~How he died..~

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Eren POV

What did he see? What did I miss? Can I even help him?

It hurt to see this broken mess in front of me...

It was a few minutes later, about 30 and he is starting to speak English but still some French o words he is to embarrassed to say in English.


"Oui- yes "
I held him in my lap on the ground by his couch. The white carpet making it less uncomfortable.

"Will you tell me what happened?"
"....." he wouldn't answer me but I NEEDED to know, I can't have my love broken without help

He shook his head looking away from me, but I knew why...
He wiped his he tears that were falling down his cheeks.

His mask is destroyed
But he wants it back so desperately


"Dieu Dammit Eren... stop..."
I got a bit frustrated
"No, I'm not stopping until you tell me. I can't help until you say what you saw!"

"Drop it! You can't help me you damn brat! You can't!"
He stood up in rage his fists clenched

"Then just tell me what it was so I can comfort you! This isnt just hurting you! Stop being so fucking selfish!"

Dammit... I wish I hadn't said anything

"Your right... I am selfish arnt I?"

"No- levi that's not what I -"

"My selfishness caused so many lives..... I should have ended it the first time I cut...."
He talked quietly but I could still here him my eyes widened 'cut? D-did he..'

"I'm a fucking burden, and you deserve better. No one needs me anymore, I'm not humanity's strongest anymore. I'm weak, and I was before. They could have killed the titans without me... "

I wanted to cry as I stood up still a few feet away from him. I didn't know what to say...

"Levi... I didn't mean it, I'm sorry it hurts but I want to know to comfort you! Please just tell me!
I thought you said you would tell me anything. Especially if it's hurting you"

I looked up and down at him who's head was down but slowly lifted up, showing the fakest smile I had ever seen him wear. That faded quickly to his 'normal ' stoic expression.

"No, it's fine. I'm fine"

This hurt, it felt as if someone stabbed me in my heart. Because for a moment.

Just a moment

I believed he was truly alright

He has never lied to me before

Levi came a bit closer and pecked me on my lips before starting to walk away. I grabbed his wrist, before he could. I pulled him back Tears streaming down my cheeks. I looked him in his eyes and saw worry .

"I can't believe you..,"

"What are you-"

"Don't you dare, Finish that  fucking sentence!"
His eyes were a wide

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