Chapter 3 - Mallowmelt Makes Things Better

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Sophie and the others materialized in front of the giant shining metal gates of Everglen. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the blinding light. After the foggy air of New York, the glow seemed to be brighter then usual. Annabeth, appearing in front of Sophie, stumbled a bit and looked around her, straightening her black backpack. There was a faint click as Alden opened the gates, walking towards them with long strides.

"What happened on the mission?" He asked worriedly. "Who are these people?"

"Wait, not now. We'll explain later." Sophie answered. "Let's take care of Linh and Percy first. Someone call Elwin."

"There's no need to." Elwin appeared from inside the gates. "I figured you would need a physician after one of your missions. You always do. Follow me."

With Tam supporting Linh as they walked and Fitz levitating Percy, the tired elves and demigods entered Evenglen, headed towards a spare room. There were two cots side by side in the room. Fitz put Percy on one and Linh sat down on the other. They watched anxiously as Elwin put on his spectacles and snapped glowing orbs around them. Annabeth didn't even look surprised at Elwin's ability or Fitz's levitation.

After some time, Elwin stood up and wiped his hands on his lab coat. "They'll be fine. Just both exhausted. The main thing they need right now is rest. I can give them some elixirs to speed up the process. Percy is obviously not human, but not an elf either.Oddly his cell structures are very similar to elves, so our medicine will work on him." He gave Linh a Bottle of Youth to drink and then began digging around in his medicine bag.

"I have something that can help Percy. I don't know about Linh though." Annabeth said. She sat down at the edge of Percy's cot and took out a small bag of what looked like squares of gummy candy from her pocket. She gently pried open Percy's lips and placed a square in his mouth. Percy swallowed on reflex and immediately, a little color returned to his pale skin. Annabeth gripped Percy's hand and rubbed his palm with her thumb.

Elwin was staring at the bag of squares Annabeth was holding. "How did you manage to get your hands on ambrosia?"

Annabeth turned to look at Elwin and held up the plastic bag. "You know what this is?" She asked.

Elwin nodded and said, "Ambrosia. The most effective medicine there is. It is a cure for almost anything. Extremely rare, and made from the nectar of a flower simply called the Ambrosia Flower that is very difficult to find. The nectar is an almost as effective medicine as the ambrosia made from it. The way of getting the nectar out of the flower, and the recipe for making ambrosia out of the nectar has both been lost for thousands of years. In all my years as a physician, I have never seen any except for the small supply we have left that is only used for critically important emergencies."

"Well, we demigods have a large amount of it and could get more. You can have this. I have more in my backpack." Annabeth tossed the bag at Elwin. Elwin caught it and took one out before tucking the rest into his pocket.

"You have no idea how much this means to me." Elwin said gratefully. "Although, it is strange that demigods would have this. I expect that you will tell us what a demigod is when the others get here."

"I will."

Elwin gave the ambrosia square to Linh who ate it. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"This tastes familiar." Linh said. "Like warm brownies Tam and I used to bake."

Tam gave one of his rare smiles to his sister. "You still remember that?"

Linh smiled back. "Of course."

"It always tastes like your favorite comfort food." Annabeth explained.

Alden, Della, Edaline, and Grady walked into the room. "Are you ready to explain now? We called Edaline and Grady here so you don't have to say everything twice, but Mr. Forkle or any other members of the Black Swan can't make it right now. We'll fill them in later." Alden said.

Sophie nodded. "Introductions first. This is Annabeth and Percy. Annabeth, this is Alden and Della, Fitz and Biana's parents. Edaline and Grady are my parents."

Edaline snapped her finger and conjured chairs and a table with a large plate of bright blue blueberry flavored mallowmelt on it. "Nice to meet you, Annabeth. Everyone please take a seat. Mallowmelt makes every conversation better."

Everyone took a piece of mallowmelt and sat down except for Annabeth. She took the dessert but remained sitting on the edge of Percy's cot.

"Here is fine." Annabeth turned her mallowmelt over in her fingers. "What is this?"

"It's a dessert." Della answered. "Try it."

Annabeth took a careful bite and swallowed. "This is amazing!" She said, surprised.

"Thank you." Della smiled.

"So, the Black Swan sent us to Liberty Island in New York to investigate a strange disturbance..." Sophie began telling the story of what happened on the mission from her perspective.

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