~Not wrong~

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Eren's POV

"Eren jaeger "

I heard those words as I looked at levi still teary eyed.
'He said my full name, how does he know my full name?! Does he remember!'

I got myself excited for him to say another word before hanji said something instead

"Levi? Are you okay?"
She asked softly

"Eren jaeger "
He repeated quietly

"Levi!" Hanji had very loudly
"What the hells wrong?!"

She asked walking to the smaller male and placed a hand on his shoulder gripping it tightly.

He seemed to snap out of his daze of  he world and look at her, then me.

He pointed to me

"You're name is Eren jaeger, is it not?"
My love asked


'Dammit stop stuttering Eren!'

"Eren.... sounds familiar..."
Levi had a look of curiosity on his face, as he raised an eyebrow

"Foureyes help me with this.. I know him, I don't know how"
He looks up at hanji blinking a couple of times before completely giving her all his attention

"How do I know him?"

Hanji just smiled and shrugs
"You have to figure that out yourself .."

I wanted to strangle her, why won't she tell him?! Why won't she Just say
You used to be with him! You used to gift along side him! You used to love him and I was the only other one who knew!

But again why didn't I say anything either?

Levi nods and begins to walk out the library still having a confused look in his face, that had a pinch of annoyance

He was ahead of us already  with armin As I stopped hanji in her tracks

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed


"Why didn't you tell him?! "

"About what?"
My face turned red from anger at Hanji's clueless attitude

"About the past! About us!"
I yelled to loud and begun to hear a librarian shush me

"Like I said to him, he had to figure it out for himself"

"Squad le- Hanji! "

"What? I bet you figured it out for yourself, did mikasa or armin say anything to you?"

Shaking my head my face turned even more red
"No, but they have the patience for me I can't wait any longer! I need him to remember... I need my levi back"

Hanji began to squeal loudly making the librarian shush her as well
"Shut up! I'm fangirling! "
She pouted, and I just rolled my eyes

Taking a deep breath hanji sighed
"I know Eren and I'm sorry but if you don't wait, he probably won't remember all together.
There's a possibility that if you tell levi about his past, he might go crazy with to many memories and could forget his memories form now, or might not believe you and not talk to us again.
And I've been looking for him for awhile now, I don't want to lose my best friend again"

As hanji told me this the tears from before came back again

"Then what do I do?.... I want him back... I want him in my arms again"
I looked up to hanji and saw her bite her bottom lip obviously containing a squeal
Before she hugged me.

"How about, we help him remember. But we don't tell him.
I've been doing this for a year now with him, and so far he remembers bits and pieces.
For examples having dreams about the past and he had said that he had 'awful senses of deja vu' "

I nod and give a slight smile that had sad draw over my lips.
Nonetheless she smiled back

"Oi! Brat, shitty glasses. We've been waiting for 5 minutes now.. do you plan to get out of this dump anytime soon? Or do I have to drag you.."

Levi threatened us, but hanji just smiled

"We'll be there in moment ravioli "
She yelled back to him before the librarian got angry at the both of them
'Ravioli?' I wondered to myself

"We should go... the librarian is going to have a fit." It'd her and laughed  looking over at hanji who nods in agreement and gives a bigger laugh

"Yeah... but first, I need to know you
understand to play along... and try your best not to do anything suspicious" her smile and laugh faded as she ended her sentence

"Yes I understand squad lead- er hanji"
Replying I stumbled over my words

She just ignores the stuttering and smiles

'This woman and her constant changing expressions'

"Let's catch up with the love your life~"
She sings and walks away before I could hit her

I blush bright red and run after her who has  already reached armins side smiling.

"Damn you.."
she chuckles and puts her hands in the pockets of the jacket she was wearing

'But she's not wrong...'


Word count: 800

🥀Thank you for reading people who have gotten this far! Thank  Oi so much for reading this, I appreciate it. Though none of you are probably reading this... I love youuu!!!!❤️ 🥀

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