Ch 2: Pentagon

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I open my eye to see Hank shaking me awake. "We're here." "Okay, thanks for waking me up." I take my head off his shoulder where my head had layed when I was sleeping. We all get out of the car and Hank puts on a hat. "Y/N your with Peter to make sure the guards don't remember what happens." Logan tells me. I nod and Peter holds my neck and back. "Your going to super-speed aren't you?" "Yep." The next thing I know we're in a kitchen with two guards standing next to a elevator. "Hello boys." I say with a smirk. I take a step forward and start to move my fingers. The guards take their hands off their weapons and stare at me. I walk up to the first guard and move my fingers infront of his face. A red mist comes from my fingers and goes into the guy's head. I continue this with the other guard. "Okay we're good." I say once I'm done. Peter nods and we both enter the elavator. I lean against a wall and close the doors with a wave of my hand. Peter leans against the wall on the other side of the door. "So what are you going to do with the guard once he gets here?" Peter puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a roll of duct tape. "The poor dude is going to hate that." I say with a smile. "What about you, are you going to come with me?" "Yep. Just make sure to keep walking and act like nothing is wrong. I'll make sure the guards don't see me and that they don't remember anything." Peter nods.

The guard taking the Erik's food enters the elavator. I went inside Hank's mind so I would know who we were getting. Peter knocks the guard's hat off and the guard picks it up. He looks at the walls and see's a reflection of us. He tuns to us and Peter smirks while ripping a piece of duct tape. I look away knowing what peter will do. Peter steals the guards clothes and duct tapes him to the wall. I turn back around and peter is holding the food tray with a handwritten note inside. "Ready?" I ask. "Ready."

The elavator doors open and Peter walks out with me close behind. I move my fingers to alter their memories and to make to sure they don't harm us. We reach another corridor and a guard stands by while I alter his memories. The guard stands by a button to open the entrance. It opens and we walk in. I look through the glass floor into a room with Erik sleeping on a cot. Peter drops the food into the shoot and it hits the side of Erik's bed. Erik looks at the tray and sits up before looking at us confused. I look into Peter's mind.

Italics= You

Bold= Peter

I just need to move my hands at a super speed to break the glass. Then he can climb out. Hopefully the glass doesn't hurt him. I'll catch the glass you just make sure it breaks. Y/N?! What are you doing in mind? Figuring out the plan.

I turn toward Peter and nod. Peter gets on his knees and moves his hands against the glass at a rapid speed. Once the glass shatters Erik ducks expecting glass to hit him but I move my hands in front of me to catch it. Erik looks up confused once again. I move the glass to the corner of the room and it becomes a pile. An alarm goes off and the door closes. Erik climbs out of the room and stands in front of the door. "In three seconds those doors are going to open and twenty guards will be here to shoot us." he says as I walk next to him. Peter runs to us and holds our necks. "I know. That's what I'm waiting for." "What are you doing." "I'm holding your neck so you don't get whiplash." "What?" "Whiiippplaasshh." The door opens and several guards appear with guns aimed. "Don't move." "Y/n?" "I'm on it Peter." I look into all of the guards minds. You will not harm us and you will not remember this. "I'm done." Peter runs to the elevator then lets go of our necks. Erik leans against the wall to support himself while I try to stand still. Peter quickly changes and appears in his normal clothes. Erik looks at Peter and goes to look back but looks at him again confused before facing the wall again. "Your good. It'll pass. It happens with everyone." Peter looks Erik up and down. "Must of done something pretty serious. What'd you do man? What's you do? What'd you do? Why'd they have you in there?" "For killing the president." Peter mouths "Oh" before turning to the guard still duct taped to the wall and mouthing "S#?!" The guard slightly nods. "The only thing I'm guilty of is fighting for people like us." I walk over to Peter and look at him.This guy is crazy. Tell me about it. But the guys said without him mutants and all of the human race goes extinct. Well at least I know breaking someone out of prison will have a good affect. We turn back toward Erik. "You take karate? You know karate man?" Peter says. "I don't know karat-" "You know any kind of martial arts?" I ask. "No but I-" "So you don't know hand to hand combat?" I continue. "I would have thought the guy in a high security prison would at least know karate." I say looking at Peter. "I don't know karate... But I know crazy." I try to stifle a laugh but can't and somewhat silently laugh with Peter. "They told us you control metal." Peter says. "They?" The elevator dings. "You know my mom once knew a guy who could do that." Peter says smiling while having a flashback.

