Chapter fourteen: Its over

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I can't remember shit and I'm falling. But falling where? How long have I been falling? I can hear a very familiar, faint voice. Who is it? What are they saying?

"Jessica? Jessica!"

I open my eyes. "Huh?" I say.

"Your finally awake!" the voice says. It was Miss Talevski. Where the fuck am I? I look around. I'm at a hospital.

What? Was that... all just a dream?

"No that was not a dream It was real!" Alicia says. 

Huh but then-

"All of us got knocked out during lunch and we were put in a room. Then some simulation happened. That's all I know," Daniel says.

"Um, why are ALL of you here?" I ask suspiciously.

"Because we all wanted to see if you woke up," Alex  said as she smiled.

"Well how long have I been out?" I ask.

"Approximately ten days," the nurse informs. My eyes widen. Holy shit! That long?

"Um okay... Am I aloud to leave now?" I ask the nurse. She nods.

I get out of the hospital bed to find my parents and brothers waiting for me outside. "Mum! Dad!" I yell at the top of my lungs. They turn around and give me a big hug.

"We were so worried about you! We thought you were dead!" my mum says.

"Well I'm ok now am I?" I say. We exchange hugs once more and I turn to my whole class that were waiting for me.

"So... Harry figured this out first..." I say.

"Yup!" Harry says.

"So the only way to snap out of the illusion in the simulation was to die?" I ask.

"Apparently so," Amy says.

"Wow.... So nothing ever happened..." I say.

"Oh no, it did. Just everything went back to normal since everyone in the game died," Ash says.

"I'm still kinda confused..." I say.

"Us 12 got put in the simulation and were forced to kill eachother.

Like we were put in a different dimension actually," Ranjan says.

"13! I was there too!" Jason retorts.

"Yeah but you died first because you were being a little faggot," Alicia explains.

"Shut up!" Jason yells back.

"Ok... I sorta get it now," I say, ignoring the little argument that Alicia and Jason were having at the moment.

"I guess we can go back to living a normal life," My says.

"Yeah...." We all say in unison.

Everyone goes back to their own lives. Everything goes back to the way it was. It was all normal.


No one will ever forget the event of that so called killing game. I still have nightmares about it. I don't think anyone will forget what happened then. It will always be at the back of our minds.

....We will always remember the despair....

The kill or be killed situation (a dangan ronpa fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now