Chapter 10

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I finally confessed....

He kissed me...

He said he love me too....



I was so happy. I was left alone dumbfounded... He went to the window...

"Good bye Rin. Ja ne (See you later)" He smiled. I smiled back..



I'm sooooooooooooo happy :')

Len loved me too.

I went to bed smiling.. I was up all night I couldn't sleep. Tomorrow... I'm going to his apartment tomorrow.. :) Are we on now? OMG this is my first time.

I kept thinking about my future with him...

We'd have kids...

maybe 3 or 4..

OMG that thought made me blush >/////////////////< Len I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

---------The next morning-------------

I got my cardigan. I'm going to his house again. Teheeeeeeeee. I'm going to make everything clear with him.

I rode my bike towards his apartment..

It was..


When I arrived, I saw it was locked..

I saw someone raking the snow on the porch.

"Mister. Do you by chance know where the kid who lives there? Why is it locked?"

"What? Is he your friend miss?"

"Yes I am." I answered.

"Are you by chance Rin Kagamine?" the old man asked me.

"Why yes.. I am?" He knows my name?

"Oh that boy Len told me to give this to you once you're here." he took a box from the chair and gave it to me.

"Umm do you know where Len is? Mister?" The old man looked puzzled.

"You don't know? Len's on the plane by now. He's off to Paris. I heard he's taking his college there."

He's off to..

He's off to Paris?

He's leaving? 

"W-what t-time is the f-flight M-mister?" I asked him

"He said it's around 11 o'clock"

I dashed without even thanking the old man. I need to catch up with Len's plane. It's already 10:57. I can still catch up. I can still...

I can't..

I failed...

When I arrived the plane off to Paris has already departed...

I can't believe it..

He's gone...

And I lost him..

On a plane again...

I can't believe this sh*t. This is so unbearable..

I ran to the rooftop of the school..


I'm left alone again... you evil Len! How could you do this to me?


I cried so hard...

I cried my heart out...

I cried until there's no more tears left to cry.. It was almost sunset when I remembered the box the old man gave me..

I opened it..

It was

It was..



paper plane..

He ...


the one who gave me the paper plane?



I opened it...



When you recieve this letter, you'd probably know that I'm off to Paris. Rin I just can't tell you. I don't want to hurt you. For now, I want you to be strong. Just a little bit more sacrifice Rin. I know I could count on you right? No crying. Taking good care of yourself. Don't play Mokemon too late. Be strong Rin for me. Yes, I was the one who gave you the plane. To tell you that not all the planes could give you heartaches. This plane is witness of my memories with you. It would hold on to your heart forever Rin. Know that.. Know that I'll always love you. Even though we're apart. Just so you know, I'll come back. I'll be back to claim what's truly mine. By then, prepare yourself okay? I'll be back Rin. I will be.

I love you



I couldn't help but cry...


I know.............

I know................

I will wait for you Len...

But be sure you'll be back..

Just be sure to be back....

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