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pure blood

Y'all said yo like it when I say Y/N instead of a real name soo I'll start that instead.


I sit waiting for my food sighing because my boyfriend stood me up again. I look around the Asian restaurant with a pout on my face. The woman brings me my food with a sorrow filled looked on her face. "Here's your food darling, you'll be ok." The woman comforts. "Thank you." I half smile at her. I sit and look at the chicken and vegetable lo mein.

I poke and play with my food unamused. This short boy comes from behind the counter where the staff is held and starts to sweep up. His actions were definitely more distractive than the noodles that I played in. I sigh knowing this is creepy so I call out "Excuse me." I say getting his attention "Yes ma'am?" He responds directing his eyes towards me. "May I have a to-go box please." I ask sighing once again. He nods and walks away going to get my box.

"Now, you look very upset." The boy comes back handing me the box. "Yeah just tired," I say taking it from him. "I know tired and that face is not it. It looks more disappointed." I side eye the boy "Have you been spying on my life or something cuz you know everything." I say putting the noodles in the box. "Nah I haven't, it's written all over your face." He says sitting down across from me.

I sigh in annoyance "Aren't you still on the clock, bust boy." He gasps and puts his hand over his chest acting like I insulted him "We calling names now, and look around it's dead as hell I got time." He says crossing his arms and leaning back into the booth. I look around the dead restaurant and try to console my smile. "You right, you right." I say breaking a small smile. "Look who's smiling now." He says smiling himself. "I'm Algee, and you are." He says holding out his hand. I attach my hand to his and shake "Y/N." I said blushing a tad bit. I have always been a blushie person.

"Pretty name."

I and Algee talked for hours until closing time. "You are too funny." I laugh checking my watch. "Oh crap I have to go it's super late." He looks at me with a weird face. "What?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest "Why didn't you just say shït? Had to be extra and say crap." He rolls his eyes "That's a bad word that's why. Till next time Algee." I say turning and walking away. "See ya later Y/N."
I turn back to him and smile before walking towards my Audi RS7.

(That is a sexy ass car just saying)


Her pure iron scent was so strong it still lingers on the street and in the store. I gotta tell Luke about her. I pull out my phone from my back pocket and dial his number.

"Wassup?" He answers. "I have good news." I say walking out the restaurant and to my car. "Don't keep me waiting what is it?" He asks "Found one. Super strong smells so good. She was in the restaurant today. It was our first meeting." I explain to my boss." I can hear the smirk in his voice as he responds

"Perfect befriend her, the second week I want you to bring her to me, I'll determine if we can have her." My heart races from the thought of pure blood. "On it boss." I say starting up my car. "Don't forget pack meeting tonight." He reminds me through the phone. "I'll be their boss." I assure my presence. "Anything else to add?" He questions "Yeah can I speak to Luke my friend, not Boss/Alifa?" I ask with a chuckle.

"He's here." His tone lightens up "Bro when I tell you she was fine like, damn she was innocent too. I mean she's packing bro. I'm Sprung." Luke kisses his teeth "Now you know you have a whole woman out here. A WHOLE woman." He exasperates. "I'm talking bout for you. Your lone wolf ass. Even though you a wolf don't mean you gotta be alone." I sap to him on the phone. "Just get your ass here damn." I could feel the annoyance I put on him coming through the phone. "Damn, I'm on my way." I laugh through the phone.

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