Ch 6: New Students

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~3 Years Later~

I walk down a hallway determined to get to Charles' office. I really hope I'm not late. The previous night I had another nightmare and got hardly any sleep. Which lead to me waking up late this morning. Since coming to the school my nightmares subsided, but they still occur. I don't know why my nightmares have subsided but I don't question it.

I come to a halt outside of Charles' office. I slowly open the door and Charles smiles at me. "Good to see you again Y/N." "You as well." I see two small girls sitting in chairs staring at me. "Why did you want to see me?" "I want to introduce you to our two newest students. Do you mind showing them around." "Sure I would love to." I always loved kids. Charles motions for the girls to go with me and they stand up. "Hi I'm Y/N. What about you two?" "I'm Jubilee!" the girl with pigtails says. "I'm Jean." the red head says. "Nice to meet you two." I say smiling at them. I open the door and motion for them to go ahead of me. Once they leave the office I smile and nod at Charles before leaving.

I walk outside with the two girls behind me. "So what can you two do?" "I can create fireworks!" Jubilee holds out her hands and giggles while sparks fly from her palms. "That's awesome! I bet that your the life of the party." I turn toward Jean and smile. Before I says anything she stops me. "I have telekinesis." "You read my mind." I say slightly smiling. "Well, I have telekinesis. As well as neuro-electric interfacing and mental manipulation." The girls look confused. "Its complicated to explain. How about I show you?" Jubilee jumps up and down with the biggest smile while Jean smiles at me.  "Well okay then!" I step back and raise my hand. I little red wisp appears and I throw it at an apple on the ground. The apple rises into the air. I move my fingers and energy balls start to form against my palms. I simultaneously throw the red balls of energy and they collide with the apple. The pieces fall to the ground and I put a force fields around the three of us. "Awesome!" Both girls exclaim. I look up at the sky and realize the sun will set soon. "Do you guys wan tot get a snack?" They both nod their heads and follow me inside to the kitchen.

Once inside the kitchen I grab three glasses of milk and three cookies with my ability. I hand the two girls their snacks and we head to a living room. I sit down on the couch and Jubilee sits on one side of me while Jean sits on the other. Jubilee dunks her cookie in the milk before eating it while Jean eats the cookie separate from the milk. "Do you girls like it here so far?" I say taking a bite of my cookie. "Its awesome! I can't believe we get to go to a school for people just like us!" "I know. It is pretty crazy. What about you Jean?" "I really like it here. I want to... be able to control my power better. Hey Y/N?" "Yeah?" "How long have you been here?" "Well... about three years now." I say before drinking my milk. Jean nods and continues to eat her cookie.

I finish my cookie and place my glass on the table. "How about a game?" "Okay!" "Sounds like fun!" I stand up and walk to an open space in the living room. "If you two would stand over her I would greatly appreciate it." I say curtsying. They both giggle and run over. "How would you two like to fly?" Their eyes widen. "Alrighty then, lets get started! Don't freak out and remember that I wont let you fall or get hurt." I take a deep breathe and put my hands in front of me. I move my fingers and red mist surrounds each girl. I slowly lift my hands while continuing to move my fingers. The girls move with my hands and slowly move upward. I smile spreads across my face when the girls giggle. I move my hands around the room and the girls fly after them. I laugh along with the girls and feeling a little drain I start to lower them. I move my hands toward the ground and the girls' feet touch ground once again. The girls run over and hug me. "Thanks Y/n." they say in unison.

I walk the girls to their bedrooms. Before Jubilee goes inside she hugs me one last time. "Night!" Jean stays and holds my hand. "I don't want to go to sleep." I look inside her mind and my eyes widen. "You have nightmares?" "She slowly nods. I crouch down to her level and hold her hand. "How about I stay with you till you fall asleep?" She nods and I hug her. "Come on." We go inside her room and I sit on her bed while she gets ready. She comes out of her bathroom and over to the bed she gets under the covers and I tuck her in. "I promise I won't leave till you fall asleep and if you have a nightmare I'll wake you up okay?" She nods and I lay down beside her. I pull her close to me and mess with her hair. "I'll protect you I promise." Slowly Jean falls asleep.

I wait a few minutes to be safe before I move. I move my arms away from her and sit up. I pull the covers closer to her and stand up. I slowly open and close the door. I creep down the hallway toward my room which resides at the end of the hallway. I open the door and plop down on my bed. "I guess I should get ready and try to sleep." I go into my bathroom and get ready. I come back out and lay down on my bed. I close my eyes and sleep consumes me.

I jolt up sensing something off. I get off my bed and with my ability search the school. "Jean." I bolt out of my room and down the hall. I swing open Jean's bedroom door. Jean tosses and turns while a look of fear stays on her face. I hear someone in the hallway and turn to see Charles wheeling closer. "Jean." I simply say. He nods and Jubilee comes out of her bedroom. "What's going on?" She asks rubbing her eyes. "I'm going to help Jean."

I bend down next to Jean and try to shake her awake. Nothing. That only leaves one option. I move my fingers and red mist surrounds them. The red mist floats down into Jean's head. I need to make her nightmare disappear. I start to see images of what Jean sees as I set to work. I try to steady my breathing. Jean its just a nightmare. Its not real. Wake up. Jean bolts upright with wide eyes. I rest my hands at my side and sigh. "Thank God your awake." Jean turns toward me and hugs me. I hug back and feel my t-shirt beginning to get wet. "Its okay. Shh... I'm here now." I coo while rubbing her back and head. "H-How did you know how to s-stop it?" "I have nightmares to you know." "I'm sorry." "What for?" Jean pulls away and looks at me. "For making you take care of me." "I chose to help you. You didn't make me. I couldn't stand by and let you suffer." Jean smiles and hugs me once again. "Thank you." "Your welcome." I say with a smile. I look toward Charles and Jubilee. Charles nods smiling before ushering Jubilee back into her room and wheeling away. "Its okay to cry. Crying every once in a while is healthy." Jean slightly sakes before crying into my shoulder once again. "Its okay. Let it all out."

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