Chapter 11 - Final Chapter

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5 years has passed since Len went to Paris. I'm still here waiting for him though. We've sent messages on the internet. I also had a live chat with him. I scolded him really bad because of leaving me alone. But I know, he just did that for my sake. In the cam.. he's still so handsome...

My Len..

is really handsome..

It's already Halloween. 5 years ago on this day, I remembered the performance I had with Len.

The one where we performed trick and treat.

It was so funny. Haha

I'm here in the rooftop of the school.

I've already graduated. I also have a college degree. And to my parents, I inherited the business. I opened up and raised the toy store's funds. I based the shop in Japan so I won't have to travel out of the country.

Lots have changed.

We grew up..

We grew separate lives..

But one thing hasn't changed...

"That you'll wait for me?" I was startled,

It was..

It was...

Len's voice...

I turned around..

Only to see..


He really is here...

I ran to him and hugged him..

"Baka you didn't tell me you'd come now!"

"Trick and treat Rin. I must come for my candy."

Haha very funny!

"What candy are you talking about?"


And with that he kissed me.. again.

We sealed of the night with a kiss.

And from that day on. Len stayed by my side. And oathed to stay with me for the rest of my life.

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