Chapter 20

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(Lille's point of view)

I was getting ready for my date with Hau. I was wearing my white skirt and baby blue frilly tank top. He rang my doorbell, and I yelled "Come in!!!" I heard the door open and then close. What I didn't hear was Hau say anything. Which isn't normal. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I was about to say something when a hand cupped my mouth and something hit my head.

*Time skip brought to you by Shady Characters*

I woke up to see a middle aged man wearing a blue coat and an Anchor necklace. It also had some weird symbol.

He said "Good your awake."

I asked "Who are you and what do you want with me?!"

He said "I'm Archie leader of Team Aqua and that little (y/n) character will try to save you and we need her captured to get someone else."

I said "Who would that be?"

He walked away. I didn't know how long I would be here. But I didn't want (y/n) involved.

(Your point of view)

I was pacing furiously. We had just found a note from Lille's kidnapper. I was so worried, but they said that if I gave myself to them than Lille would be free. That was a pretty good deal but I couldn't be a prisoner again. Not with what happened last time.

That's when someone walked into the Pokémon center that I thought I never would see again. There stood Maxie (leader of Team Magma) and Steven Stone (The hoenn champion).

Maxie walked over to us and saw me and how bruised I had been.

He said "What happened Kid?"

Gladion stood in front of me glaring.

I put my hand on Gladion's shoulder and said "It's ok Gladion he's a friend."

Gladion stepped by but his glare was still there.

Steven came and saw me and said "What happened (N/n)?"

I said "You know the normal, I'm kidnapped by my boyfriend's crazy evil mother and raped and tortured. Was suppose to die but turns out I just won't die like a lot of bad guys want."

So here's the deal on Steven. I had gone to the hoenn region on vacation and met him. We ended up dating and he broke my heart because I was to young. Of course I was 11 at the time and he was 16. Now I'm 15 and he is 20.

Maxie said "Do you ever stay out of trouble?"

The scoop on Maxie and Archie is well while I was dating Steven I helped him beat them with my mom's meowth. Yes I know that is a little abnormal but I did.

I said "Not really Maxie. Of course now that I'm the Champion of Alola I guess it brings me more trouble."

Steven said "Your the Champion?"

I said "Yes, but now back to the matter at hand. Why are you guys here? I'm guessing Archie is the one who kidnapped my friend and wants me to get Steven?"

Maxie said "The way you figure out things is truly an amazing gift Kid. But yes that seems to be the case."

Gladion said "No way I'm not letting you be caught again."

I said "If its to save Lil-"

Gladion interrupted me "You almost died and you still healing. I'm not meeting you."

I sighed and called out Rowdy. I said "I'm getting her back but I'm using Steven as bait."

Steven said "What!"

I said "Don't worry he won't actually get you, and besides even if he did I would save you. Shesh." I rolled my eyes and said "Rowdy I need you to use this note to track Archie." I then scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to Rowdy. I said "Then give this to him. Then come right back. If he tries to capture you then hit him with a good leaf blade." I winked at the Pokémon before it took off.

Steven said "You think a Pokémon can handle something of this magnitude?"

I stood up straight and said "Rowdy can I mean he already has helped me save the world once. Besides I'm the champion it's my job to protect my region and if need be the whole world."

Hau jumped on me and hugged me. He said "And that's why your the best Champ ever!"

I said "Thanks Hau." I smiled before adding "But get off me your crushing me!"

Hau jumped off immediately and said "Sorry..."

Lycanroc came out on its own and jumped up on me. I said "I was about to call you out bud."

Maxie said "You certainly have a strong bond with your Pokémon don't you."

Gladion said "Not just her Pokémon any Pokémon honestly connects with her."

Hau said "That's what makes her so cool!"

I blush and say "I'm not that great..."

Hau tackled me again and said "YOUR AMAZING NOW STOP DOUBTING YOUSELF!!!!"

I got away from him and said "Come on follow me you guys..." I mumbled "Man I miss Lille she normally stops Hau from jumping on me like my Lycanroc."

I heard Steven laugh but I didn't really care.

We made it to the docks.

Maxie said "Why are we here?"

I replied "The not I gave Rowdy said

~ Dear Archie,
I want my friend back so I'm offering you a trade. Steven stone for Lille. I know you want him and I need Lille back. Meet me at the docks at 5:00.
                                     Sincerely, (y/n)~

I said "Lycanroc I need you to take Hau and everyone other than me and Steven to a hiding place. I'm going to try to battle him but I might need back up." I grab Steven's Pokémon.

He said "Hey give those back!"

I said " if they see that you have Pokémon then they will know something's up. Besides Hau said I can bond with all Pokémon. If that's true then I will be able to use your Pokémon." I threw out a small torchic. I bent down to the little one and said "Lille is most likely going to be in chains so I need you to go and hid. When they arrive I want you to cut the Chains when they aren't looking." I then stood up and threw out Skarmony. It said "Skar!!!"

It took its head and nuzzled it next to my hand. I said "Go with torchic and help fly her in close to Lille. She's going to be the blond in white. Be stealthy though. Which I know you can manage that."

With that everyone went to their hiding place. It was time to get back Lille.

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