Chapter 8

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"Rin... Suki desu.."

"Rin... Suki desu.."

"Rin... Suki desu.."

"Rin... Suki desu.."

"Rin... Suki desu.."

"Rin... Suki desu.."

"Rin... Suki desu.."

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it just won't get out of my mind. (Suki desu = I love you) Does he really mean it? I mean why? :(

Ever since that night, Len grew distant from me. He's obviously ignoring and avoiding me. In school, I could see him since we're on the same class but everytime I went near him, he would find an excuse to walk away from me.

I'm sitting alone in the rooftop. It's already winter break. School's out and it would resume on January something.

I lied down alone in the rooftop.

Why was I alone?

I'm alone again...

Just like when I was a kid.

Was I really meant to be alone?

I don't want this...

I don't want this anymore...

A flashback came...

"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" The car went. Faster than I have ever expected. I never thought..

I never thought that was the last time I'm ever going to see them...

I never thought about it..

That I was meant to be alone...

It was my fate...

"Rin-sama.... A telegram has arrived.."

Hilda told me a telegram has arrived. I thought it was one of those letters moma used to send me when she's away.

I immediately got the telegram from her...

I read it...


I fell on my knees...

My feet went numb...

I looked at Hilda....

She was crying tooo... I cried... Slowly at first....

Then I broke down into a very loud wail...

My mom died in a plane accident...

They died....

In just seconds, they were taken away from me...

I never really wanted to hate them...

But mom broke her promise...

She told me she'd be home soon...

But she won't be...

She won't be ever home again...

I was taken in the care of my mother's sister...

But she's not always in the mansion. So it figures that Hilda took care of me.

I thought I was going to be alone my whole life..

Until my friends in Voca High came along...

I met them..

They accepted me despite my status...

They were true friends...

One of them was Len...

He was....

But now he's ignoring me and I don't know why..

I felt like I suddenly wanted to cry..

I cried...

I cried and watched the sky...

An airplane flew across the sky...

Are you happy now?

Are you happy that you took everything away from me huh?

I remembered the paper planes I recieved.

Was it a sign that someone's gonna leave me again...

I dont want to..

I broke into sobs...

And then I fell asleep..


Baka Rin (Stupid Rin)

She's in the rooftop crying.

I know what she's crying about...


I've been ignoring her...

The more I get close to her.. the more she'll get hurt...

I was the one who sent her the paper planes....

I don't want her to think that airplanes are bad..

I want her to think of it as memories..

Our memories...

I know what happened to her parents...

My parents died on the same plane Rin's parents did.

It was so painful...

I felt what she felt...

And I don't want to hurt her any longer...

My uncle is going to take me to Paris...

I'm gonna stay there for college. I'm going to come back for her though... But I can't promise her... I can't make her expect again. She's got enough pain and I don't want to add damage to the wound.

I slowly went down the stairs....

Just when I could hear her clearly...

"Len.. humnum... listen... Ai... Aisheteru.... Aisheteru desu... (I love you)"

I smiled and a tear fell from my eye.

It was the exact same thing....

It was the exact same thing she told me the night I went first went to her house...

The night where I get to meet her more..

And changed for good...

That was the exact same thing she said on her sleep talk....

Aisheteru.. Rin...

[A/n Len is talking about their first slumber where Rin started sleep talking. If you want to go through with it again. It's on chapter 2]

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