Ch 7: Nightmare

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"Y/N come on I want to practice archery." Jean says while dragging me. "Jean slow down no one else uses the archery range. It'll be fine!" Jean rolls her eyes and lets go of my arm. "Jean I know you want to hurry because archery is your stress reliever but slowing down can be good to." I say sarcastically. We both laugh and I look at my notes from the previous class. I don't think I got the last few notes. We both begin to walk side by side once more. "Hey did you get the last few notes? I dosed off again." "I think so let me check." Jean looks down at her papers as we continue to walk. A boy accidently bumps into Jean's shoulder and she bumps into me. Jean and I's papers fall. I outstretch my hand and a red mist surrounds my papers before flying back into my hands. I look at Jean just in time to see her bringing back her papers. I look up at two boys. Watch where you're going. Jean and I telepathically say. "I can't." Alex looks at the boy confused. "Wha- who are talking to?" "Us." Jean says getting a better grip on her books and papers. "I just heard you both in my head." "We're telepathic." I say unimpressed. "We read minds." Jean says. "Well stay out of mine. I don't need some weird girls creepin' around in there. " I scoff and furrow my brows. "Don't worry Scott, there's not much to see." Jean says before beginning to walk away. "Hey wait I-I didn't tell you my name!" "No you didn't." I laugh and look back to see Alex laughing at his brother. "Nice to see you again Alex." I say before walking after Jean. "Who was that?" "An old friend and I can already tell she doesn't like you." I smirk as I continue to walk.

Jean and I split ways in the hallway as we go to our rooms. I open my door and walk over to my desk. I place my books and notes onto the desk and look at a picture hanging up. I take it down and smile at it. The picture was taken when Peter and I went to the fair together. He stole a stuffed f/a for me. I sense Jean getting ready to knock. "I'm ready Jean. Stop being so impatient." She stops mid knock and narrows her eyes at me. "I'm not impatient." "Sure and I can't read your mind." She rolls her eyes and we head toward the archery range.

I walk across the grass toward the bows and arrows. I pick up a bow and arrows. Jean follows suit after. I line up my arrow and take a deep breathe. I close my eyes and focus. I exhale and let the arrow go. The arrow hits the bulls-eye and I smile. I look toward Jena and she claps. "Very impressive." I bow and blow her a kiss. She laughs and takes her spot. She lines up her arrow and holds it for a minute before releasing. The arrow hits the bulls-eye and I clap for her. "Very impressive." But just in front of us we spot Charles, Hank, Alex, and Scott. "Can you believe he can shoot lasers out of his eyes?" "You read his mind?" "Don't act like you didn't!" We both look back at the group. "His older brother Alex, the one with long hair, can shoot blasts of energy from his chest and hands. Its pretty cool they have similar abilities." "That's cool. I've never heard of that happening in families." I focus my attention on Alex and try to get inside his head so I can hear their conversation. "Your going to spy on them aren't you." "Maybe." I manage to get inside Alex's head. "I know your doing it to. I'm not stupid."  

"Why don't you take off your bandages and we can have a look at what we're dealing with here? Alex would you line him up and face him in the right direction as well? There's a target just across the water. When you open your eyes just try to hit that." I hope this goes well. Don't worry Scott will be okay. Alex slightly looks around confused as my eyes widen. "Opps." Scott, now not wearing the bandage, has his eyes squeezed shut. "You can open your eyes Scott, there's nothing to be afraid of. Its quite-" Charles is cut off by Scott opening his eyes and lasers shooting across the lake toward a tree while destroying the target. Scott's lasers go up the large tree and my eyes go wide. Those are some powerful lasers. Scott shuts his eyes and Jean and I look at each other. That was insane. I telepathically say. Jean nods and we turn back toward the group. "My grandfather planted that tree when he was five years old. I-I used to swing from the myself." The tree begins to break apart at the middle and falls down to the ground. "I think that was probably my favorite tree. I can't help but laugh. I double over in laughter and Jean looks at me sternly. Out of the corner of my eyes I see the group looking at us. "Does that mean I'm-I'm expelled?" "Oh on the contrary, you're enrolled." I lightly smile and turn to Jean who has the same expression. 

