Ch 4: Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters

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I scream and jolt up covered in sweat. It was just a nightmare? It felt so real. I run my hand through my hair and look around. My bedroom had a few pieces of wallpaper burned. "What the heck?" I get up and walk over to a patch of burned wallpaper. "Did I do this?" My bedroom door opens and my mom walks in. "Y/N sweetie are okay?" she asks worriedly. "I had another nightmare. It felt so real mom." "Oh honey." She walks over and pulls me into a bear hug. "Its okay. Its okay. I'm here now nothing can hurt you." she coos. I pull away and look my mother in the eyes. "Mom, they're getting worse. I think it might be time." "They're that bad?" "Mom look at my wall. I burned the wallpaper." I say while my mother looks at the wallpaper. "If you think they can help you, I'll let you go. I hate to see you like this." "I know and I'm so sorry you have to deal with me." "Oh sweetie that's my job and I wouldn't trade it for the world." I smile and hug her one last time. "I'm going to try and get some rest." "Okay don't hesitate to come to me okay?" "You got it mom." She kisses my forehead and goes back to her bedroom. I sigh and climb back into bed. I really hope the nightmares stop.

The next morning I get up and head into the kitchen for breakfast. As I walk down the hallway I smell bacon and Mom's famous waffles. I run into the kitchen and see my favorite kind of waffles. "Morning sweetie." "Morning Mom." "I thought I might make your favorite waffles to cheer you up." "I really appreciate it. Here let me help." I use my ability to grab the plates piled with food and I place them on the table. I then run over and open the fridge to take out the orange juice. I pour it into two glasses and set them on the table. Since the fridge is across the room I use my ability to open it then I place the orange juice inside. With a wave of my hand the fridge closes and I smile at my mom. "How am I ever going to survive without you here?" "Well its good to know I'm needed." We both sit down and eat our breakfast. Once we finish I move my fingers and all of the plates, forks, and glasses float to the sink. I drop my hands and turn toward my mom. "Thank you for breakfast it was delicious." I go over and kiss her on the cheek. She smiles and kisses my cheek.

I go into my room and grab a business card then return to the kitchen. I walk over to the phone and dial their number. I wait a few seconds before someone answers. "Hello?" "Hey is that you Hank?" "Yes this is- Wait a second. Y/N?" "Yep its me." "How are you?" "I'm doing okay but I actually needed to talk to you." "Okay go ahead." "You guys sent me a card for the school. Its open now right?" "Yeah, we decided we needed to reopen it." "Well, I was wondering if I could enroll. I need help with my ability. I keep having nightmares and it causes my mutation to act up." "Wow. Uh we would love for you to come. When do you want to start?" "As soon as possible." "How about this Saturday?" "That would be great." "Okay we'll see you soon. Oh wait. Do you need us to come get you?" "No I can get there I just need to know where it is." "Right well its-" I write down the address and make the piece of paper float to my room. "Got it. I can't wait to see you guys." "Us as well. Uh, I have to go Y/N. Charles needs me." "Okay. Tell him I say hi." "Will do. Bye." "Bye." I hang up the phone and smile at my mother. "I start Saturday." "That's wonderful! I'm going to miss you so much." "Me too." I hug her and then go to my room to pack.

Just as I finish packing I hear the doorbell. "I got it!" I shout. I run to the door and open it. I see Peter standing there with his beautiful smile. I may or may not have developed a crush. "Hey Peter!" "Hey Y/N! Can I come in?" "Yeah sure." I step aside and he walks in. My mother walks over to us and smiles. "Hello Peter! How are you?" "I'm doing good Mrs. L/N." "How are your mother and sister?" "Good. Lorna just had her birthday." "That's wonderful. She's growing up so fast. I'll leave you two to it." She walks into the living room. I go into my room and Peter follows. "Why are you packing? Family trip?" "No. Actually I need to tell you something." "What is it? Should I be worried?" "No! No, not at all!" Peter sighs a breathe of relief  and sits on my bed. "So what's up?" "I'm going to Charles's school for mutants." "Your leaving?" "Yeah. I can't fully control my abilities and I need help. My nightmares are only getting worse." Peter seems to be pondering something. "Last night my nightmare caused me to burn my wallpaper." Peter looks at the burned wallpaper. "Will you visit?" He asks looking at me. "Of course I will Peter!" I say laughing. He smiles and stands up. "When are you leaving?" "Saturday morning." "Well than let's make the most of it." Peter picks me up and runs. When we stop we're in front of our favorite ice cream parlor. "Oh my god. We havent been here in a month." "That's why we needed to come now." Peter takes my hand and we go inside. I love this boy so much.


I double check my luggage and look around my room to make sure I didn't forget anything. I put my backpack on and carry my suitcase. I walk into the living groom and see my mom waiting for me. "My little girl is all grown up." she says teary eyed. "I'm going to miss you so much Mom." She walks over and hugs me tightly. "Keep me updated okay? Make sure to visit every once in a while." "I promise Mom. I would never not come home. I already miss you and Peter." Mom smiles and holds my hands. "I'm so lucky for a daughter like you." She kisses my forehead and we walk outside together. I let go of her hand and walk a little further in the open field. I move my hands and fingers and my suitcase levitates. I turn towards my mom and smile. I move my hands and I propel into the air using my blasts of energy. With one hand I keep myself in the air and with the other I take my suitcase. "Bye Mom I love you. I'll call you when I get there." She waves and I propel further into the air before I blast off.

I fly over the country and stay high enough so no one can see me. I wonder what the school is like. Maybe I'll make good friends. All of the way I ask myself questions about my new home. Soon enough though, and right at the time I become tired, I see the mansion. I start to fly lower. I lower myself to see the sign in front of the gate. Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters. 1047 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center. Westchester County, New York. I propel myself higher and over the gate. I land on the ground, grab my suitcase and walk toward the door. Before I can get to the door Hank opens it and smiles at me. "Hey Y/N." "Hey Hank. Thanks for letting me enroll on short notice." "No problem, we have the space. Here let me take your suitcase." Hank reaches for my suitcase but my red wisp grabs his arm and doesn't allow him to pick it up. "I got it. I can pick stuff up with my mind remember?" "Okay, I'll show you your room." I wave my hand and my suitcase floats beside me as I walk.  Hank tells me what rooms are as we pass. We walk up a staircase and down a hall. Hank stops at a door and opens it. "This is your room. I hope you like it." "Thanks Hank." "Oh, by the way the professor wants to talk to you once you settle in." "Got it I'll head to his office once I'm gone packing." Hank nods and leaves. I start unpacking and decorating my room. I have a feeling I'm going to like here. I think before going to call my mom.

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