Chapter 5 - A Godly Meeting

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Annabeth collapsed onto her bunk bed, then flinched as she landed on her sprained elbow. Summer had come, and no one else was in the Athena cabin.

"Ow," She muttered, sitting up. Her elbow throbbed.

She had almost forgotten about the sprain with all the insanity that had gone down. Standing up from the bed, Annabeth took out an ice pack from a small fridge and some nectar from the medical cabinet. She took off her jacket, removed the temporary bandages and wrapped the ice pack in tissues before placing it on her elbow.

Careful not to take too much, Annabeth drank some of the soothing nectar from the bottle. The healing warmth spread through her body and to her elbow.

Annabeth sat back on her bed and closed her eyes, letting the ice pack cool the swelling of her elbow, and concentrated. She focused on the events of the day, formulating a plan for what to do about the situation. They had told Chiron about the elves, but he strangely didn't seem too surprised.

A knock sounded through the door. Annabeth opened her eyes. "Come in."

Percy opened the door but didn't enter. "Chiron said that the gods want a meeting with the elves. Well, more specifically, they demanded a meeting. On Mount Olympus."

"Right now?"

He nodded. "Apparently they're very impatient."

Annabeth took out her imparter. "Show me Sophie."

An image of Sophie appeared on the imparter. "Hey, Annabeth!" She said.

Quickly, Annabeth explained the gods' request.

Sophie replied. "Okay, I think I can convince the Councillors to go. Mr. Forkle will probably be there too."

"Meet us at the Empire State Building," Annabeth said.

"Got it."

Annabeth closed the connection. She turned to Percy. "Are you coming?"

"Nah, I gotta take care of the pegasi today. Besides, Chiron said the gods only want you to go." Percy said.

"Alright." Annabeth got up and walked up to the Big House. Argus and Chiron waited there for her next to the camp van.

"I contacted the elves. They said they will meet us at the building." Annabeth informed them.

Chiron sighed. "I can't wait to see how this goes. Good luck. Argus will drive you there."

Annabeth climbed into the van with Argus. As they navigated through the busy streets, Annabeth wondered what the gods wanted with them.

Argus dropped her off in front of the Empire State Building. Annabeth walked through the doors to find Sophie and what she assumed to be the Council waiting for her, dressed in formal clothing. Beside them was a wrinkly old man. Civilians rushed around them, but they were unnoticed.

Sophie smiled at Annabeth. "We've been waiting for you. This is the Council and Mr. Forkle. Don't mind Mr. Forkle's disguise. It's not pretty, but it does the job."

"So this is a demigod," mused an authoritative-looking Councillor.

Annabeth didn't reply. "Let's go." She said.

Annabeth approached the security guard behind the front desk. "Six hundredth floor."

He stared at Annabeth. "This building only goes up a hundred and two floors, kid."

"We have a meeting with the Olympians." Annabeth insisted. Behind her, the elves looked on curiously.

The guard had a blank look on his face. "Excuse me, what?" He said.

Used to the charade, Annabeth took out her dagger. "Celestial Bronze, see? Zeus won't like being kept waiting."

He sighed. Finally, he fished a key card out of his pocket and gave it to Annabeth.

Annabeth took the card and gestured for the elves to follow her to the elevator. As the elves filed in, she slipped the card into the security slot. The red button with "600" appeared and she pressed it.

Elevator music filled the air on the way up. A silence fell over the group.

With a too cheerful ding, the elevator opened, revealing the white marble stairs leading up to Mount Olympus. Many of the elves exclaimed in amazement as they admired the majestic mountain peak floating in the air. The buildings here rivaled even the castle that was the only elven house Annabeth had seen. Of course, there were also the obligatory giant statues of the Olympians. Annabeth led the way up the stairs and through the bustling Ancient Greek city full of mythical beings. They walked along the winding roads up to the palace, drawing glances and whispers. Architecture designed by Annabeth filled the city, and she couldn't help but feel proud of her work.

They reached the doors of the palace and walked through the courtyard. The throne room doors were closed, and a voice beckoned them in when Annabeth knocked.

To Annabeth's surprise, the gods were in the forms of normal-sized humans. Only Zeus and Athena were present. They stood in front of their giant thrones.

"Welcome, elves," Zeus boomed.

Annabeth bowed. "Zeus. Mother."

The elves followed suit and bowed as well. When they straightened, the Councillor who had spoken down in the lobby stepped forward.

"I am Emery," he said. "The spokesperson of the elven Council. I take it you must be Zeus and Athena?"

Zeus nodded. A frown clouded Athena's face and Zeus seemed tense. It was as if they were waiting for something unpleasant to happen. Annabeth looked around cautiously.

All of a sudden, a Councillor with pointed ears dropped to the floor on his knees, clenching his head.

A marble-sized glass sphere with many small jewels set into it materialized in front of him. It bounced and rolled before settling with a blue jewel facing upwards.

"Bronte!" The Councillor with a pink gem set into her circlet knelt down next to him.

A crack too loud for a tiny gem echoed throughout the room. The blue jewel shattered.

"Ah." Zeus sighed. "There it is."

A/N: New title is The Shattering Of The Myths! I apologise for putting off updating so much. This fanfic may turn out shorter than I first planned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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