Chapter 2 - We Destroyed The Statue Of Liberty

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When Annabeth opened her eyes, she was lying on her back on the wet grass, and a girl was leaning over her.

"Are you okay?" The girl said, looking worried.

Annabeth immediately got up and raised her dagger in front of her, then staggered in surprise as a stabbing pain shot though her left arm. She pushed up the sleeve of her jacket and saw that the area around her elbow was swelling up slightly. By carefully moving it, she determined that she had sprained it somehow. She wrapped the elbow tightly in a white bandage from her pocket to secure it, then took out a square of ambrosia and immediately felt better when she ate it. Thankfully, it wasn't that serious and she's confident it will heal quickly if she rested the arm.

"What happened?" Annabeth demanded as her head cleared, holding her injured arm close to her chest. "And who are you?"

"You don't know who we are?" The girl asked, looking surprised, "I thought the Black Swan sent you to help us. They said we might find someone already here. Linh and I chased the monster away before it could strangle you." She pointed to a girl with strange silver tipped hair, who was sitting down on another bench and looking a little green.

Annabeth took a step backwards towards Percy. "Thank you for saving us, but no, I don't know who you are, or what the Black Swan is. Are you demigods from Camp Jupiter?" She asked. Clearly, these people weren't human. She said she chased away the Shrimpzilla, and no human could ever have done it. She had helped them, so she probably didn't want to harm them. But Annabeth wasn't taking any chances. There were many monster encounters recently, and every demigod at Camp Half-Blood were wary.

They girl looked confused. "What's a demigod? Are you not an elf?" She questioned.

It was Annabeth's turn to be confused. If they are not demigods, then what were they? Elves? Annabeth wondered, then shook her head.

The girl turned back around to face her friends, and stared at them. They seemed to be having a conversation of some sort without speaking. After a while the group, except Linh sitting on the bench, moved to stand in front of Annabeth.

The girl said, "My name is Sophie. We should probably introduce ourselves." Sophie pointed to each of them in turn. "Fitz and Biana. Fitz is Biana's older brother." Biana half-waved and Fitz smiled at Annabeth. "This is Linh and Tam. They're twins." Tam had a scowl on his face. "Dex and Keefe."

Keefe put a hand on his heart and made a hurt face. "Wow Foster, I'm just the last person?" He said.

Annabeth frowned, "I thought your name was Sophie."

Sophie rolled her eyes at Keefe and turned to Annabeth. "It is. My last name is Foster." She clarified and tugged out an eyelash. "I'll try to explain everything to you, but we should get out of here first and take care of Linh and your friend. From the looks of it, chasing that monster away took a lot out of them. People are going to notice that soon." She gestured towards the broken Statue of Liberty. "And as you probably guessed, we are not exactly human. And I doubt you or your friend are either. Are you two some of the demigods you were talking about?"

Annabeth nodded in agreement and answered, "yes, we're demigods and I'll explain more later. My friend is Percy and my name is Annabeth. We should go talk somewhere else."

"I've never heard of demigods before. They are not one of the intelligent species the Council negotiated the treaty with." Dex mused.

"None of us had. We can worry about that after we get to somewhere safe." Biana said.

Out of nowhere, they saw a red patrol boat approaching the island. A policeman was leaning over the railing with a speaker in his hand.

"Hey, what are you kids doing there?! The island isn't open yet!" He shouted through the speaker, and gasped when he saw the state the Statue of Liberty was in. "Did you do that?! How? That's a national monument! Stay there! I want to ask you some questions!"

"Hide!" Sophie exclaimed.

Quickly, Tam pulled Linh to her feet. Fitz lifted up Percy and they all ducked behind the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.

"Come back here!" The policeman yelled.

Annabeth leaned back against the pedestal and looked to Sophie.
"How do we get off the island?" Annabeth asked, "Percy and I came on a pegasus. The only way to the mainland is the Liberty Island ferry that's not operating yet."

"That's not the only way." Sophie answered. She held up a thin silver stick with carvings on the sides and a crystal on the tip that caught the light and sparked.

"This is a pathfinder." She explained. "It can take you almost anywhere on earth. No time to explain more now. We have to go, if you trust me enough." Sophie held out her hand.

Annabeth had no choice but to go with Sophie, or she'll have to deal with the authorities. So she took Sophie's proffered hand and every one in the group linked their hands. Sophie twisted the crystal on the pathfinder then raised it to the sun. A glittering beam of light was projected on the ground when the sunlight hit the crystal. Together, the group stepped into the beam, pulling Annabeth along. A warm tingling feeling spread through her body. Then in a flash, they were gone.

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