One More Time

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"Hello, Castiel. Can I talk with you for a second?" Cas looked up at the doctor. "Sure." he sighed. "Are you doing alright?" Cas rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Just peachy. Hey, can I go home?" The doctor shook his head. "I'm sorry Castiel. You won't be going home for a while." Cas stopped walking and turned around.

"I'll be in my room." he stomped back in his room and made a vow. If he couldn't even hear himself, he wouldn't even bother talking again.

Four weeks had passed. Cas fell into a depression. He couldn't hear himself. He couldn't hear Dean. It wasn't worth it anymore. Cas was moved to the psychic ward. Without speaking, Cas had demanded that he left the hospital. When Dean disagreed, Cas threw himself at the Winchester and started beating him. 

Now, he was sitting in group, dressed in black hospital sweats, flicking his wrist with a rubber band. "Castiel? Today are you feeling more angry or depressed?" Cas just glared at her, flicking the rubberband harder. "Both do you think?" Cas didn't nod, but he didn't shake his head. At the moment he was feeling... not good.

"Okay. It's been a good group you guys. Let's go to dinner and wrap it up." Castiel stood up from his chair and walked out of the day room. He went straight to his room and closed the door. He sat on his bed and tucked his knees into his stomach.

He got up and went to the phone outside in the hall. He dialed Dean's number.
"Hello?" Cas opened his mouth and closed it. He could barely hear Dean. He pushed the phone closer to his ear. "Cas?" Dean breathed. Cas could only guess what Dean said because everything was so muffled. "Cas I'm going to come and visit you soon okay? I just have to get Sam and Jess settled." Cas hung up the phone and went to go back to his room. Somebody put a hand on his shoulder. "It's time for dinner. I can-" Cas' shoulder began burning. Last time somebody sat their hand on his shoulder it was Dean. Cas turned around and punched the tech directly in the nose. Blood gushed out and the man fell to the floor.

"Castiel!" The nurse yelled, running towards him. "Not okay!" she said. She looked down at the tech on the floor. "You know there's no physical contact. Not with the patients." Cas nodded and looked down. This wasn't on him. "We can't do anything about it because you violated the rules. Castiel, from now own, you need to behave or else we're isolating you."

Cas just tightened his jaw. "Castiel, you do need to go to dinner. You know it's part of the rules." Cas just shook his head but began walked towards the dining hall. He sat and lifted up his tray. Deli sandwich. Cas pushed it away as nausea settled in his stomach. His jaw was getting tighter by the minute and he needed to punch something. 

He got up and turned towards the wall. Right as he was about to drive his fist through it, Dean walked into the room. "Cas..." Dean mouthed. Or maybe he didn't, maybe it was just too quiet for Cas to hear. 

Cas' jaw tightened one more time and he shoved Dean. "Cas c'mon!" he shouted loud enough for Cas to hear. Cas just stopped and turned around. He grabbed Dean's hand and marched them to his room. 

"Cas... what's going on man? You shouldn't be in the psych ward!" Dean's eyes looked over Cas' hardened features. "Why are you so angry Cas?"

Cas' face fell and he just looked so... tired. "Cassie... what's wrong?" Cas just shook his head and climbed into Dean's lap. He began to lay down and he pulled Dean with him. Cas turned to face Dean so that their noses were touching. It took all of Dean's willpower not to just start kissing him, then and there. Cas pulled Dean closer to him and nuzzled his nose into Dean's neck before beginning to cry softly.

"Cassie, what's going on?" Dean realized that was Cas doing had zero sexual intentions behind it. Cas was just... not happy. "Cas can you talk to me?" Cas just shook his head. Dean sighed with the knowledge that Cas could probably barely hear him and he was borderline yelling. Dean pulled out his phone and opened the notes app.

I can't hear anything you're saying... what's the point of talking if I can't hear my own voice?

So I can hear it.

Dean looked up and Cas and kissed his nose. "This is my fault," he said with a sigh, talking louder and in Cas' right ear. Cas shook his head and pointed at himself, jabbing his finger into his chest. "If we hadn't gotten in the fight you wouldn't have had to call Sam and you would have never gone into this hole that's been dug for you.

Cas opened his mouth and Dean looked hopeful. Cas just shook his head and nuzzled closer to Dean, his nose in the crook of his neck.

Dean pulled him in closer and wrapped his arms around him. "I'm here Cas... I'm here." Dean tried to say it in a gentle voice, but he spoke loudly so Cas could hear him. 

Over the next couple of weeks, Dean would come to visit Cas in the hospital every day. They took ASL classes together, and every once in a while, Sam would join them. Whenever Sam came in, Cas hid behind Dean like a scared toddler. 

"Cas..." Sam looked at Cas. Sam just smiled and fingerspelled. It's okay.

Cas smiled and put his hand on his chin before moving it outwards and spelling out Sam's name. 

Thank you, Sam.

"Very well done!" The sign language teacher announced. "You three have made excellent progress in the past month."

Especially you, Cas. she signed, nodding. I think it's safe to say you're fluent. Cas shrugged. It helps that I took it in high school.

Dean looked over. "We should think about going back next year..." he said, watching as the teacher signed it over to Cas. He just shrugged, putting both of his palms up and moving them like a seesaw. Maybe.

They chatted and signed for a little more before the doctor walked in with an interpreter. 

Cas, she signed after the man moved his lips. How would you feel about getting discharged soon?

Cas nodded. He made a fist and moved it up and down, then he put his hand on his chest and moved it in a circular motion. 

Yes... please.

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