Chapter 6

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(Your point of view)

I was training a new Pokémon I had just caught when I heard a scream. Of course I ran as fast as a could towards the direction of the scream. My new Eevee ran behind me trying to keep up. When I had finally arrived I saw a little girl on the ground crying.

I said "What's the matter?"

The girl sniffled and said "They took Popplio..."

I asked "Who?"

The girl said "Those mean team skull grunts."

I said "I'll get your Popplio back ok?" I helped her up and said "Meet me here in about an hour and I will have him with me."

The girl nodded her head and went home.

*Time skip brought to you Gladion's Silvally*

I was at the door of Po town. The rain was rapidly hitting my face and the cold ferocious winds smacked me around like a kitten smacks around a ball of yarn. I get Acerola's uncle to open up the door and I go in. Grunts looks at me and then scamper away. I go through Guzma's rotting house and I get to his door. A grunt is standing guard. A answer three stupid questions which were What's the boss's favorite movie, his favorite drink, and his favorite type. Which I answered Beat up, Tapu cocoa, and Bug types. They ask if I'm sure and I say "No"

They let me in saying that I fit in and I go into guzma's chambers. I see Gladion there with him and then Guzma holding a knife to the Popplio's throat. I make my presence known but saying "You should really change those passwords Guzma, a fool could figure it out."

Guzma looks at me and says "You realize I have a knife to it's throat right?"

I ask "So you just assume I wanted it back. What if I wanted to join you guys?"

Gladion looked at me slightly confused. Guzma replied "Yeah right."

I laughed and said "You caught me I'm here for the Pokémon but remember if you even scratch that little Pokémon I will jab that knife straight into your neck."

Gladion looked at me and said "(y/n)!"

Guzma said "The girl does have backbone!"

I said "Smartly if I didn't then would I have been able to beat you?"

Guzma said "Just take it back! Then getting out your voice is annoying!"

I took the Popplio and me and Gladion walked out. He grabbed my hand and I asked "Why were you there anyways?"

Gladion said "I saw those grunts taking the Popplio and decided to get it back for here. I'm guessing you heard her scream?"

I replied "Yeah..."

Gladion and I used the pager rider Pokémon Charizard and we rode back to the little girl. I was right on time with 2 minutes to spare. Luckily the girl was there and I gave her back her Pokémon.

Me and Gladion then went back to my house and he said "Your mom home!"

I shook my head no and invited him to stay for a while. We went up into my bedroom and talked and hung out some.

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