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"It is done, master." The servant bowed deeply as a black-robed figure with a cowl concealing the features and a symbol of an eye on the arm entered the room. There was a glass water tank in the room that was gigantic in size. The water in the tank glowed an eerie green color, but the light did nothing to chase away the shadows that crept along the edges of the cavernous space where the tank stood. An indistinct large dark blob floated in the middle inside a heavy metal cage.

        "Let it come to me." The figure said with a deep voice that resonated around the room.

        "Yes sir." The servant squeaked and shuffled to the strip of metal on the glass, then licked it.

        A sound of metal grinding against metal filled the room and a side of the cage sank into the ground. The person in the black robe threw back his cowl, revealing pointed ears, then moved to stand in front of the tank. The creature within the cage swam slowly towards the glass. The elf touched the glass with one hand. The creature in the water dipped in something that resembles a bow and a pink tentacle pressed against the glass on the other side of the hand.

"Ah, yes," Fintan smiled without humor, "my beautiful creation. You will be put to good use, I promise."

The Shattering Of The Myths | A PJO/HoO & Kotlc Crossover StoryWhere stories live. Discover now