~Out there~

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Hi! Sorry if this sucks.. but I always wanted to write a ereri/riren fanfic... heh as you can tell this is my first one... I'll try to post every 2 days or so probably more but don't be surprised. Also I'll try to may the characters as realistic as plausible ! Thank you and enjoy~


Eren' P.O.V:

I swirled my spoon in my bowl of cereal not rushing as I looked over at the clock watching as the second hand ticked continuously.
Sighing armin walked into the kitchen grabbing and apple before he looked at me
"Eren you should probably hurry, we have to be there in 20 minutes!"
He said urgently pushing my bowl of cereal
"Do i have to go?"
I asked spinning in my chair bordly
Armin took hold of my shoulder  and looked into my eyes
"Yes! Now get up and dressed before school starts! I'll be down stairs "
He said as he let go of his grip from my shoulder and runs out the door if the apartment leaving me alone with my thoughts.
'I hate when he does

I Sighed and threw my backpack on my shoulders grabbing my sketchbook and heading down stairs after armin who was already heading the way of the college campus without me
The concrete oddly echoed my steps as I looked down at my feet walk by slower than usual.


I heard this yell and knew exactly who had called my name in such a attempt to get my attention from my feet


I looked up to see a raven haired mikasa standing in front of me armin leaning on her.
She reached out for me and gave me a rib crushing hug

"Mi-mikasa.. I.. need to... b-breath"

I struggled to catch my breath as she let go scratching her neck replying to my words

"Heh... sorry.."

Shrugging I turned my frown I had that day to a smile
"It's fine Mika.."

She replied not with words but with the same gentle smile but armin and her still had worried eyes

Armin, mikasa and I walked side by side into the school. 
All three of us frowning when we waved goodbye to mikasa as armin and I walked to out class room.
My eyes traveled to the ground again as  we went to our seats that we happily had next to each other knowing from the first day of college we wanted to be close by

I took out my sketch book I had kept in my hands and traced my finger along the sides opening it slowly
Not noticing armin was watching me as I did this and opened to a page where there was a messy sketch.

I mumbled quietly to myself , as I tried to close my eyes remembering the stern mans figure, along with his facial features. As I did so a tear fell down cheek staining it.


I heard armins voice and wiped my tear quickly  before looking the direction of blonde to had always been there for me

"Cheer up.... okay?.. I'm sure he's out there"

I nodded painting a fake smile upon my lips
"Somewhere "
I mumbled once again turning to a clean page of my sketch book beginning to draw a stern steel eye, that both armin and I knew who it had belonged to.

'Where are you....'


🥀Ayyye so yeah! Sorry that was short I'll try to do better soon okay? Okay byyye 🥀

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