Chapter One: The killing game

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It was a normal day at school for me. Like always, nothing special or interesting happened. It was as boring as any other day. But today was Friday, one of my favourite days besides Tuesday. At the moment it was lunch time and next period I had maths. I hate maths but my best friend My loved maths. She was a complete nerd unlike me and my other befriend, Ashleigh. She and I are like partners in crime and My, well she would be the friend who always accidentally spill that we were criminals.

Anyway back to what is happening now. Us three were just sitting casually at our table where we usually sat at lunch eating our food in silence. I decided to break the silence. "So umm... How's life everyone?" I ask awkwardly. "Good!" My replies with enthusiasm. "Eh, shitty as always," Ashleigh replies.

"I see... So, um, do you guys think anything interesting will happen this afternoon?" I ask.

"Pfft no, its maths," Ash said.

"True that,"

"I can't wait," Ash replies with sarcasm and on que, the bell rang. "Yay! Maths!" My says once again very entusiasctly. I sigh at her and we all head to our lockers.

Their lockers are next to eachothers near the back of the classroom while mine is at the front and at the bottom. On the left of me is a good friend of mine Alicia, lucky. Diagonally left is Luaupu, another girl in my class who can quite annoy me sometimes. To my right I have the schools trouble makers Brandon and Nicholas; they share a locker for unknown reasons and are away almost every single day (thank god). Diagonally right is Leigh, the basketball player who think he is a fricken god. Last but not least, the locker above is one of the most annoying and idiotic moron in my class. He can be nice once in a while but most of the time is an asshole.

Back to reality, I must of been to slow to get to my locker because he was already there. Great. He takes forever to get his shit out for each period. He also takes his time unlocking his lock too. "Hurry up, Princess!" I shout at him over the noise in the hallway.

"I'm trying!" he yelled back. I looked inside his locker. It was messy. I mean, my locker is messy, but his is a bomb explosion. "I thought you were gonna keep that locker clean," I said smirking at him.

"Haha, clean lockers are too mainstream," he said.

"I have to say I agree with you on that,"

He locks his locker and moves out the way so I can get to my locker. I swiftly open my locker grab the shit I need and lock my locker again and stood up in less than 10 seconds. My locker.may be messy, but hey, I knew where my stuff was.

Our math teacher, Miss Talevski had arrived and opened the door to our classroom signalling us to get inside. We all sat in our usual seats. Our classroom was divided into the 'boys side' and the 'girls side'. Also the tables were positioned into a U shape around the classroom so no matter where you sit, you can see everyone and everything. "Okay class, we are going to continue with what we were doing yesterday because no one has finished it yet," Miss Talevski says as she sits down. Surprisingly everyone continued with their work silently. I wonder why everyone's so quiet. "Wow. You guys are really quiet today. Anyway I'll be right back. Don't cause any trouble," Miss Talevski said as she walked out the door leaving it open. The class, once again, surprisingly continued working silently. I put my headphones on and started to listen to the song Rap God by Eminem.

10 minutes have passed and Miss Talevski still hadn't come back. I took my headphones off my head and glanced around the classroom. Everyone was acting normal. Everything was completely normal except for the fact that Miss Talevski was gone. 'Hmm weird' I thought. 'where could she be?'.

Then I hear a really creepy high pitch voice. "Hello there class!" it said. Then I heard the door slam. The door was behind where I sat. I quickly stood up and turned around to see a stuffed bear. It was half black and half white. The white side had a black eye and the black side had a red eye. "Did that just talk?" I asked no one in particular. "Yes, yes I did! Ok now let me introduce myself to everyone, I am Monobear. I am the new principal of this school and I'm in charge!" Monobear explained. I sat back down.

"H-how can you talk...?" Charlotte had asked while eyeing the strange multi-coloured bear while the rest of the class started giggling at the fact of a teddy bear as a principal. "Because I can! Now, to get to the point I have kinda killed all the teachers and other students because I only need one class for this game!" Monobear continued. "You did what now?!" Daniel yelled. "What game?" Shannon asked. "Pfft why are we even listening to this stuffed piece of shit?" Jason asked the class.

"How did you kill everyone?" Emily asks.

"Holy shit! Whoa whoa whoa guys! Shut the fuck up and listen to 'Monobear'. He looks like he has more explaining to do!" I say to shut everyone up. The rest of the class stared in shock of what I just said but stayed quiet. "Thank you Jessica, now back to my explaining-" Monobear started.

"Wait how the hell do you know my name?" I cut the toy off in horror that it knows my name.

"I know everyone's name. You don't need to know how so just let me continue," Monobear said with annoyance.

"First of all, uh, ya, I killed all the teachers and other students, the way I did it, is not important. Secondly... DO NOT CALL ME A STUFFED TOY FOR I AM THE GREAT MONOBEAR!" Monobear shouted. Everyone froze in silence. "So, uh, about the, uh, game you were talking about?" Shannon asked Monobear again. "Hehehehehehe the game... Ok I will now explain to you what game you are playing. Ok first of all you are all stuck here. Anyone who tries to escape by trying to break doors or windows will be punished. Talking about punishment anyone who disobeys me or tries to hurt me in anyway will also be punished. No one can get in no one can get out, unless, ok here's the main part of the game, unless you can kill someone without anyone knowing!" Monobear explained while everyone stared in shock. "WHAT?! ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" Jason yelled at the toy. "You can't do this to us!" Ranjan, Harry, Alicia, Charlotte, Shannon, Emily and My yelled all at the same time.

"This is bullshit," Ash whispered to me.

"I don't know... I reckon we should just listen to this bear for now and stay out of trouble," I whisper back. "This IS bullshit," Leigh says obviously overhearing what Ash just said. Everyone continues to panic.

"GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP! MONOBEAR IS STILL EXPLAINING AND IF YOU WANT TO LIVE SHUT UP FOR FUCK SAKE!" I scream at te top of my lungs to shut everyone up. They again look at me, shocked for what I had just said. "Once again thanks Jess. And yes I can do whatever I want since I'm the principal. Ok back to what I was saying, once a student has been killed, all of the other students must investigate as much as you all can and try and figure out who was the murderer. Then in a certain amount of time I will all call you to the teachers staff room to debate who killed who. If you guess correctly , the murderer will get punished. If you guess incorrectly, everyone but the murderer will be punished and the murderer will be free to leave this dreadful school," Monobear finished.

"This is fucking bullshit! I'm not staying here to kill or be killed what do you fucking think I am?!" Jason yelled and picked up Monobear and strangled him. Monobear all of a sudden started beeping. "Um, Jason... I think you should put him down..." I say nervously because I think the bear is about to explode. "EVERYONE BACK AWAY!" Daniel yelled to everyone seeming to get the point, thankfully, that the bear was gonna explode. Everyone backed away from Jason and Monobear.

The kill or be killed situation (a dangan ronpa fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now