Ch 8: Cerebro

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I sit down in the shade of a tree and Jean joins me. "That was brutal! I can't believe we have to write a paper on the book." "Y/N stop complaining it's just three pages long." "It could be shorter." "We both know you're a better writer than me so you can finish faster." "Its still going to take a while for me to get in the groove of things. Besides I was planning on visiting Peter this weekend." I say closing my eyes and leaning my head against the tree. I can feel Jean smirk. "So, Peter." I open my eyes and look at Jean. " As in the love of your life. How's the kleptomaniac doing?" I laugh and close my eyes again. "I don't know I haven't seen him in a while." "What about the late night talks?" "I've been busy. That's why I was going to see him this weekend. I really miss him." "Oh I know you do. You've been thinking about him a lot recently." I narrow my eyes and lightly punch Jean in the arm. We both laugh and I stand up. "I'm gong to get a better view of the mansion." I create red balls of energy and propel myself into the air upward. I land on a tree branch and sit down with one leg hanging over the edge. I create a red wisp and move it around with my fingers. I really hope I can see Peter soon.

3rd Person

"Who's that?" Scott asks looking at Jean. "I believe you two have met. That's Jean Grey. You bumped into her when you arrived." "That's her." "Yeah." Scott continues to stare at Jean then quickly turns to Hank. "I'm going to go. Thanks again for the glasses Professor." Hank nods and watches Scott leave before walking away. 

Scott walks up to Jean as she packs her bags. "Hey." Jean stops packing and looks at him. "You can see." Scott smiles and walks closer. "Yeah. It's not as bad as I thought it would be." he says looking around. A group of kids stare in the two's direction. "There still scared of me. Hey! I have special glasses now!" "They're not scared of you. They're scared of me. Your not the only one who can't control your powers." "Wait, so last night.. when the house shook... That was you?" "Sorry to break it to you but your not the biggest freak in this school." "That's for sure. I mean lasers are cool but telekinesis is where it's at." Scott jumps back slightly when he sees Y/N hovering in the air one second and the next she's on the ground. "Well that's a first."

Your POV

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by shouting. "Hey! I have special glasses now!" "They're not scared of you. They're scared of me. Your not the only one who can't control your powers." I look down and see Jean talking to the rude boy we met the other day. Looks like he can see now. "Wait, so last night.. when the house shook... That was you?" And me. I'm not letting her take all the blame. "Sorry to break it to you but your not the biggest freak in this school." I smirk and begin to lower myself down. "That's for sure. I mean lasers are cool and all but telekinesis is where its at." I land crouched down then rise up. Scott jumps back slightly. "That's a first." Scott says quietly. "You'll get used to it. Anyway, I see you can see now." "Wait a second, your...the other girl." "Yep and may I say you really can be a douche." Scott smiles and looks at his feet. "Runs in the family." I say crossing my arms. "You know Alex?" "Yep, I met him when I first came here." "Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks he's annoying." "Like I said, runs in the family." I lean Against the tree and smile at Scott. Jean is like a little sister to me. You hurt her I hurt you. Scott's eyes widen. "I'll see you two later. I have to go do... stuff." Scott says fake coughing. I stare at him menacingly as he leaves. "Stop scaring him." "I have no idea what your talking about." And with those words said I left.

Peter's POV

I watch the news as they talk about Magneto, aka my father, being at large again. I look down at the business card for Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, aka the mutant school Y/N lives at. I miss Y/N hopefully she'll visit soon, or at least talk to me.  I look back at the TV. "Peter!" I quickly turn the TV to a different channel and start playing Pac-Man. "What's up?" "Just checking on you." my mom says walking toward me. "I'm good, just playing Pac-Man" Mom changes the channel back to the news. "You sure you weren't watching this." I look at the TV for a brief moment and inhale. "Your going after him aren't you?" "You wanted me to get out of the house more right?" "I can't stop you, nobody can... But trust me, this won't end well... Nothing does with him." I fail the game and turn toward my mom. "I'm not afraid of him." "You should be." Mom places the remote on the table and walks away. I watch her leave then take out the business card. Maybe they can help me.

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