Chapter 1

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10 years earlier...

I'm standing in front of the doorstep. Holding my tears and sobs. I don't want to be left alone again. I don't want to.

"Rin, take care okay?" Mom said kneeling in front of me. I can't hold the tears anymore. One by one, the tears fell on my cheeks. Mom and dad are going to Italy again. Work. We're the richest in the state. I've been living in my mansion for 6 years already, 5 years of that living alone with nothing but maids and butlers. Now they're going away again.

"Ohh Rin, don't cry." I can't help it. Can't help what? I wailed louder and louder. Being alone is the least thing I'd want to be right now. And I guess I'm just seconds away from being alone again. 

All the traumatic experiences. Long dark halls, midnight tears, mom and dad's room full of cobwebs, the hustling sound inside the attic, expressionless maids and butlers, tasteless food, playing house alone, seeing flowers wither, seeing apples rot, stumbling in the long hall, sleeping alone, crying alone

I don't want any of that again.


"Mom, please don't go. I don't want to be alone." I said in between gasps and sobs. I'm always a crybaby. Alone or not. But being with them is better than being alone. I'd rather cry with them. With someone intimate to share my tears with. But I don't know why people seemed like they don't notice. That they don't notice that I'm needing a companion.

"I need to sweet pea. I'll be home soon okay?" Mom told me. Those were her promise too. Those were the things she wrote on a paper. That letter. Said she'd be home soon. That letter she left when I was still a child. It took her 5 years to be able to fulfill her promise. 5 years was what she meant by soon. I don't know now. Whether her soon means 5 again or more. Noone knows. I don't know. And I don't want to know. I just want them here.

"But... I'm so lonely.." please don't go mum and dad. I'll be lonely again. I'll cry again. I can't hardly breathe now.

"I'll be home soon." She stood up and slowly went to the waiting limo in the road.

"Moooooooooooom! Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!! Daaaaad!!" I screamed. I tried to run after them but the maids were holding me back. 

I can still go after them....

I can still stop them....

I can still....

I can't.


10 years later....

Pupupupupupupunnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!! I glided across the floor. I went to the wall mirror to see meh shizzling looks. I gave my hair a cool whip and pointed at the mirror like a cool kid.

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