Ch 1: Recruiting

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3rd Person

Charles, Hank and Logan walked up to the family home passing by a mailbox with the name L/N written on it. Logan rings the doorbell and looks inside the window. "Who exactly are we recruiting here?" Charles ask. "One of the best in the business. Well, at least she was when I met her. She's a whole lot younger now." Just as Hank was about to ask a question a teenage girl with h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes opened the door. She wears jeans, a white t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and f/c sneakers. "Can I help you?" "We're looking for Y/N L/N." Logan says looking her in the eyes. "That's me; what can I help you with?" "Can we come inside?" Hank asks gesturing into the house. Y/N steps aside and lets the men enter. Y/N closes the door behind them.

The four of them walk into living room and sit down at the couches. "Why do you want me to help you break someone out of the Pentagon?" Y/N asks while narrowing her eyes at the three men. "How did she-?" Hank starts while pointing to Y/N and looking at Logan. "My mutation is neuro-electric interfacing, telekinesis, and mental manipulation." "Wow." Hank says with wide eyes. "I don't get it." Charles says. "I can control stuff with my mind, make people see things, make blasts of energy, and a ton of more crazy crap." Y/N says casually. "Well okay then." Charles mumbles under his breath. "Look I really dont want to pry into all of your minds for all of my answers; now can you please tell me why you want my help?" "Look kid, we need to your help to break a mutant out of Pentagon." Logan says. "And what makes you think I would help you three?" Y/N asks while crossing her arms. "Because if we don't a bad man will end up creating robots to kill mutants and they'll eventually kill all of human kind." Logan says seriously. Y/N looks between the three men.

Time Skip

Your POV

Charles pulls up beside a family house and he, Hank, and Logan begin arguing about his driving. Its not exactly the best. We all get out of the car and walk up to the front door. As I was walking I felt a brief presence and stopped to look around. "Y/N?" Hank asks. I snap out of it and take the last few steps to the front door. Logan knocks multiple times and a woman comes to the door. "What's he done now?" She asks worriedly. We all look around confused. "I'll just write you a check for whatever he took." "We just need to talk to him." Logan says quickly. She nods and lets us in. "Peter! The cops are here! Again." As I walk by I thank her and move dowstairs to the basement with the others.

When we come down the stairs I see a boy my age with silver hair playing ping pong; by himself. "What do you guys want? I didnt do anything!" He says while going back and forth between the side of the table. "I've been here all day." We turn around and he's sitting on a couch with his hands behind his back and his legs crossed. "Relax Peter, we're not cops." Logan says taking a few steps forward. "Of course your not cops. If you were cops you wouldn't be driving a rental car." "How did you know we have a rental car?" Charles asks with his eyesbrows furrowed. "I checked your registration when you walked in the door." I knew I sensed someone. "I also had some spare time to kill so I went through your rental agreements. Saw you were from out of town. Are you FBI?" Peter zooms by Charles and takes his wallet. "Nope your not cops. Hey, what's with this gifted youngsters place?" He says looking at a card then drops it and the wallet before running off. "That's an-...old card." Charles says before picking his stuff up. "Well he's fascinating." Hank says with smile. "He's a pain in the #!*." Real mature Charles. I think while rolling my eyes before leaning against the wall. "What, a teleporter?" "No he's just fast." "You know I can make him stop with the snap of my fingers right?" They all turn toward me. "What? Remeber, 'Control stuff with my mind?'" I say pointing to my head. They all go back to their conversation. "When I knew him he wasn't so... young." "Young? Your just old." I turn around and see Peter sitting on the couch eating a popsicle. "Well except for her." he says pointing at me. "So your not afraid to show your powers." "Powers? What powers? What are you talking about?" I just roll my eyes. "Do you see something strange here? Nothing anybody would believe if you told them." Just as Charles is about to say something Peter runs to the Pong machine and starts playing. "So who are you? What do you want?" "We need your help Peter." "With what?" "To break into a highly secure facility.. and get someone out." "Prison break? That's illegal you know." "Well you don't exactly follow laws do you?" I say while folding my arms. "So what's in it for me?" "You, you kleptomaniac, get to break into the Pentagon." Peter stops playing and looks at us. "How do I know I can trust you?" "Well you're not the only mutant." I say sarcastically. Logan bares his claws. "That was cool, but that was disgusting." "My turn." I say stepping forward. I move my fingers and a red wisp forms in my hand. Watch this. I telepathically say to Peter. I smirk at Peter and throw the wisp at Charles. Charles's eyes turn red for a second and he starts to speak in gibberish. "Y/N." Hank says sternly. "Fine." I move my fingers and Charles speaks normally again. "I'm in." Peter says with a smirk.

We all climb into the car and let's just say... it was cramped. Logan took the driver's seat since he hated Charles's driving last time. Charles took the passenger seat. Peter and Hank took the side back seats. Peter ran to make sure he got his seat. I gave Hank the other side seat because I knew he didn't want to be squished into a tiny seat. I'm actually a nice person.

The ride was kind of long; so I decided to take a nap. However Peter decided to bother me instead. "So... What can you do?" "Well, my mutation is neuro-electric interfacing, telekinesis, and mental manipulation." Peter looks highly confused. "I'm weird." I say shrugging. "So you're fast?" "Well, I mean yeah. Did you not see me running around the basement?" he says sarcastically. "I'm not going to ask what your favorite color is; its kind of obvious." I say pointing to his hair and jacket. "Yeah I don't hide it to well. What about you?" "F/C." I say pointing to my sneakers. The rest of the ride was peaceful. I actually slept for a while.

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