Chapter 9

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The time had come to take a breath, to step forward into the last class, the last period of the day. Sixth period, the most chillest class of the day, where you would just type online and work, someplace where you could write the story, you are reading right now. You walk into the class, to see a familiar boy, Park Jimin. Instead of him seemingly being all flirty and cute, he looked very aggressive. You were able to see his more petite side become masculine. You were astonished to find him looking like a handsome manly guy, who seemed to have a soft side. Which was either fake, or it was either real. Something you didn't know. But you did know one thing- he loved to dance.

Hmm... Jimin, he's in my class, but why is he arguing with his classmates? He didn't seem to be the one to put up fights with people, but instead, try to fix it. I guess being tough is the real him. Yet he has so many insecurities. I remember in my yearbook, I saw a picture of him, he looks way thinner than before. His arms have become weaker, his speech has become more raspy, happiness has been lost, and body tone has decreased from the past. What is causing him to change so drastically?

"Hey! Y/N! I can't believe I get to see you again I am so glad :D"

"I am happy to see you as well, why were you fighting with those guys?"

He really is still cute. No matter how much he changes.

"Um...Well, it's because they were insulting me-"

"Insulting what about you?"

"They were just saying that I lost weight because of my fans here."

"What? Why did you lose weight- Did you want too?"

"No, I lost weight to make people around me happy, if they're happy, I'm happy."

"Are you really happy? Do you know some people around you worry? Do you know it's fine to be you- you don't need to fit what people want you to be- you have the freedom to be you. It's up to you if you call your choices freedom or not."

"I know, but hearing from people every day, that I don't look healthy, that I need to lose weight, that I am not normal, makes me feel perplexed to change myself for them.

You change because you want too, not because of other people.

His vision, the way he was, the way society saw him, saw everyone, made you feel sympathy and understanding. You understood what he meant, he was the one who would camouflage everything about themselves, just to make people around them satisfied. He was the sacrificial lamb. The one who gave up himself, too make people proud. And because of reaching their satisfaction, he knew he wasn't good the way he was. So, he changed to fit in and be good.

Jimin, you're so insecure about the real you. That you tend to throw yourself away and instead wear a new paper bag over your head. Life is complicated, but at some point, good things are too come, and judgemental people are everywhere, even if you do change, you still won't be perfect. No one is perfect and no one will ever be. So, just be you.

"I understand, but you're a really caring guy, you seem to sacrifice yourself for others to be amazed, probably because they want to see you living well or because they've never been happy in life and that's all they can get."

"I- You're making me feel...Safe. Someone who understands, I'm truly honored, thanks, even though we have met for a day. Y/N..."

The air around you two grew comfortable, the arms pulled you in, and the warm atmosphere surrounded you both. His arms tightened, and you felt for the first time, someone else's tears on you. You both in a loud room, in the corner by the computers, minding your own business, no one even bothered to ask. Either afraid or agitated or even annoyed, who knew. His sobs quietly fell upon your shoulders, your jacket grew wet, and your embrace grew stronger.


You both stayed silent, sharing a warm embrace, which was full of tears. He couldn't breathe, just coughing and crying in between his sobs, trying to make out his words. And you just standing there, silently crying along, hugging tightly every minute and not wanting to let go.

"Jimin...It'll be okay..."

"I- I am so... honored I was able to finally take it out..."

I am honored, to have met you. Jimin, I am hoping as days go by, me and you both become closer friends and grow a deeper bond day by day.

"I am even more honored to have met you-"

"Y/N, Sorry for wetting your jacket- I can get you mines?"

"No- it's fine, I would like to rather have a jacket that has emotions within it and could speak to me, than one that is deserted but filled with the scent of detergent."

"Heh- you're so different, thank you for the hug, I really mean it..."

"No worries, you're the first guy I have ever hugged so far, it was a nice experience to share a bonding moment with someone I care about."

"Oh- I've hugged a lot of people, but I've never cried with anyone- :)"

"You're such a kid- I love it."

"You mean a kid who has guns? >:D"

"You're too dumbbbbb, I need to kill myselfffff xD"

"Don't say that, what would I do without you?"

"Don't make me soft again-"

"Can I get hard then?"

"You idiot- that literally sounded so wrong -___- "

"O.o how?"

"I- Heh~ Forget what I said :D"



"You're so cute to be with Y/N, it's fun being with you. xD"

"Don't change the subject, but same goes to you- -____-"

Wow, I wish to spend more times with you like this, Park Jimin.

The last bell rang and you ran to the bus, the bus that resembled your life, the bus that seemed to run away from you and would make time seem so fast when it was yet so slow. You ran to it with your shoes, till your foot got cramped because of how fast you walked. You're breathing enhanced, trying to arrive at the bus, and excited to meet, Min Yoongi.

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