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Erens POV

I thought I was dreaming... the best goddamn dream I had every had...
I looked up and down at the man, seeing his disgusted face before I began to tear up

"Tch.... "

He had clicked his tongue before looking up at me...
His eyes shined as he did this and my heart raced preparing for him to hug me and hold me as I cried

"Why the fuck are you crying?... watch out next time  brat-..."

He hadn't finished his sentence before I dove to give him a hug

"Levi! "

I cried into his shoulder before he pushed me off

"Fucking brat! Who the hell are you?!

My heart shattered to those words, the words I was terrified to hear
'It's him... it had to be,  he looked similar from before,
he had the same  gaze, that look on his face. That he didn't give a fuck... his figure.
But something was different, wrong even...
I thought to myself

"Answer me..Who- what ever... I dont really give a fuck"
He began to walk away my heart breaking more.
I suddenly have grabbed his arm pulling him back
'What the fuck am I doing?!'

"Let me go..."

His Voice became a low tone and kicked me away

I held my stomach in pain both physically and emotionally, and I began to cry

"You look pitiful, get up..."

He said looking down at me as I cried

"Why the hell are you crying?"
He asked

"Was I truly that hard?"

My face was against the concrete thoughts zipping through my head
' he doesn't remember me... he doesn't remember a thing'

"Fine don't answer me..."

He began to walk away again. His time I didn't stop him, but continued
to lay on the side walk until I heard a scream obviously coming from mikasa becoming louder and louder as she ran to me

"Eren?! What happened ?!"
Armin asked as he followed her

'He didn't remember me..... not a thing'
I replayed what had happened over and over again through my head

"Who the hell are you"

"You look pitiful "

I did this until I passed out from sadness

Later ~

That night I woke up in a room that had mikasa and armin sitting down talking to each other as I sat up slowly and placed my hand over the wet rag on my forehead


Mikasa smiles worriedly and nuzzles her face into my neck

"W-what happened ?"

I asked confused  looking at the  two of them

"I don't know... we should ask you that..."

The confused look on my face stayed the same. Until it came flooding back to me,  every thing that had happened the hours passed.

Dissolve beneath my feet... (Ereri/riren story)Where stories live. Discover now