Sarine Libertad

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-AN: all places used are made up places created by me but it takes place in Spain the italic is all of the memories, the basic font is her talking now-

It was a sunny morning in the quaint town of Sarine Libertad Spain, it was a small village but a wealthy one, it had a home-like feel of isolation, this place was one of the rarer places that didn't have racism, but equal rights but some people where indeed disagreeable, mostly the younger residents of this village, despite the equal rights there are still social standpoints like high class and low class, or in fact middle class, but this doesn't affect the happy atmosphere any.

Young Lady Messorem just was awoken, to the sounds of her mother Tatiana Animarum singing beautifully in the dining room making their traditional Sunday breakfast that was made by her and not the servants. Messorem squinted as the sunlight hit her tan frail face and reflected off her big sky blue eyes and her beautiful midnight locks of straight hair, messy from her sleeping despite the red ribbon tying it back. Messorem climbed from under her silk sheets arising from her feather stuffed pillow, her feet hit the cold wooden floor of the villa, smooth under her feet, she happily skipped to her wardrobe opening the door and pulling out her royal blue gown decorated with stitched flower designs gold of color, and she pulled off her nightgown and slipped on her dress and ran to her window stepping out onto the porch that was connected to it she looked down at the town around her and waved and yelled greetings to some of the people walking, with baskets of fruits and vegetables in their hands, they waved back enjoying the sight of the kind child giving her a smile, she then ran to her door opening it and running down the hall to the stairs leading to the first level of their villa where her mother was putting together a breakfast of freshly made bread and charred butter, ham, and eggs accompanied with a cup of cold milk.Her mother was singing as she ran up to her and hugged her tightly saying ''Good morning mama, I love you'' in her cheery voice her mother smiled looking down at her daughter hugging her back in response and saying ''yo tambien te amo cariño mio'' then chuckling seeing her daughters hair a knotted mess from her sleeping she picked up her frail daughter carrying her up the stairs to her room and sat her on the chair in front of the mirror and grabbed the brush from the small drawer and taking the lace ribbon out of her hair and placing it gently on the wooden top, then gently stroking the brush through her daughters tangles sorting out the knotted mess till her daughters hair was smooth and soft ''woah! mama you do so nice with my hair I want to be like you when I'm grown!'' the happy little girl said gleefully.

innocent I was...

Few hours have passed since the morning, Tatnum, messorems father was playing the guitar as her mother danced the flamenco to it in the showroom, Messorem watched intently at her mothers graceful moves and her fathers dark nimble fingers, wishing more than ever to be like them when she was grown she wanted to be a musician and a singer, she wanted to sing as beautifully as them, she stood in front of the crowd with some of the older folk who always gave her candies and sweets and her favorite berries, just like her aunt Erica who was living in France because that's where her husband was from and he didn't want to leave his home village, they occasionally visited as often as they could. Soon as the show came to a closing at dusk, Tatnum and Tatiana were dueting and Tatnum was playing his guitar in unison, eventually, the show came to its end and the crowd clapped and put peseta (money) in the big baskets filling them to the brim, Messorems parents bowed in appreciation and thanked the crowd.Once most of the crowd left a few remained to talk to Messorems parents, mentioning something about "Bandidos de sangre" who lured away children with toys and did ungodly things to them, young messorem didn't understand what they where talking about other than the Bandidos were bad men and that she should stay away from them, as this came to a close Tatiana carried Messorem home who was sleeping in her arms, With her father at her mothers side carrying his guitar in his case that was like a swords but it was strapped to his back, in his hands he carried the sacks of peseta, two big leather sacks holding all the earned profit.

Bandidos de sangre: Blood Bandits

yo tambien te amo cariño mio : i love you too my darling

Pesta:The currency at the time

Sarine Libertad : The town i created the name translates to Sarine freedom

-AN: I used translate forgive me if any of the Spanish is wrong-

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