Chapter 6

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I went outside to look for Len. The snow started to fall. I'm shivering too. Where is he?


I tried to went to the nearest airport, Seika International Airport. I looked for him everywhere but he wasn't there. I'm getting teary-eyed now. Has he went on plane? Has he moved away?

I went as fast as I could to his apartment. I want to know if it's true. When I'm almost to his apartment, I saw a male figure on his way there too. I know who it was..

I ran as fast as I could and hugged him


He didn't answered me for a couple of seconds. I was shocked to. Was he really leaving me?

"Who told you I'm going anywhere silly?" He turned to face me. His cheeks are red too. Must've been the snow. He must be cold now.

"Then what're you doing in the airport?!? huh??!" I asked him my face still pouting. I turned away from him.






It took him a couple of seconds to answer..

"I didn't.. I just happened to pass by.." he said faintly.

"Hmmmph!!!" I grumped.

"Please don't get mad." He hugged me from the back. He wrapped his scarf around my neck. His face is inches closer to my cheeks. I could really feel the warmth of his breath. It's tickling me so I laughed.

I turned to look at him.

"You're really not going anywhere?" I asked him just for assurance.

"You're loud. Let's eat?" He answered me.

GOOD IDEA. I'm starving too :)

We went to the nearest resto and ordered alot. Len eats a lot though he never gets fat. We talked about a lot of things. Haha Len really is a blabber mouth. He never runs out of things to talk. I wonder who he looks up to?

We ordered dessert too. We talked about our performance. It was pretty cool. Though we lost. It doesn't matter whether we win or lose. What matters is they enjoyed it, us as well.

After eating we went outside. We saw a photobooth and decided to talk pictures.

It was a booth where you get to pose four times for four pictures. It would then be printed directly and given n that same day/night.

We went inside and do our poses.

First picture.

I raised my other hand and gave Len horns at the top of his head. He did it too.

Second picture.

We were so close to the camera and grinned widely. Len's teeth seems to have something in between. Ew! Haha.

Third picture.

I pushed the side of his nose with my pointer finger, so does he.

Last picture.

We moved our heads closer and did a peace-sign pose.

That was awesome. Both of us were given copies. Haha. Len looks really funny here. I teased him when we're on our way.

As we headed home, we saw a banana stand. It made our eyes sparkle bigtime! Wohooooooo.

I bought 5 kilos of BANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, I'm gun eat it with Len. I'm not that of a pig. Len's the pig here.

We went home. He went to the mansion.

We played Mokemon all night (and ate banana too ^_^)

We watched Mokemon X and Y on tv until we drifted off to sleep.

It was on the middle of the night that Len told me he needs to go home. So I escorted him until the mansion's doorstep.

"Ja na (See you Later)" Len said.

"Hai (Yes)" I answered him still drowzy.

But even though I was a bit drowzy and sleepy

I was pretty sure..

I was sure I saw it.

I saw a single tear fell from Len's eye.

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