."

The boy you saw earlier, seemed to be lost and yet seemed to really dislike annoying people. Since he was one of the first kids apart from you who came in, you both ended up having the same seat with each other. You enjoyed the silence, yet something about this guy wanted you to be friends. And know each other. He seemed to have a connection with Yoongi, since his book bag looked as if it had his friends names written on it.

"Hey, I am Y/N. Since we both are sitting next to each other, I hope we can be friends. What's your name by the way?"

"Hey, I can't wait to make you my friend. You seem nice. My name is Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you, Y/N."

"My pleasure, you seem like an interesting guy, and I wanted to know more about you. So, I hope you wouldn't mind telling me, but are you friends with Min Yoongi by any chance?"

"Oh~ Yes I know him, even though we are like the complete opposites."

"Complete opposites? Why so?"

"You can say, he is more outgoing and athletic, while I don't have the guts to talk to people. Sometimes I envy him, sometimes I feel bad for him. Sometimes I love him. He'll be with me even though I'm seen someone dumb to be with. It makes me feel happy."

"Awwww... That's so nice. But you know, it's alright to not have guts to talk to people. I sometimes enjoy feeling lonely, I get to do things that I want to do. And you aren't dumb to hang out with. In fact, people are just being superficial and seem to care about their reputation. They don't realize how bad they make some people like you and I feel."

"Yeah... you're right. I am happy sometimes, it gets annoying having people who are really loud around you all day. But why did you ask me about him, you know him?"

"OH! It was because I met him in my bus today, and he seems to be a funny serious guy. You had his signature on your book bag, so I got kinda- curious. Hehe-"

"Well, I am glad I was able to meet a cute girl like you today, do you want to meet up for lunch today? I wouldn't mind showing you, my friends."

"What- I am not cute, thank you very much. But I wouldn't mind hanging out with you today, it'll be fun."

"Crap- you know we leave to second period in like two minutes right?"

"Ahhhh, well freak, see you at lunch, around the library?"

"See you there, Y/N. Have fun in class."

"You too."

As you and Taehyung walked out the door to your next class. Having 5 minutes to pass. You both grabbed a piece of the white printer paper. Looking fresh and smelling like a cardboard cut out. You ran to class, once again becoming agitated. People blocking your way, people talking, people running, people mocking. It all annoyed you. Till you started to get even more ticked at this one guy, who literally realized how you were struggling to get through. And began making it worse.

"Oh, look... Y/N you seem to be quite pretty today? Come along and play with me-"

"I don't have time weirdo, I got to get to class, you should get going too."

"Why you telling me what to do, what are ya my mom? Wouldn't that be like incest if I dated you?"

"Really bruh?  You're gonna play that joke with me? Imma- move I gotta get to class."

Even though he seemed to be flirty, he still was a kind guy. You understood that, but you couldn't help but find his 'games' annoying. It bothered you, that this guy wasn't making you only late, but troubling you over his cutesy sugary words. Although, even when you rejected his offer, he still managed to laugh and play it off.

What's with this guy, is he doing this to get attention and trying to fit in with his group of friends by being a jerk, or is he hating his life and wanting to change, but he can't because he's afraid of what people will see him as? Whatever I gotta get to class.

His name was, Jung Hoseok. The one and only, sunshine. The guy that you had known for three years, and had him in at least one of your classes. That guy who picked on you whenever he wanted. You didn't mind him, you just found him depressing, because he did not seem to know that the way he picked on girls, would end up getting them hurt in the process. Because he didn't seem to know, that the way he's playing with feelings is clearly not normal, but sad.

I am really hoping I don't have him in my class. He's annoying, what a guy, one day he better stop picking on me.

Even when you said such, you felt differently. You actually wanted him in your class, you wanted to see him, you wanted him to bother you. The reason wasn't because you liked him, but you appreciated him being there. You enjoyed his company and were thankful, that someone who is on a way higher social hierarchy, is spending time with someone like you.

Ahhh... I hate him so much, why did he have to be like this and not bother me like the rest of them. Why isn't he like the other people and just leave me alone? I want to give him his kindness back somehow but it's just not possible because he probably doesn't know that he makes a difference.

As you walked to your second period class. You saw something you couldn't believe. Something that shook you emotionally. Someone that made you feel nostalgic.

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