Chapter 4 - Who's World Is Crazier?

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While Sophie was speaking, Annabeth observed the elves. They were all exceptionally beautiful, with clothing that was almost formal that made Annabeth feel out of place with her orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and simple jeans. Their eyes were all different shades of blue except for Sophie's. The color seemed to be a mark of the elves.

Judging from the flashing lights summoned by Elwin and the furniture appearing from nowhere at a snap of Edaline's fingers, these elves had magical abilities somewhat like that of demigods, maybe more. There was so much more that Annabeth didn't know about these elves, but she had decided that she could trust them, though still somewhat warily. Experience has taught her to always proceed with caution.

"...And we light leaped back." Sophie finished.

At that moment, Annabeth fell Percy stir behind her and quickly turned to look at him. She felt the eyes of the elves on her back. "How do you feel?"

Percy sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Like someone heavy stepped on my head. Are you okay? Where are we? Where's Blackjack? Is that blue cake?"

Annabeth introduced Percy to everyone and told him what had occurred on Liberty Island. "They saved us from the Shrimpzilla. We can trust them. They're elves that seem to have powers, like demigods, but I'm not sure what that means yet. I told Blackjack to go back to camp in case we didn't make it."

"Elves? Like the ones that make toys at the North Pole?"

Sophie grinned. "You sound like me when I first discovered I was an elf."

"When you first discovered you were an elf?" Percy asked. "Okay, there's definitely a lot more to the story. Can I have some of that food?"

Elwin stood up and gave Percy a Bottle of Youth. "Drink this first. It'll do you good."


After he drained the bottle thirstily, Annabeth handed Percy a piece of mallowmelt.

"I'm glad that Percy has recovered." Said Grady. "Now that everyone can participate, we should discuss the problem of the monster you fought. Did you call it a Shrimpzilla? On top of that, we also need to know what a 'demigod' is."

Gathering her thoughts, Annabeth questioned, "Have you all heard of the gods of Greek and Roman mythology?" When the others nodded, she continued. "Those gods and goddesses are real, and reside on a floating city above the Empire State Building in New York called Mount Olympus. Demigods are the children of these deities when they fall in love with humans. Demigods, in most circumstances, inherit some of the powers of their godly parent. We have two camps that are safe heavens for demigods protected from monsters. Camp Jupiter for the Roman demigods and Camp Half-Blood for the Greek. The Greek and Roman gods are actually split personalities of the same gods, and the two camps didn't even know about each other and started to merge until recently, but that's a different story. A magical veil called the Mist conceals these things from the mortals."

"That about covers it." Percy agreed. "But there's so many more details. I'm a child of Poseidon the god of the sea and more stuff, one of the 'Big Three' gods. Annabeth is a daughter of Athena the wisdom goddess."

"Wow." Fitz said. "Just when I thought this world already reached maximum weirdness this drops on us."

"Yeah. It's a lot to process." Biana agreed.

Percy took another piece of mallowmelt. "That's what I thought about the elves thing. But I'm not even surprised by this anymore after what we've been through. This food is heavenly, by the way."

"Now, I think you owe us an explanation about elves, where we are, and how we got here." Annabeth said.

"Wait," Tam cut in. "We've been speaking the Enlightened Language this entire time. Why do you demigods know it and can speak it fluently?"

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