A Trip to Rome (Lovino and Feliciano Vargas with Reader)

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You were making your way to a small family owned restaurant in the lesser known backstreets of Rome. Feliciano and Lovino had invited you to come visit, though it was more Feliciano pleading and Lovino not caring. You came, and then promptly got lost. You were late to the meeting, they were treating you to pizza and pasta done right. You took a few wrong turns, then a few more, then you realized you were lost. Resigning to call a taxi, you made it only an hour late to your meeting. 

You walked through the doors after paying the cab driver (the ride scared the daylights out of you) and were immediately tacked with a hug. "Ve~, Bella! You made it!" Feliciano exclaimed "Yeah, I got lost then I decided to take a taxi here. Do you know ho many back streets there are in Rome? Because I think I walked almost all of them except for this one." 

Feliciano let you go. "Ve~, I don't know Bella, but there's a lot." You found it kind of strange how Feliciano never really opened his eyes. Lovino was standing a little farther back with his arms crossed, he nodded in your direction. "Hey Lovino." You greeted casually.

"Ve~ Bella, let's go sit down and eat." Feliciano pulled you by your hand to a table spread with pizzas, pastas, and other classic Italian dishes. And it was all still hot. Your mouth watered a little. "Is this lunch?" You asked. Feliciano bobbed his head up and down. "And you better have appetite!" He exclaimed happily. The three of you sat down to eat this huge meal, with you sampling from every dish and Feliciano and Lovino chowing down. You wondered how they stayed so thin. 

After your meal, you walked to wear Feliciano and Lovino had parked their cars, or so your thought. You were crossing the pedestrian street, when a car zoomed right in front of you. If Lovino hadn't pulled you back by your collar, you would have been run over. "Did I just almost get run over by a Fiat!?" You asked incredulously. Lovino nodded his head. "But I thought this was a pedestrian street?" You asked. Lovino shook his head 'no'. "It's a street. People just tend to walk in the middle of the street." He explained. "You have to be careful crossing streets Bella." Feliciano commented. They led you to a cross walk. "People can't legally run you over on a cross walk," Lovino said, "But they will nose right up to you and zip right in front or behind you. Just keep walking and you'll be fine." He instructed. "People are very good drivers here." Feliciano put in. Crossing the street was a terrifying experience for you, if that taxi ride wasn't bad enough. 

The two brother led you to their 'cars'. In reality, they never said car, yo were just assuming. But you thought wrong. Instead, they had two little mopeds to get around on. Lovino tossed you an extra helmet. "Safety first." He said. "Ve~ Bella, come and ride with me~!" Feliciano waved at you to come sit with him. You strapped on your helmet and sat behind him. You just had enough time to lock your arms in a death grip around his waist as he called "Hold on tight!" and sped off. "Feliciano!!! Slow down!!" You screamed in terror. This was way worse than that taxi ride. Feliciano drove like a mad man. Those mopeds were deceivingly fast. With Lovino following right behind you, the two brothers zipped through traffic to their destination. They took you to the best gelato shop in all of Rome. And you had to agree, the gelato was delicious.

Now you were ready to tour Rome. How those two were going to take you to see all of Rome in one day, you didn't know. But knowing them, they were sure to manage. Feliciano asked you to sit with him again, but you declined. You thought that sitting with Lovino would be safer, but you were dead wrong. At least Lovino didn't outwardly laugh at your screaming. He did chuckle once though. 

The brothers took you to every important site in Rome. The Catacombs; the Forums; the Four Rivers Fountain; the Pantheon; The President's Palace, where you could almost walk up and touch the wall if you wanted to; Trevi Fountain, one of the only places you can trail a Fiat cutting a path through a street crowded with pedestrians, only in Rome; and they even took you to the Vatican, where you blessed yourself with the holy water.

At the Vatican, you saw Vash Zwingli. "Is that...Vash?" You asked the two brothers. It appeared as if Vash was part of the Swiss guard. Vash nodded in your direction and you three nodded back. You backed away slowly and finished touring.  

At the end of the day, the three of you were strolling through an outdoor market. Lovino bought a tomato and munched on it thoughtfully. "Oh, I almost forgot!" Feliciano exclaimed. He rummaged around in his pocket until he pulled out a little locket. "Ve~ Bella, we got you this so you can remember your trip to Rome." Feliciano put the locket around your neck. You opened it, and inside there was a picture of the three of you together. "Aww you guys, you shouldn't have." You pulled the both of them into a hug, Lovino looking pleasantly surprised, and Feliciano being his usual self. You knew you'd never forget these two. 

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or any of it's characters. 

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