3rd Person

Charles wheeled down the hallway filled with children. "Back to bed please my darling, back to bed." "Their doing it again." a child whispers. "Back to bed please everyone. Back to bed Jessie please. Come on now spit-spot back to bed. Carrianne come on now, back to bed." Charles says a little louder. Charles tops in front of one door with Hank. Hank opens the door to reveal Y/N thrashing and breathing heavily. "I've never seen it like this." "Right. What about Jean?" "Same thing." "Don't let any of the children come this way and make sure Jean is alright." Hank nods and Charles enters Y/N's room. The walls and painting burn up while a flower is on fire. Charles leans forward. "Y/N." Charles tries to go into Y/N's head but winces. He focuses and works on getting inside her head. He grunts and Y/N continues to thrash with a pained look. Images of fire, destruction, and a blue man flash before Charles. "Y/N!" Y/N bolts upright and franticly looks around. Charles catches his breathe and Y/N calms down some. Charles looks Y/N in the eyes and see flames. But just as soon as they came they left. 

Your POV

Later that night as I fell asleep I had a nightmare. Flames everywhere. People shouting. Destruction. I wanted to help so bad but I couldn't. "Please!" I shout out at the flames. "Make it stop!" Tears stream down my face as I fall to my knees. Images of flames, death, destruction cloud my view. I can distantly hear a vile male voice speaking. "All has been revealed!"  I can't do anything so I cry hoping for everything to return to normal. "Y/N!" I faintly hear someone shout. I don't look up paralyzed by fear. "Y/N!"

I bolt upright in my bed. It was a nightmare? No my nightmares are never that bad. It was real. I try to steady my breathing. For some reason my eyes felt like they were on fire, but a comfortable fire. "I-I... I saw so much pain and destruction... the end of the world, and I couldn't help." I say with tears pricking my eyes. "I-It was just a dream." "My nightmares are n-never that bad. It felt real." "I know your mind is one of the most powerful I have ever seen. It can convince itself-" "No! It was real. I-I... something is causing this, I can feel it, and its not my abilities. Its something dark... I thought I was getting better." I say the last part quietly. "You are." I look at Charles doubtful. "You will. You just have to be patient." "W-What if I hurt someone? I c-could hurt Peter or-or Jean... Wait a second, Jean." My eyes widen and I throw the covers off of me before bolting out the door past Hank.

I fling open Jean's door and kneel beside her thrashing figure. I instantly work my magic and red mist comes from my hands before goin into Jean's head. I slightly wince. Her nightmares have gotten worse just like me. Jean, wake up. Its alright I'm right here. Wake up. Jean! Jean sits up and catches her breathe. I sigh a breathe of relief and look at Jean. "Y-Y/N?" I pull her into a hug and she shakily breathes. "It was so real." "I know. We both got it." A few tears fall onto my shirt and I hug Jean tighter. "I think s-something dark is causing this." I say worriedly. "How do we stop it?" "I don't know Jean... I really wish I did." I rub Jean's back before pulling away. "Get some sleep." Jean nods before laying down. Before I realize what's happening I'm speaking words that aren't mine. "Everyone fears that which they do not understand. You will learn to control your powers. And when you do, you'll have nothing to fear." Jean slowly closes her eyes and falls asleep. Charles. I walk out of the room and close the door. Hank stands beside Charles. "You know you could have told her yourself." I say crossing my arms. "I thought it would mean more if you said it. Besides I didn't want to disrupt your moment." A small smile appears on my face. "Goodnight you two, and thank you." I say before walking back into my room. What could this mean.

I'm sorry Peter isn't in this chapter but I promise he'll be in the next one! I mean, one of the best scenes is gonna be in the next chapter so... LOOK FORWARD TO THAT! I'll update as soon as possible because I honestly am really excited to write the next chapter!


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