Chapter 5

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As you walked into your P.E. class, you noticed that many students were being greeted by their friends and there were some like you, who were just quiet and alone. You stepped on the floor towards your locker.

Y/N locker #1: 322033

Oh- so I got the number one locker again this year? Aish... what even. I don't wanna deal with these melodramatic people again I mean just look at them. Why are they trying so hard to fit in, it doesn't matter who you are, just be yourself. You're hurting yourself by lying to who you truly are. How pathetic, do you really want to get yourself hurt for those who are also lying to you? All of these people are sacrifices for judgment.

When you were conversing to yourself with thoughts, you began to have an intake of breath. Once again, this guy showed up. The one who was in your Chemistry class, the one who was staring at your back. It seemed as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't get himself too. He seemed afraid to approach because, he didn't want people judging him of talking to a 'low' person like you, since he was on the top. You did not mind, you just ignored his call for "I wanna talk" because you didn't want to be wrong. And freak him out.

As you opened your locker, ignoring the boy, that you were curious and shook about, you caught your eye on something. Something in the locker pulled you towards it, to take a glimpse, if not a full open note reading.

As lights turn down at midnight.

The call has come upon me.

To take a jump into the sea.

But with me,

Will come a call.

Which will end up in a tall house.

With a mouse that holds the key.

To the secrets of me.

Catch it before it's too late.

Or you won't find out what happens in the end of the story~

Call: *** - *** - ****

From, K. J.

To, -----

What the- the name is scratched out. What kind of intriguing poem is this? Should I decipher it? Hmm... It feels like this was for someone last year- but they don't seem to have found it in their locker. I'm just going to solve this puzzle out myself. It seems fun.

As you read the note, you sensed a presence in front of you, saying "Don't do it..." But you were curious, and you know, curiosity kills the cat, but sometimes the cat ends up alive other times, it ends up dead with curiosity written on its forehead.

You shoved the note down your pocket, rusting through the pieces of gum wrappers you stuck in there, but forgot to ever throw them out. And sat in your spot, which no one wanted to be around. That boy, that you didn't think would still be living after that incident last year just seemed even more tense than usual while looking at you.

Does the incident from last year with this guy... Have to do anything with that note?

Your mind grew curious, too curious, it went beyond reality and within the imagination. You were becoming, more reluctant to speak to him, but also more afraid because of how he would react. He was an acquaintance of yours last year, but a lot of mishaps revolved around the school about him, and about suicide, and depression, and murder. You did not know how to react. All your thoughts were being consumed on this one poem, that you began to hear words faintly around you.


"Hey... Y/N! Oi!....rmimr imir.. Look at me."

What why can't I understand anything? What's going on?

"Fiemfioeifjiejfiq.....Why aren't you replying...frufnuqfi..."

"I know. But I can't hear you... What are you saying?"

"Go back to reality...You've fallen asleep, stop thinking so much- it goes overboard..."

"Oh, so this is just a dream? Why am I seeing you Jungkook? You aren't suppose to be here... what's going on..."

"Don't question my existence, Y/N, you'll find out soon. Just go with and... fueuhfqoh... that note."

"Just go back and what?"

"And no matter what. Don't look...mkcabnnn"

You woke up, in the middle of class, weirdly no one cared enough to jolt you awake or even tell you that you shouldn't be sleeping. Everyone seemed to amused in their own situation to care, or even bother to wake a student up. Once again, reputation matters in society.

The only person you did see, now in front of your face, was Jeon Jungkook. The one kid with pretty brown hair, yet he belonged in the same level as Hoseok, he somehow had a depressing story that he did not want to tell to people. He was close friends with Hoseok, both of them told a sad history, their body movements, way they spoke, way they expressed their feelings of pain, was too much similar. Even if these two were on the highest level, they seemed to be so sad.

"Umm.. Jungkook. Sorry, I fell asleep... how have you been? I haven't seen you-"

"....Y/N. I've missed you....You look so pretty when you sleep."

"Stop you're too nice. Don't be a creep and say stuff like that- I've missed you too..."

You knew even if you missed him, you still were curious. Why was he still alive? Why after such a horrid incident? What made him come back? All these curious things grew, even more, when you had fallen asleep and experienced the strange dream you saw.

"You want me to grab you a drink Y/N? You look tired, did you not sleep well?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm just a little-"

You began to see people and their eyes on you two, and strange comments about what you two were doing together. They began to say why such a hot guy, talk to a girl who doesn't care about what they wear? Of course they weren't saying it out loud, instead, it was by their eyes. Their eyes gave a hint of their emotions towards the scene. Their eyes don't lie.

I can tell Jungkook to not speak to me because people are looking, but that would seem mean, and it would be as if I'm agreeing to their demands of moving away. Or I can just stay with him, although that would be like I'm ignoring his feelings, I don't know what he wants...

"Jungkook...Do you maybe wanna come grab a drink with me?"

"Really? Of course I will."

As you two walked away from the stares, you went to the nearest vending machine and shuffled through your pockets. The sounds of the papers and that note were rustling inside. Until you felt a soft yet rough edge of a coin.

"There, I thought I lost these..."

"Even if you did, it wouldn't make a difference, I have some."

"Shush it you idiot. Let me just-"

As you slid in your quarters, the sound of the machine reaching out to grab your item was heard. And your object fell on the bottom of the machine. Both of you went out to grab it, bending down and bumping into each other slightly. You reached out for your bottle of juice and so did he. Walking toward the classroom, which was too quiet. You both sat down on your original spots and drank your juices peacefully, just with silence, and with your legs moving back and forth like an impatient kid who's excited to go on a new ride at a park.

Although, this silence would not last long. The clock ticked one, and the bell rang. You who were enjoying your day, was becoming exhausted with the slow crowd outside the school classrooms. It's as if the students have a piece of gum stuck on their shoe which prevents them from moving forward. But, you were able to open the door and take a step inside of your fourth period class.

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