The elevator opens and Charles faces us with hair and clothes soaked. "Charles?" Erik asks while Peter and I smile at them. Charles lunges at Erik. Peter and I jump out of the way before Charles punches Erik. Peter and I's eyes widen. Dang Charles! Erik falls to the floor and Charles hits the wall before walking around to the other side of the elevator and wincing in pain. "Good to see you too old friend, and walking." "No thanks to you." I bend down and help Erik stand. "Thank you." Erik says turning to me. "Your the last person in the world I expected to see today." "Believe me, I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to. If we get you out of here we do it my way. No killing." "No helmet. I couldn't disobey even if I wanted." Erik says smiling sarcastically. Peter looks at me uncomfortably. They have a long history. I don't really care that much, this is making me uncomfortable. Well trust me I'm not exactly great. We turn back toward the men bickering. "I'm never getting inside of that head again. I need your word, Erik." Charles says taking a step toward Erik. Erik nods.

Guards rush into the room. One of them clicks a button and I stare confused at it. "Nobody move!" "Hold it right there!" We all come out of the elevator. "Charles?" "Don't move!" That's right he can't use his mutation anymore. The meds cancel out his ability. "Hands up or we will shoot!" "Freeze them Charles." "I can't." "Hands up!" I try to go into their minds but when I do a pain spreads in my head. "Ahh!" "Y/N?" Logan asks next to me. "I can't, my telekinesis isn't working. Somethings blocking me." I say worriedly. Metal pots, pans, and silverware rattle. Oh no. "No!" Charles says putting his hand over Erik's chest to try and stop him. All of the metal objects fly in the air and the guards aim. I take a fighting stance and prepare to make blasts of energy.

Peter's POV

Everything becomes slow motion. The guns slowly fire and I can see the bullets. Pots, pans, food, and silverware stay in the air. Logan's bone claws begin to extract from his hands. Y/N's hands give off a faint red glow and it slowly becomes bigger and brighter. I put on my headphones and goggles then take off. I run on the wall and begin to circle the room. I reach out my finger and taste a bit of some suspended soup. I flip one guard's hat off of his head then I poke another guard in the cheek. I jump down from the wall and throw a plate at a guard. I grab a gun out of a guard's hand then toss it; then give him a severe wedgie. I slide over a metal table causing newspapers to fly off. I toss another guard's gun and then position his fist so that he'll punch himself. I remove a hand each from two guard's guns so that they don't fire; then I move the guns so they cross over and stay in front of each other's faces. I remove the younger guard's hat and put it on. Just because. I deserve a souvenir anyway.

I look up and see the bullets flying close to Y/N, Logan, Charles, and Erik. I speed over and start to move bullets toward gaps between all of their heads. I take one last look at my work. My eyes wander to Y/N. Her hands glow a bright red and her e/c eyes have a flash of red in them. Her face is determined and unfearful. I run to the other side of the room and everything goes to normal speed.

Your POV

I slightly flinch at the sound of bullets ringing in my ears. A guard slams against the wall after being hit by a plate. One guard punches himself. Two guards hit each other in the face with their guns. Another guard backflips. Finally, a guard hits a metal table and falls to the ground. I look around and see all of the guards on the floor either knocked out or physically hurting. Food and silverware liter the drenched room. I look across the room to see Peter standing awkwardly with a guard's hat on his soaked head. I stop creating balls of energy and they disappear. Peter takes out his headphones. Charles, Erik, and Logan walk toward the door. "Thanks kid." Logan says while patting Peter on the back. I walk up to Peter and smile. "Thanks, you really saved us there." "No problem." I nod toward the door and we walk out together.

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