Chapter 13

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Silvally was growling at my sister. Rowdy came out of its pokeball and glared at my family. Of course I had told him about the last time I saw them.


"Dad!" I said.

He glared at me and said "You little b****"

I said "What?"

He said "How dare you! Your going to Alola to be a Pokémon trainer!"

I screamed "Its my decision! You might have divorced mom and my siblings might love you but I will never!" With that I ran out of his house and met mom in the car. We drove to the airport to go to Alola.

End of Flashback

My sister said "Oh look she has a Pokémon did you fail at that to?" My siblings started to laugh.

I laughed and said "If you call being the Champion failing then sure."

My brother replied "Yeah sure and I'm the King of the world."

Gladion said "Ask anyone who the Champ is everyone who's from here knows it's her."

I replied "To bad you don't have Pokémon or else I could beat you right now."

Your Dad laughed and said "You should know some things have changed since you left."

My sister, Greta said "Battle me." She held up a Pokeball.

I said "Fine but we better go out on the beach it will give us more space."

I left Gladion's warm embrace, me and my sister went down onto the beach.

She said "Let's go! Jolteon!"

I replied "Rowdy I need your help!"

She said "Use tackle!" It was fast but the sand slows down Pokémon.

I said "Counter with leafage!" The green orbs flew chasing Jolteon. I then said "Now fly up!" Rowdy did as he was told and watched Jolteon get hit by leafage.

I said "Now use brave bird!" Rowdy swooped down at incredible speeds.

Greta said "Counter with Volt Tackle!"

But Rowdy has already reached Jolteon and hit it with all its might.

Greta said "Get up Jolteon!"

I said "Rowdy let's finish this use spirit shackle!"
The piercing arrow flew at Jolteon and struck it.
It fainted and Greta returned it.

She said "Well at least you can defeat my weakest Pokémon."

I returned Rowdy and said "Machoke come on out!"

She said "Let's go Honchcrow!"

I said "Machoke use dual chop!"

She said "Honchcrow dodge it!" It was fast that was for sure but we could handle it.

I said "Machoke!" He looked back at me and nodded. I smirked and nodded to.

Greta said "What are you doing?"

I replied "Something I've been working on."

Machoke started to run in the waves until he couldn't be seen. Honchcrow flew around the area very confused. That's when about half a mile away Machoke came back on the beach.

He started running and when Honchcrow wasn't looking I said "Use dual chop and end this!"

He jumped up and did dual chop on Honchcrow's back. Honchcrow hit the ground with a hard thud. It had fainted.

Greta had the tiniest bit of fear in her eyes.

I was about to send out my next Pokémon when we heard someone scream "Lille!"

I knew that voice it was Hau.

Hau came running down and said "(Y/n)! Gladion! Lille she was... hit by a car!"

I called out Rowdy. I said "Go get Lille and take her to the hospital, ok?"

Rowdy nodded and took off to get Lille. A few seconds later we saw him carrying Lille towards the hospital.

I turned to my sister and said "I have to go but we'll finish this later."

My sister said "You leave then you forfeit."

I toke out a Pokéball and said "This is my Popplio it has a cool ability called healer. It will help with Lille. Tell the doctors it's from Me they'll know what to do." I gave them Popplio.

Hau said "Just focus on winning so you can get to the hospital as fast as you can."

Gladion said "But now you don't have Rowdy?"

I replied "It'll be fine trust me would ya." I smiled at him and he grunted a fine.

I said "I call on you, go Tocannon!"

She said "Let's go Venusaur!"

I said "Just keep using Flame charge!"

Tocannon did as it was told and sooner or later Venusaur was fainted.

*Time skip brought to you by bratty siblings*

I had won of course and then I took off with out another word. Rowdy had came back for me and flew me to the hospital.

I walked in and saw Popplio in a tube next to Lille.

Hau got up and said "(y/n)!"

Gladion didn't move. I walked over to Popplio and said "You doing ok bud?"

It barked and I said "I'm going to take more of your healing power ok?" I turned the dial up two notches and then I turned around and hugged Gladion.

He didn't move. I said "Everything is going to be fine."

Hau asked "How do you know that?"

I replied "I just do but I have to go and deal with something I'll see you guys later.

*Time skip brought to you by Evil family members*

Me and Rowdy were looking of a cliff when I felt someone push me. I started to tumble down the cliff. I saw my father smirking and Rowdy was flying quickly to get me.

A rock hit my head and I blacked out.

(Rowdy's point of view)

I thought "I must get her!" I accelerated and finally got to her but she was bleeding. I rushed her to Lille's room in the hospital.

Hau screamed "(y/n)! Rowdy what happened, is      (y/n) ok?!"

Gladion got up and said "Rowdy is she alright? Who did this?"

I had to tell them but first I shook my head no and showed them that she was bleeding.

They called a nurse and took her away. I then grabbed a piece of paper and tried to scratch in the word 'Dad'. It was hard but I finally got it and I chirped. They took the paper from me and Gladion said "Dad? Her dad did this to her?"

I shook my head yes and growled lowly thinking of him.

Gladion said "Team skull runs into Lille and then    (y/n)'s dad does this!"

Hau said "We better call (y/n)'s mom."

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