Chapter 4

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What's wrong with me? Ever since yesterday, I've been recieving paper plane with facts in it. A week has passed and the plane is still going.


Fact No. 2

I love her because she's sweet


Fact No. 3

I love her because she's funny


Fact No. 4

I love her because she's crazy


Fact No. 5

I love her because she's naive


Fact No. 6

I love her because she's clumsy


Fact No. 7

I love her because she's perfect


It's getting weirder and weirder cause everyday, I never fail to recieve these paper planes. I don't know what to do with it so I just kept it at home.

Ahhhh. Len and I have been practicing all night the whole week. We've been planning what our presentation would be since it has a talent portion.

This is stressing me out but it's kinda fun too.

Speaking of the devil...

"LEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted.

"Rin, would you lower it down, Jeez you've grown louder!"

Len is here. We're currently practicing in my mansion. Well, it's the most suitable place compared to Len's apartment.


Len's apartment is more comfy than my mansion though...

Everytime I went there. Len would always have the spirit to make me laugh. No matter how corny the joke is, I always find it funny. 

I guess Len is just a natural joker.

Haha he is a joke himself, Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!

"Rin you're daydreaming about me again? Come on! Let's practice!"


I got the parcel in my room. Today is going to be a very special day.


What's taking her so long? We must practice and perfect the steppings! This is gun be so pretty cool and epic :D

I got on my gym shorts. This is comfy to wear :)

"I'M HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" It's Rin. She's loud as ever :D Anyway, I saw the she got more cheerful and cheerful every day. This is amazing too.

I'm positive we'd win with this :D

"Uhhh Rin. Shall we start?" Rin turned like she's a ballerina dancing, stopped in front of me and posed her hand on a peace-sign.


We started the practice.

----after an hour of practice-----

"Maaaaaaaaaaaan, I'm so burned up! That was cool Rin!!!" we both did a high-five.

"HAHAHA I'm still on the go! I'm not even half-tired as you are! Muhahahaha"

"You're incredible!" I lied down on the floor. It was a large hall with mirrors surrounding us.

"Wait here a sec Len :)"

"Bring me soda too!"

"YOSSSSSSHIIIII!!!" She shouted on the hall. She sprinted that fast.

Hehe. She really is amazing..

--a couple o'minutes later---



THEY'RE ALL HERE????????????????????

"SURPRISE LEN! They all saw our practice! :) Since tomorrow is the big day, I thought of surprising you to boost you up. Of course with everyone's support." It was Rin


She's sooo amazing...

I hugged her...

Thank you Rin :')

"You're welcome Len." I was startled.

"I could hear you say it you know :)" She gave me that one smile I'd give my whole life for.


The plan worked :)

We cheered Len up. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I just thought he'd be so stressed out by the practice that I thought about doing this.

Besides we're partners. We should start working with each other.


I must give this to him too :D

"Leeeeeeeeeeeeen!!" I called to him! He's on the other side of the hall with everyone in between. Huge speakers were there too. Our practice day turned out to be a party.

"Riiiiiiiiiiiin! You're always as loud as ever!" He laughed. It's good to hear him laugh. No let me rephrase it, it was the best to make him laugh. I feel comfortable. I find him as my true friend. He filled the lacks my parents never gave me. He really is my soulmate :)

"I have one last surprise for you!" I got the parcel from my back.

"Tadaaaaaaaa!" -me

I gave it to him

He was startled from the looks of it. He then hugged me again.



He was crying...?

"Oy Len! Why're you crying?"

"I'm just happy Rin. I'm very happy." Len said in between sobs.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwe how adorable.

"Haha! Stahp it Len. Enough of it :) This is just a small thing to cry about." I said waving my hands up and down.

"I've never had a party before Rin...." What?????

"Never? Had one?"

"Yea.. My parents died... just before my birthday party..." Len said... I could see his eyes atmost teary.

I hugged him and patted his back.

"There, there. Everything's gonna be alright Len. That I promise ya."

and just like a whisper

my heart...

heard him say...

Arigatuo Rin, I love you....

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