Ch 3: Memories

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P.S. This chapter is going to be long because it will tell you how your future would have been. This is MORE than 2000 WORDS!

Peter and I stand by the rental car while Logan, Charles, Erik, and Hank stand outside of the plane. "Thank you for busting me out. I am truly grateful." Erik says with a nod before going into the plane. Logan turns to leave but I stop him. "Hey Logan, can I talk to you?" He turns toward me and nods. We both walk off a bit to the other end of the plane. "What's up kid?" "Would it be alright if... I viewed what happened during the future?" "I'm not really suppsed to tell people about it." "Please Logan, I want to know what happened with the sentinels, and how I died. I won't look into specific details just the major stuff." Logan turns toward where Peter, Charles, and Hank are standing. He sighes and looks toward me. "Make it fast." I nod and slowly lift my hands up.
As soon as my hands touch Logan's temples a white flash blinds me. Images flash by in hyper speed. How the sentinels were made. All the innocent blood shed. Even a few loved love's deaths. But one image slows down and I watch.

Flashback (3rd Person)

All different kinds of mutants stand together in an abandoned warehouse. "We need to send a group ahead to a different spot its not safe to huddle in one spot." A woman with h/c hair and e/c eyes says. "If we split up we'll be more vulnerable Y/N." A bald man in a wheelcahir says. "Those sentinels are made to kill us. If they find all of us in one place it will be like Christmas morning to them. They could corner us and murder us all together." Mutants chatter about the matter and their opinion. The man ponders this then speaks."Okay, we'll do it. I just dont want to put any of you in risk." "I know Professor but we have to fight eventually; and the kids need to escape to somewhere safe till we can destroy these things." "Don't worry Y/N I'll make sure every child is put somewhere safe." A woman with red hair says. "Thank you, all of you. These are dark times but every single one of you is family to me. Let us live another day." she says lifting her arm. A chorus of "yeah"s irrupts in the room. "Everyone out except the war team. We need to discuss details." A man with shaped brown hair says. "Well go on then!" He say while claws etract from his hands. Many mutants leave and a few stay.

"The sentinels will come here soon. We need a plan." A man with advanced sunglasses says. "Well we need to separate into a few groups. I can take all of the kids in one group with several other adults." The girl with red hair says. "That's a great idea. We want to keep the kids safe at all cost. We already lost too many people." A girl with white hair says. "I can take the elderly and some adults with me." A black haired girl with pink streaks and green eyes say. "I can take a group of all the teens and adults." A blue hairy man says. The h/c haired girl nods and looks around at her friends. "Everyone devide into the different groups. I'm staying here to fend off the sentinals." "Y/N are you crazy? We're not leaving you behind." A silver haired man says. "He's right ve can't leave you here to die." A blue devilish looking man say. "Listen. I know your not happy about this but we need the extra time and I'm not putting anyone else in a dangerous position. I love all of you too much to let any of you do it." "I won't except it. I'm not leaving you here alone." The h/c haired girl's eyes widen. "Peter-" "No Y/N, I'm staying with you." "Peter you know-" Suddenly an alarm goes off and a few lights flash. "They're here." A man with a metal helmet whispers. "Everyone take your groups to the jets and get them out of here. We have limited time and many people." Everyone nods and runs off to protect everyone.

The woman walked out of the building into the open. Not far off sentinels close in. "Let's do this." she whispers. Several sentials land in front of her. She moves her fingers and hands to create enegry wisps on her palms. The Sentinels lunge at her but she barely dodges. Using one hand she propells herself into the air and with the other she sends blasts of energy toward the sentinels. More sentinels approach.

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