Ch 5: Target Practice

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I walk downstairs and toward a door. I knock twice. "Come in!" I open the door and walk into the room. Charles is sitting in his wheelchair at his desk. "Ah Y/N, its so good to see you." "You as well. You look a lot better than the last I saw you." "Well I wasn't exactly in a great place then. Have a seat." I walk over to a chair and sit down. "So why did you want to see me?" "I heard your mutation is acting up." "Well I have nightmares; the nightmares cause my mutation to act up." "Interesting. I've never heard of this happening before. How long has this been going on?" "Two years after I met you guys. I started off just seeing some of my worst fears. The nightmares became worse. The worst one I've had was just this week and some of my wallpaper burned off." "So you decided to come to us for help." "Exactly. I didn't know what else to do." "Well I promise you we will help you to the best of our ability." I nod and exhale. "What's wrong?" "We both know you know the answer." "Yes, well, I try to be polite about reading people's minds." I laugh and look at him. "You want to contain your power but worry you might not be able to." "What if I'm not able to control it?" "It's a possibility you keeping your ability under wraps is what is causing it to act up. It needs to be released." "I don't know Professor." "Trust me it will work out." I nod and get up. "Well I better meet some people. Bye Professor." "Goodbye Y/N." I walk over to the door and walk out.

I walk through the halls and look around. I see a few people walking around but I want to explore. I walk by a kitchen, library, classrooms, and bedrooms. "Maybe I'll go outside." I walk out the front door and start walking around. I turn around a corner and see a red streak heading my way. I hold up my hands and create a force field. As soon as the red energy pulse hits my force field it fades away. I lower my hands and stand straight. I look up to see a boy older than me with blond hair staring at me with wide eyes. He snaps out of it and runs to me. "I am so sorry are you okay?!" "I'm fine. Luckily I had time to create a force field." He exhales and looks at me. "You really have to be more careful in the firing area." "Firing area?" "Wait, are you new?" "Yeah I just arrived today." "Oh, well this is the firing area and I'm currently practicing." "So your a student?" "I'm just visiting." "What's your mutation?" "I can shoot energy pulses out of my chest and hands. You?" "Its a bit complicated. I can shoot energy out of my hands, create force fields, and I have telekinesis." "Wow that is a lot. Alex Summers." he says holding out his hand. "Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you." "Likewise. Want to practice with me?" he asks pointing at the targets. "Sure." We walk over and stand away from the targets. "Ladies first." I smile and get into position. I build up energy in my hands then shoot them at a target. The target catches on fire. "That was awesome!" "Thanks, I'm still learning to control it." "My turn." Alex stands straight in front of the target. He sends a energy pulse and it hits the bull's-eye while the target catches on fire. "I'll get the fire extinguisher." "No need." I wave my hands and the fires go out. "Okay, no need to show off." he says rolling his eyes while I laugh. "I wish they had higher targets so I could practice using my hands instead of my chest." Alex says turning toward the targets. I look around and find two apples that fell from a tree. "I have an idea." I say picking up the apples. "And what's this idea of yours?" "I throw these apples in the air and you shoot at them." "Let's do it." Alex says with a smile. I throw the apples as high as I can into the sky. Alex uses his hand to blast one apple than uses his other arm to blast the other apple. "Awesome!" I say smiling. "I better go inside. I still have to explore." "Okay, see you Y/N." "Bye Alex."

I walk up to my room and open the door. I flop onto my bed and close my eyes. I wander what my new life will be like here. Hopefully me and Alex can be friends... Friends... I smile and open my eyes. I wish Peter was here. We would have so much fun together. I get up and walk over to get my pajamas. I pick them up and walk into my bathroom to get ready. I wonder if I could talk to him. I've never talked to someone that far away before. I wander while changing. "Its worth a shot." I say while brushing my teeth. I spit into the sink and put my toothbrush away. "Just concentrate." I say pep talking myself while brushing my hair. I walk back into my bedroom and sit on the edge of my bed. "I can do this." I concentrate and close my eyes. Peter... Peter you awake? Crap Y/N you scared me! Sorry I just wanted to talk to you. Okay, how's the school. Great, I really like it here. I talked with Hank and Charles. I even met another kid. What's their name? Alex Summers. He can blast energy pulses with his chest and arms. That's cool, but its now super speed. Is the Peter Maximoff jealous? I'm not jealous. I'm just saying super speed is better. Everyone has unique mutations Peter. Definitely but their not super speed. I laugh and open my eyes. You always know how to make me laugh. Well I am your best friend. True, true. I have to go to bed. Night Peter. Night Y/N. I get under my covers and lay my head on my pillow. I close my eyes and sleep consumes me.

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