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A sigh rang through room 103 as Castiel sat the last box on the tiny desk in the corner of his tiny room. He turned his head and stared at the empty bed. Someone would occupy it. There must be someone coming... right? He shook his head at the thought. He put it on the application form. It said he would be with someone.

He shivered at the thought of being alone in a strange place. Ideas flashed through his mind of all the dangerous possibilities that could happen. He tried to swallow around the lump that was forming in his throat.

He got up and went into the bathroom. He dampened a washcloth and ran it over his face. The pit that was sitting in his stomach let up a little as he stared at himself in the mirror. He took a deep breath and stared himself in the eyes. "You're okay. Everything is fine."

Castiel opened the drawer to get a tissue and realized there were none. He sighed again as he turned and went to the door to run out and grab some simple yet necessary items from the drug store down the street.

Right as he pushed the door open, he was greeted by someone who looked like they just climbed out of a male model magazine. "I'm your roommate... you Cas Novak?" Castiel nodded, but he was still fixated on the man's eyes. They started out as a candy apple green but dozens of greens mixed together.

"I am but... it's Castiel."
"Okay, Cas. That one mine?" He pointed at the bed across the room and the shorter man nodded again. "Yeah but uh... I didn't catch your name." The blond boy smirked. "Dean. Dean Winchester."
"Hello, Dean... Winchester... can I help you with your bags?"

Dean handed Cas the smallest one of the three small duffle bags he had in his hands. It nearly pulled his arm out of his socket but Dean threw the others on the bed with ease. "Is everything in this one?" Cas asked, panting after setting down the bag on Dean's bed next to the others.

"No actually... that was the lightest one." Cas stared at Dean and only just now saw the chiseled features on his face. His hair was shaved on the sides but stuck up on the top like it was defying gravity. Below his eyes, his nose pointed slightly up right above his cupid's bow.
His plump pink lips were slightly parted and they would look slightly feminine if not for the scruffy reddish brown thin beard surrounding it. Many moments of silence passed before Dean cleared his throat.

"You hungry?" He asked, setting a few flannels in the drawers. Cas opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something but closed it again. "I don't exactly know where the dining hall is..." he explained, blushing.

Dean looked up and cocked an eyebrow which made Cas blush even more. "How long did you get here before I did?" Cas sheepishly looked up at Dean. "A few hours before you. I arrived at three." Dean looked over at the cheap alarm clock on the desk that read seven.

"Holy crap Cas... you've been here for over four hours and still haven't found the dining room?" Castiel shook his head and went over to sit on his bed. "Have you even left the room?" Cas shook his head and scratched the back of his neck, his face turning an even deeper shade of red.

"No..." Dean smirked at sat on a chair across from the blushing man and his smirk melted into a genuine smile. "C'mon." Cas looked up, the blush no longer on his face. "Where are we going?" Panic slightly fluttered in his chest.

"Dude. It's a Saturday night, we're going to a party." Cas stood up, his breathing quickened. He started talking before Dean could calm him down. "What if I get lost or on our way back and we get killed what if we get drunk or get lost..." Cas rambled on about random scenarios that sounded crazy to Dean.

"Novak! Calm down, man." Dean yelled and put his hands and Cas' shoulders. "Dude. What the Hell?" Cas shook his head and his breathing quickened. "Dean! I don't think you understand the probability of something happening to us! What if we get kidnapped or... something goes wrong?"

"Okay, Novak. Take a breath. Take a long deep breath." Cas breathed in with only a few hitches in the pattern. "Okay. Another one." Cas nodded and did it, starting to feel just a little better. "You okay now?"

The worry was filling up Dean's sea green eyes. "Yeah... I think so." Cas' lips lifted into a slight smile. "Thank you, Dean. Sorry... I know we just met and you probably think I'm a total 'nut case'." Dean smiled at the shorter man's air quotes.

"No... you're fine Novak. We all have packages of crap. You just started to unpack yours a little bit earlier. And hey, I get panic attacks too." Cas shook his head at the lump growing in his throat, making it hard to swallow.

"I get panic attacks for the most random things... almost all of them are irrational." Dean smiled and nodded. "I get it, it's not a big deal. Don't worry. My little brother Sammy is friggin' terrified of clowns. My dad used to take him to that Cooper Carnival place as a punishment."

Castiel's eyes widened a little bit. "Your father sounds like a very interesting man..." Dean nodded. "Yeah. He's... pretty interesting. That's one way to describe it." Dean waited a bit to continue. "So... you want to try a party? Only one beer, each. We can also stick together. Sound good?" Castiel nodded and pushed the nervousness further down into his stomach.

"Yes... I uh... I am ready to party." Dean smirked and unzipped one of his bags. He pulled out a dark red flannel. "Let me just get changed. Are you going in that?" His voice wasn't judgemental, but Cas could see what he meant.

He was wearing the clothing he wore when he first got to the building which had been his pajamas. He was so eager to get to school he hadn't even bothered to get dressed. "Oh... I suppose I should also get changed."

He grabbed some clothing from his neatly organized and folded drawers and headed towards the bathroom. "Dude... we're roommates. The whole point of sharing a room is..." Dean was cut off by the bathroom door closing.

He was greeted a few minutes later by Cas who came out of the bathroom looking like a completely different person. His once disheveled hair was replaced with a look Dean couldn't help but snort at. It was parted down the middle and slicked to the sides. He looked down to see a long sleeve light blue button-down tightly tucked into a pair of khaki pants.

"Dude. We're going to a party. Not church." Cas rolled up one sleeve and looked at Dean for approval. "Better?" Dean smirked at stepped up closer for Cas' comfort. He pulled his shirt out of his pants and rolled up the other sleeve.

"Hold on stay here. Change into these and meet me in the bathroom." He chucked a pile of clothing at Cas and walked towards the bathroom. Cas quickly hurried into the bedroom and threw on the clothing Dean had provided him with. He looked in the mirror next to his bed and saw the darker blue jeans with a red flannel similar to the one Dean was wearing.

"Done?" Dean called out. When Cas nodded, Dean took him into the bathroom and took a towel. He dunked it in the sink and waited until it was soaking wet. He motioned Cas over and put it on his head.

He wiped all the gel off and looked at Cas whose wet hair now sat drooping in every direction. Dean grabbed his own hair gel off the counter and grabbed a reasonable size in his hands. He pushed Cas' hair up and tousled his hair just a little.

"There. You look pretty cool now." Cas looked in the mirror and couldn't help looking twice. "Woah... thank you, Dean... I... I appreciate it." Dean slowly nodded and walked out, grabbing his keys with Castiel following close behind.

"Ready Novak?" Dean turned to Cas who was rubbing his hands on his blue jeans. "I think so... only one beer for you, and you cannot leave me alone unless we agree okay?" Dean nodded and looked Cas up and down. "You do look pretty badass. Okay. Let's go!"

Okay so I'm re-writing the entire fic because I hate how it's written. Yeet skeetily sweet deet here we go! Rewritten part 2

maybe not just friends {AU College Destiel Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now