Chapter 4

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What? why? when? how? Why is he here? I thought he went to a different school? I thought he was- never mind. I'll figure out sooner or later. This is just so... weird. I'm seeing some intriguing people in my first day of school, not Hoseok... heh- I mean the others. Yoongi, Taehyung, and now him?

"Welcome to Chemistry class. I am Mr. Goyon, please to meet you. I will be teaching you all today, and I'm hoping you all are prepared for exploding things- I mean prepared for chemically bonding things- If you explode anything, I'll sue you.."

"But sir, you said to explode stuff, shouldn't we be suing you? I mean you are the man with the money, like I'm broke."

"What is your name, young rude boy?"

"Ahhh... My name is Jackson Wang. And how am I rude- you said you were gonna sue us teach-"

"Clearly it was a joke, I'm gonna kill myself, you child have embarrassed me. Anyways class, we will start with introductions. People sitting in the front go first.

As you heard the introduction of the teacher being told, and hear him say- introductions need to be told, starting with the kids in front. Your heart began to pump fast, you heard the blood rushing through your ears, the nerves beginning to pump, your skin feeling exposed. You felt, anxious, your throat went dry.

I can't do this, why are they making us do introductions... I really can't deal with this pressure right now... What do I say? What do I do?

You stood up and swallowed down your saliva although a lump formed in your throat and it wasn't going down, sweat forming on your forehead, you felt like you were going to faint, you felt as if you were going to just go pale white on the dirty school floors.

"H- Hello, my name is Y/N... and currently I'm 16, 11th grade, and I- I want to major around the uhmm... I am thinking about my major... I'm hoping you could all treat me well."

You did a nervous smile, the silence of the classroom made it even more nerve wrecking, you just wanted to crawl down your blanket and never be seen again. But then you remembered.

Why am I so afraid? No one cares, they just judge and forget. Unless they are people who want to remember just your introduction. I'm being pathetic. Hehhhh... I at least got it over with. Yush~ hehe.

The moment of silence broke and instead stares were returned. Stares that looked like they were curious or were disturbed by who you were and what you wore. Till the teacher answered out of all the whispers.

"Thank you, Y/N, I loved your introduction, I hope you can treat me well too. Alright next-"

As introductions went on, you felt the stares decrease, but you began to feel cold for some reason, like someone from behind was watching you in the corner of their eyes. This person was someone you knew but couldn't believe still existed. As class was about to end, you realized your table had some notes on it. Some names, some "I love you" and confessions. But one note caught your attention.

eM Sad... evaS

Sometimes on desks, people would write messages not only stupid ones like, Hey, Jacob sat here and says hi! LOL- but some messages are just... secretive. They ask for help. Every word a person says and action they do has a meaning to it. And you knew. So you found that one message weird. Although during that time frame, you forgot that person in the back was ever staring at you. Instead you focused more, and more, on the scratches on the table. Till someone distracted you. Merely with an item being needed.

"Hey, I'm Jackson, mind lending me a pencil?"

Shiz... that scared me. What a guy, wasn't he the one who was talking to the teacher during his introduction? He's pretty funny.

"Yeah, sure. But what do you need it for? I didn't know we had to write in the last 5 minutes of class?"

"Oh- We don't have to do anything, I just really needed one at the moment. I'll give it to you when I'm done with this."

"No worries, I'll be patient, but you can keep it I have other pencils. And what are you writing? Is it like a poem or a story?"

"Are you sure? Well thanks, I'll give you something in return for this. And yeah it's a rap. Although Namjoon raps better than me, he doesn't admit it."

"That's so cool, I'm impressed. You don't need to give me anything it's okay. But who's Namjoon, I bet you both rap amazing."

"Thank you so much, He's trying to aim to be a rapper like me at the moment. And honestly, I'm not doing a good job, I wish I was able to write lyrics like him."

"That's amazing, I didn't realize such musical prodigies were here. I bet you both are great."

Until the end, as time flew by, your class conversation came to an end. And you both said goodbyes. You felt weird around this guy, as if, you felt like you wanted to tell him he's good. He's good in his own way and he doesn't have to be like someone else, instead be himself. That's what makes you unique. You felt sad, that he didn't think he was worth it when clearly you knew he was worth it all.

Everyone has a talent. Some are better than others. Some may seem like they are of no use, when they truly are. We all are worth something. Even if we don't say it to ourselves, we do say it to others, because it's true. It would be nice telling this to Jackson, he's an outgoing and funny guy.

The bell rang again, calling for third period. The period you utterly disliked, not because it was bad, but because of the kind of people you were stuck with. Those people show you that you are someone who doesn't belong in any category, since you're a nerd and someone who has no friends. You're someone who is weak and no one wants to be on the weak team. This class was the one you weren't appreciated in and yet ignored.

Such people, pity the weak or hurt the weak, unless, they truly care for them which is rarely shown and it should be shown.

This class was...P.E. or Physical Education or Pain and Embarrassment class as many students recall. 

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