Chapter 7

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It's almost Len's birthday. Two weeks has passed since the Airport incident. And things were back to normal. I forgot to tell you, Len and I have the same birthday December 27.

"Leeeeeeeeeeeeeen what do you want to do on our birthday? :D" I asked him. We're on the rooftop alone.

"What do you want to do Rin? :)" Hmmmmm I was thinking. Just a simple party would do.

"I want to have cake on my birthday!" I said convincingly.

"You do?" -Len

"Of course I do!" I told him.

We continued talking about our birthday preparations.

"Uhh Len, I forgot to tell you. There's someone placing paper planes on my table." I told him I just remembered a while ago. Not that I don't want to tell him but I clearly forgot about it when I'm with him.

"What.. p-paper planes?" he asked.

"I should've brought it here but there were too many of it. It has writings in it. The recent one said that he's almost leaving. Who could that be? Someone must be transferring from our class." I guessed.

"Who do you think it was?" Len asked me.


Who do I think it was?


"I guess it's someone close to me. I'm not sure who though." I said in a-matter-of-fact way.

"Hm don't you want to know who it is?" -him

" I want to but he says he's leaving. I'm gun know who it is once someone will leave or transfer or whatever. I told him. I lied down on his lap. The sun's almost setting. It's so beautiful.

"Len.. did you see it? It's so beautiful..."


"Len.. did you see it? It's so beautiful..." she told me. She was reffering to the sunset. I stared at her.

"Yep.. really beautiful.." She is...

She really is beautiful....

I love her...

I wish I could say it to her...

Before... I...

Before I.....

"Ehhh Len? Did you see it! Look at the sunset. You're gonna miss it! Stop staring at me dummy!" She told me. I laughed. Haha what if I miss the sunset? Atleast I'm not gonna miss every second left I need to spend with her.



"Let's go now Len! :D We must prepare the decorations of our birthday." She held out her hands.

I grabbed it. Yes. We must prepare. Prepare yourself Rin...

---a couple of days later----


It's Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. I went to Len's house and gave him another gift. (The gift on his birthday would be different too)

Hahaha he gave me a gift too.

All seems to drift so fast and our birthday came.

We exchanged gifts and prepared home cooked foods. Everyone was there. But the best part there was...

"RIN I'VE GOT A SURPRISE FOR YOU!" Len called me out. Ohmooooo he does he does?

I went there in a jiff. I saw a huge box on the table.

"Is this it??" I asked Len excitedly. He nodded his head. He went near the box and opened it.

It was...

It was..

A birthday cake :D

"Sorry if it's not that great. You see. I'm the one who made it." He was holding his nape, faced down when he told me that. It clearly shows that he's embarassed because he just made it and not bought it.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SORR? I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!" I said and then hugged him. Let this go on forever.

Thank you for giving me Len, Lord.

"Uhhh Rin.." Len suddenly asked me.

"Yes Len?"

Instead of answering me, he hugged me.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3 He wanted a hug. He must've asked for it.


Wait whut?










"Len.. what's the matter? Why are you crying?"






He hugged me tighter.

"Just... hug me for 5 more minutes..."










"I could hug you forever Len? What's wrong?"

He didn't answered me

I just hugged him back. Hugged him tighter. Now I feel like I got his 'sadness sickness' too. I feel sad for some kind of reason. It's like his sadness is contagious. I felt a dry tear fell from my eyes. Soon my cheeks were swarmed with tears. What's happening? What's this sadness all about?









"Rin... Suki desu..."

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